Hi Paulinka and Vickie22!! I'm Brandi, from Kitchener, but living in Brantford. My husband Mike and I have 3 kids, Zoe age 4.5 years, Isaiah age 3 years (on December 1) and Anberlin, who is 6 months old today.
OMG I cut Elliots finger so bad the other day when clipping his nails. Blood gushed everywhere. SO scared now to cut them
He is always moving his hands too and he is ALWAYS pulling his hair. His one hand has to always have a sock on it, because he pulls his hair and doesn't let go, and cries and cries. When I burp him over my shoulder, he reaches over and scratches the crap out of my back too. Crazy kid.
Yeah they were our GroupOn deal the other day here too! We don't do Christmas cards, I normally do thank you photo ones from her birthday and send those out.
We got an offer on the house but it was 5K below what we can accept financially so we had to turn it down. The people weren't willing to budge a bit on their offer which was 10K below our asking price... they also wanted us to include all appliances etc and window coverings and curtains etc for that price. We're hoping they may come back after awhile if nothing else works out for them.
J is in bed - night #3 of bed time routine has gone well, not sure how the rest of the night will go though.. it wasn't great last night.
I took J to sing & sign this morning, bought my pandora bracelet after lunch and dropped off some new jeans to be hemmed, took tim a coffee at work, went for a run with steph and came home and am now chilling... so even though it was a fairly busy day, friday night is once again a dud LOL. not that i mind that so much. we have a stag n doe to go to tomorrow... so that might be nice.
Im glad you got an offer Joss, at least its a start! Hopefully they come back with a counter offer at some point.
I don't like cutting my girls' finger nails either. When Alora was a baby, I cut her finger a couple times too from her squirming so much. I tried biting them too, and just couldn't do it. Clippers just work best for me.
Its not as bad now but I have to distract Alora with something. Kyree is pretty good though and knows whats going on now, and just gives me her hand.
Pretty boring night here too. Just relaxing a bit tonight before I have a massive day of cleaning tomorrow for Alora's birthday party on Sunday. I baked her cake earlier so I can put icing on it tomorrow.
You all have more going on than me my day was pretty boring aside from bring my 3 kids outside to play in the back yard but its so cold outside already buurrrrr came inside gave them dinner brushed teeth the only kid who isnt sleeping in my youngest i swear hes one of those energizing bunnies lol
hahaha Vickie22 (we are going to have to call you vickie22 as we already have a resident Vickie ). I hear there was snow in parts of BC and Alberta. It was actually beautiful here yesterday (in southern ontario) and normally we are jealous of you BCr's and your weather LOL. How old are your kid's??
LOL i can handle a bit of cold (around 10 degrees) as long as the sun is shining!! LOL
Currently starving myself for my WI at 11. why would anyone weigh in at 11... i don't want to eat before hand - thats why i book these appt's for 9 am usually. if i find the person who stole my 9am slot, they're gonna be REAL sorry
Babe is bathed and we're watching teletoon retro... Tim is sleeping.. first saturday in probably 3 months he hasn't worked.
was gonna post something... now i forget. oh yes... Paxton had a bath with J today LOL well not with her... when i was filling up the tub, J was in her bouncy chair and paxton jumped up onto the tub rim, and took 2 steps down into the tub.... when she realized how deep the water was, she tried to back out, but it was too slippery and fell in poor thing was freaked. i picked her up and put her down away from J - i was worried when she was trying to get out that she would jump and land on J as she had all her claws out, trying to get grip!
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