Yeah i think it was just a long day... tim took J for all of 10 minutes so i could look for HIS keys (which he lost). he came to bed long after we had gone. However, he drove the damn car to work today - which means its almost over. im getting very annoyed with that car these days. BUT i talked to him last night about work, and he has a ton of work right now, and i need him to take next thursday, friday & the monday off for our US trip... that means he has to finish 2 weeks of work before next wednesday... so either i wont see him at all or we don' go - or potentially don't see him at all and still don't get to go. i will be sad if we can't go.
Anyway - i think i was just worn out. but im ok now. i think i need to go for a run - i bet it will make me feel better! i want to do it sans baby though... and thats not gonna be possible, unless i do it at 6 and take J to my IL's.