Canadian TTC Buddy??

@lilosmom. I tested. :bfn: I wasnt expecting anything other then that. I'm sure that I'm still testing too early. Most women seem to get their :bfp: around 10dpo (way early) to 16 dpo. But because of my short 25 days I doubt I'll get my :bfp: before cd 26 or 15 dpo. The women in my family are also known for low HcG levels in the first 8 weeks. My mom didn't get a positive till she was 13 weeks with my sister. The blood test confirmed and she had an ultrasound done before it ever was positive on a home test. My BBs are soooo sore still. My DH hugged me last night and I saw stars when my BBs touched his chest. My CO is high soft and closed... Really high, I almost can't reach it and I'm getting loads of CM now. I bought 20 dollar store tests to I'm just going to keep testing every day till :bfp: or AF shows. Lol. If I'm wrong and AF comes in four days I'll be so shocked that my body played a huge trick on me and DH.
The only thing that I'm still not sure about is the tired feeling. I feel like I could nap all day but if I lay down its more just wanting to lay there with my eyes closed. But by bedtime at 10 or 11 I'm OUT as soon as I get into bed. I'm not sure if I'm just not sleeping well and that's why I feel tired or if I'm starting to feel some fatigue. Hoping for the fatigue :).
Enjoy your Monday!

And where did everyone else go?? I wonder how you are all feeling and doing!! Updates soon!!! Please :)
Well, it sounds like you know your body and if your mom had late positives then it's likely you will too. I was really expecting that :BFP: but I'll be checking in often to see your progress. Can't wait to introduce you to the "October babies due" thread!

:dust::dust::dust: your way!:hugs:
Where is everyone?? lol
Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Ladies! I'm still here! I've just been away from the computer for the last few days. My update? well, I am at 4DPO according to my best guess, and I am estatic as I think I've been mistaking the window of my O day! I decided to temp and OPK all this cycle and all signs point toward O day being CD10. I was always thinking it would be CD12-14 so we were probably missing the real fertile window altogether! We also made a point of BDing early early on and we went every single day until a few days past when I thought I o'd just to be sure. Now it's up to Mother Nature, because I'm pretty sure we got the timing right this month! FINALLY! LOL
So here's to baby dust for me and lots for all of you as well!!
Hi Ladies! I'm still here! I've just been away from the computer for the last few days. My update? well, I am at 4DPO according to my best guess, and I am estatic as I think I've been mistaking the window of my O day! I decided to temp and OPK all this cycle and all signs point toward O day being CD10. I was always thinking it would be CD12-14 so we were probably missing the real fertile window altogether! We also made a point of BDing early early on and we went every single day until a few days past when I thought I o'd just to be sure. Now it's up to Mother Nature, because I'm pretty sure we got the timing right this month! FINALLY! LOL
So here's to baby dust for me and lots for all of you as well!!

Hi!! Glad to hear your getting a ton of BDing in :winkwink:
The whole O thing is so frustrating! I used the online and iphone app guess-timate for last month and when I really paid attention, I found out that I O closer to CD6 or 8 rather then CD 12 like the calendars have been telling me. Im so excited for this cycle, since I know that we timed it right.
Im looking forward to seeing how things go for you!
Keep us up to date!!
Hi ladies, still checking in to see how things are going. I can agree with getting the timing right. I finally figured I o'd around cd 10 and well, this month it worked so I'm really hopeful for you both. Keep me updated on how things go.
It's almost 2 am... And I'm now officially one day late. Still bfn this morning but thats okay :). I have never been late. Ever. I have no AF bloating, cramping or any kind of feeling like she's coming at all. I keep getting quick waves of cramps and I keep running off to the bathroom thinking I've started and NOTHING! I'm exited! I'll keep testing until I know for sure what's going on
I'm so happy to see your ticker Lilosmom! Hope there will be some more coming.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!
Im confused!! Im still testing :bfn:!! I was due for AF already and I had a bit of bright red spotting this morning, then nothing but some brown or tan when I wiped this afternoon. Usually AF comes in full force for a few days along with cramping, bloating and everything. I calculated by the start of last AF that its been 3weeks+3days.. still to early to get a :bfp:?? Im certain that we BD'ed in time but maybe I Oed a little later and Im more like 15 dpo? GRRRR!! Since yesterday Ive been super hungry and my tummy is flip flopping like Im going to be sick sometimes... Im more confused by the lack of AF and the :bfn:

Has anyone else tested??
Hi Medic76097.... time to book in to see your doc... they can send you for a blood test- the hormone shows up there first and they can detect even small amounts. Because every woman is different and every pregnancy is different, you may not have enough of the hormone in your pee for the test to pick it up yet.
it is still sounding positive... my fingers are crossed for you!!
I am going to test next week... probably the 8th or wait until the 12th if I can manage....
Sorry ladies!! I'm still here!! Been busy with work and trying to figure out what's what with my body lately!! I'm hoping for a bfp soon but I have a feeling that it may be a long journey to get there!! Just staying as positive as I can and hoping for the best!! I hope all is well with everyone and hope everyone gets there bfp soon!! :dust:
Hi girls...haven't been on in a while..I see we have a BFP!!! Congrats exciting. I thought I was going to get one for sure this month..I had sooo many symptoms( I usually don't have any PMS symptoms) I had sore boobs, loads of CM lower abdominal pain like when I found out I was pregnant with Rian. I tested and got a BFN..then about 2 hrs later AF came!! I am at the end of my period now and I am expected to ov' between Feb 9-14...maybe we will make a Valentine's Day baby!!! DH works nights on Feb 9 and 10...I will have to catch him in the morning before work for a little action!!lol! Hope you are all well and we see some more BFPs soon!!
Hi girls...haven't been on in a while..I see we have a BFP!!! Congrats exciting. I thought I was going to get one for sure this month..I had sooo many symptoms( I usually don't have any PMS symptoms) I had sore boobs, loads of CM lower abdominal pain like when I found out I was pregnant with Rian. I tested and got a BFN..then about 2 hrs later AF came!! I am at the end of my period now and I am expected to ov' between Feb 9-14...maybe we will make a Valentine's Day baby!!! DH works nights on Feb 9 and 10...I will have to catch him in the morning before work for a little action!!lol! Hope you are all well and we see some more BFPs soon!!

Glad to see your still looking at things in a positive way! I like that.
Maybe you and I will be :bfp: buddies!
I had a visit from AF this morning and after a quick docs visit, he figures it was a chemical and took some blood work to comfirm... I should find out on monday. :( I guess maybe a Nov Bean?? lol
Hi girls, I haven't been on here for a while because work has been insanely busy that I almost felt like this month would be a no-go for baby making! But I think O-day is either today or tomorrow and we managed to squeeze in some :sex: yesterday... I'm feeling a little upset with myself that we didn't make more of an effort to try at least several days before O :( Between work and closing the purchase on our first house in a couple of weeks, I just feel like we wasted this month...sigh.

Lilsomom, I love seeing your pregnancy ticker too! It's motivating me to try harder next month if this cycle doesn't work out!

Does anyone else feel like life just gets in the way of family planning sometimes? It's so frustrating because I really want to get pregnant but other things just keep coming up!
Hi girls, I haven't been on here for a while because work has been insanely busy that I almost felt like this month would be a no-go for baby making! But I think O-day is either today or tomorrow and we managed to squeeze in some :sex: yesterday... I'm feeling a little upset with myself that we didn't make more of an effort to try at least several days before O :( Between work and closing the purchase on our first house in a couple of weeks, I just feel like we wasted this month...sigh.

Lilsomom, I love seeing your pregnancy ticker too! It's motivating me to try harder next month if this cycle doesn't work out!

Does anyone else feel like life just gets in the way of family planning sometimes? It's so frustrating because I really want to get pregnant but other things just keep coming up!
I find that work gets in the way of :sex: lol I work shift work and that means up all night, sleep all day for three days a week :wacko:

Maybe this will be your lucky month regardless... maybe less is more?? FXed
Hi Ladies! Its nice to find some fellow Canadians! I live in Calgary, enjoying the great weather today. I'm 35 and ttc #1.
Welcome to the thread canadadiva :) I'm also TTC #1...

Anyone else starting TWW again?? I'm 1 dpo today... Just going to try to stay cool :coolio: and not over analyze symptoms this cycle to keep myself sane haha.
Hi Ladies! How is everyone doing? I've been busy my end.... in the TWW right now... 10DPO. *sigh*
Hi canadadiva - I'm in Calgary, too! Glad to see another one in here!
Hi girls...haven't been on in a while..I see we have a BFP!!! Congrats exciting. I thought I was going to get one for sure this month..I had sooo many symptoms( I usually don't have any PMS symptoms) I had sore boobs, loads of CM lower abdominal pain like when I found out I was pregnant with Rian. I tested and got a BFN..then about 2 hrs later AF came!! I am at the end of my period now and I am expected to ov' between Feb 9-14...maybe we will make a Valentine's Day baby!!! DH works nights on Feb 9 and 10...I will have to catch him in the morning before work for a little action!!lol! Hope you are all well and we see some more BFPs soon!!

Glad to see your still looking at things in a positive way! I like that.
Maybe you and I will be :bfp: buddies!
I had a visit from AF this morning and after a quick docs visit, he figures it was a chemical and took some blood work to comfirm... I should find out on monday. :( I guess maybe a Nov Bean?? lol

Gotta keep positive...the power of attraction!! Put positive thoughts out get positive back. I'm hoping for a BIG POSITIVE this month!!lol. Sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy hun. Maybe we will get pregnant this month. November is a nice time to have a baby!!! It is hard sometimes to plan a family. DH works shift work so there are times that we miss our window of opportunity. Just gotta keep positive and do it any chance we get!! lol..Good luck:hugs:
Hi ladies, just thought I'd check in as we were away over the weekend. Nice to see a few more canucks on here. (hope you all don't mind me still posting in this thread but I just have to check in now and then to keep up on what's going on with you.) I'm sorry to hear about those that have been visited by AF and my fingers are crossed for those in a new cycle. November should be a great time to have a baby. My first was due Nov. 19th but she arrived Oct. 30th so I didn't get there but it was a nice time to be pregnant, not too big over the hot summer and baby has arrrived before you need to splurge on a maternity winter coat! I hope this is the month for all of you. But, no matter how long it takes don't give up because the end result is worth all the pain, heartache and frustrations we go through along the way.

Hi Ladies! Its nice to find some fellow Canadians! I live in Calgary, enjoying the great weather today. I'm 35 and ttc #1.
Welcome!! Totally jealous! We used to live in Calgary till last year. I cant complain about the weather way up north though. Its been a pretty mild winter. How long have you been TTC??

Welcome to the thread canadadiva :) I'm also TTC #1...

Anyone else starting TWW again?? I'm 1 dpo today... Just going to try to stay cool :coolio: and not over analyze symptoms this cycle to keep myself sane haha.
Im CD6 today, all three of my fertility apps are telling me that CD8 to CD15 is the time to get down to business!! Thankfully DH is home now full time and we are making this month count :blush: Im looking forward to this month. Last month was a whole bunch of guessing but things went well. I had a confirmed chemical, Af showed on the 3rd and I had bloodwork done that evening and then again on sunday... the upside of having a doctor that you work with thats willing to order bloodwork on the weekend. lol It was confirmed monday that it was in fact a chemical and we were given the green light to continue to try.
I LOVE to symptom spot so bring it on!! Keep us updated!

Gotta keep positive...the power of attraction!! Put positive thoughts out get positive back. I'm hoping for a BIG POSITIVE this month!!lol. Sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy hun. Maybe we will get pregnant this month. November is a nice time to have a baby!!! It is hard sometimes to plan a family. DH works shift work so there are times that we miss our window of opportunity. Just gotta keep positive and do it any chance we get!! lol..Good luck:hugs:
FXed for your :bfp: this month too. November babies would be nice! Shift work gets in the way in our house too, but we try to :sex: in the morning when I get home instead... DH swears its the best way to start his day. lol Let me know how you are doing and where you are in this cycle!

Hi ladies, just thought I'd check in as we were away over the weekend. Nice to see a few more canucks on here. (hope you all don't mind me still posting in this thread but I just have to check in now and then to keep up on what's going on with you.) I'm sorry to hear about those that have been visited by AF and my fingers are crossed for those in a new cycle. November should be a great time to have a baby. My first was due Nov. 19th but she arrived Oct. 30th so I didn't get there but it was a nice time to be pregnant, not too big over the hot summer and baby has arrrived before you need to splurge on a maternity winter coat! I hope this is the month for all of you. But, no matter how long it takes don't give up because the end result is worth all the pain, heartache and frustrations we go through along the way.

How have you been feelling?? Your always welcome to come and chat here! Its nice to see the ticker!

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