Can't admit to anyone else...

Can't see anything on this pic but really hope u get ur girl lily
Might be seeing something that COULD be a nub, but not sure ... if it is the nub though, it looks like a girly one to me.
Thanks Hailey! The sonographer told me that usually boy nubs are pretty obvious, since I couldnt tell the nub on here either, I'm really hoping she's right.
Hey ladies. I'm finally admitting to someone other than myself that I very, very much want to be carrying a girl. I've dreamt for years of having a child of my own, and I'm super excited about finally having one... but I've always fantasized about having a daughter. The only times I ever thought about having a son was when I contemplated the chances of having fraternal twins (which runs in my mother's family). Although I have absolutely no doubt that I will love my child more than anything else in the world regardless of its sex, I fear how I will react at my 20th week scan... my boyfriend can read me like a book, and the last thing I want to do is show any sign of disappointment.

The other day, I posted my 12th week scan photos in the Gender Prediction forum, and every single guess was boy. And I hate myself for feeling the way I do.
Just had to show off my beautiful girl : 28+3
She's beautiful memma! The first photo is sooo realistic with the skin color
Memma! Yay how special! What incredible photos. I am so so so glad you have the extra confirmation. I actually asked my obgyn at my appointment on Tues to please look at the gender again. He showed me the "coffee bean" and said there is no ways she is anything other than a girl. Still! I need to see her with my own eyes when she is out.

I typed out a whole long post a few weeks back replying carefully to everyone and then I lost it! So I just wanted to check in and say I haven't forgotten about any of you. And welcome Peach!

I've just been through a 5 week cycle of everyone in my household (including the dog!) having the gastro bug. Man how unfair to be bent over the loo at 30+ weeks pregnant! It started with DS2 and then a week later DS1 and then a week later me, then the dog (I spent an hour at 4am cleaning up the kitchen on my hands and knees with a scouring brush. I did cry) and then poor DS2 got it again -screaming in pain every 20 minutes for about 5 days with spasms. Luckily DH was spared.

Anyway, so I am now 34 weeks and so excited to meet this little one.
Yes welcome Peach...! Don't worry about how you're feeling - as you can see just from this thread alone, you're certainly not the only one :)

Danny that sounds awful...!! I HATE being sick, and I don't deal very well with vomit (anyone's vomit, haha!) so that would have been my worst nightmare! Hope you are all better now.
Can't believe you are 34 weeks...!

Who's next to find out now then..:?
I am so happy I read this. I very much feel the exact same way! I have identical boys and they are my everything I love them so very much. I just got a BFP and will make my appointment tomorrow but the MS is already around. It was unplanned we never decided on a 3rd and honestly I didn't want to do pregnancy again as my first experience was everything negative.

Yet here I am, I really want to be excited but I really really really want it to be a girl. I feel so guilty that I'll be disappointed with another boy. This is the last and I know that's why I am desperate for a girl. I already committed to it being a boy because I feel like that's what it's going to be, I am so afraid and sad I may not have my little girl😭 It makes me feel awful. I know I'd love my baby if its to be a boy but ugh. DH would like a girl but is fine either way. No one knows yet and won't for a bit but I too feel as though I'll hide it and say I don't mind or it's boy to accept it. I am dreading the are you hoping for a girl comments.

I always look at the girl stuff when shopping for my boys longing for a girl and I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about it. I don't want to give the impression I am unhappy with boys as it's very much so not true I was actually over the moon that my twins are boys rather than girls.

Anyway sorry I needed to get that out somewhere it's eating at me and I haven't even scheduled my confirmation and first scan yet!
I know how you feel koifish. We have 2 boys as well and really hoping for a girl. The tech guessed girl at our 12 week u/s so that really brought our hopes up, but nothing's for certain until the gender scan. I'm 14 weeks tomorrow, so its 6 weeks away, and feels like 6 years. Going by the symptoms, I kinda have a feeling its a girl because of the never ending ms, and the painful boobs every single morning, or even after I wake up from a nap. Seriously feels like engorgement. I've never had any of these with my boys. Dh was over the moon, and still is ever since we got a girl guess from the tech.
Ha ha Memma I also can't cope with vomit from anyone including myself. It is my biggest phobia (that and public loos -same theme I guess) I also can't believe I am 34 weeks! In fact 35 today :) It's gone so fast. I am just so excited to meet this little person. And to be able to drink heaps and heaps of wine again! But seriously, I am holding on to every last drop of pregnancy knowing that it's my last.

Welcome Koi! Being upset about possibly expecting another boy has NOTHING to do with not wanting your baby as much as if it was a girl, but the sadness of missing out on what you do not have. If it is a boy you don't have to feel guilty -you aren't rejecting him or wishing for a replacement, you just wish you could add a girl to the mix.

And it is certainly other people's comments and expectations that are at the heart of GD. We want a certain gender for ourselves, true, but we also feel the pressure to get it "right" and like we are somehow lesser beings if we can't have a mixed gender family. And yet how terrible are we seen to be if we admit to wanting a girl after our boys? People expect you to wish for that exact thing and ask you to your face if you are, but no ways can we actually say so. And I don't want to admit to people. I am so proud of my boys and they are my WORLD.

We will be waiting for your updates so you have found a safe place to vent.
When did it start to go fast for you dannypop? I just turned 14 weeks today and it is draggging. It feels even longer knowing I wont give birth until after summer, and summer is over 2 months away.
Thank you Dannypop it's nice to have a place to get it out with others that feel the same or understand without the judgement!!

Hello kitty That's interesting with my boys I had horrible MS, very sore boobs and tired. Funny how it's opposite and different with each pregnancy. I have MS but not as bad and it feels different from last time, boobs are not very sore but I have more abdomen pains and twinges and back pain. Problem is I don't know if it'd mean a gender difference versus a singleton difference.

Anyway I hope your next scan goes well and the gender is what your hoping for!!
Hi everyone,

Firstly can I just say how relieved I am to have found this group. I am feeling very angry at myself for feelings the things I am so it really helps to know I'm not alone. We found out on Sunday that we are having a boy and I really didn't think I was bothered about the gender until I heard those words. I am in a slightly different situation than a lot of you though because I already have a little girl so that is making me even more angry at myself because I keep thinking why am I upset over not getting a girl when I already have 1?! I was so convinced I was having a girl because I felt exactly the same as I did with my daughter eg. Very sick, so tired etc but obviously I was wrong. I feel so selfish because I always pictured having 2 daughters in my future and all of a sudden I feel like that had been snatched away from me. My sister and i are best friends so I always wanted that for my daughter and now that I know that will never happen I am so upset. I can't talk to my husband about how I'm feeling because he is absolutely over the moon about having a boy and I don't want to put a damper on it for him. I know I will love him when he's here like all of you are saying but I feel so distraught that I will always know this is how I felt when I initially found out he was a boy. Sometimes I think I'm okay with it then all of a sudden I feel so anxious about it again and feel really sick. Horrible I know and I wish I could switch it off but I just can't. My husband keeps wanting to talk about names and keeps showing me pictures of clothes on the internet and I just can't bring myself to look at them. I honestly feel like the worst mum in the world right now x
Memmaj I only managed to read to page 31. When I seen your nub and you were thinking boy because of protrusion I thought to myself if that's a boy there is no point in paying for a private scan at 13 weeks to see nub as it can't be trusted. I'm also disappointed that the gender experts got ramzi wrong for you as they guessed girl for me. I'm a mum of 7. 3 boys then I had a girl and then another 3 boys. My daughter is nearly 7 and desperate for a sister. I've suffered with gender disappointment in the past and know it will happen again even though I know that once they are born it doesn't matter. The only thing I think I have going for me is that I completely overhauled my diet and fitness since last baby and it seems that on looking on some sites I may have accidentally swayed girl. It wasn't my intention as this baby was a surprise. I have a scan to look for nub in 18 days which should put me over 13 weeks.
Two of my friends have just found out they are having a boy, she wanted a girl, and a girl, she wanted a boy.... :(
3boys - Nub (from side angle) is not inaccurate at 13 weeks, 'potty shots' can be though as mine proves!
If you can get a good side-on Nub shot then at over 13 weeks, that should be pretty accurate :)
Good luck!

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