Casey Anthony

I do understand law, I think you proved your own point though. Ok if we are going to nitpick, aggravated child abuse is a felony of the third degree. She wasn't charged with culpable negligence this is a factor in the charge of manslaughter of a child;

In Florida - Aggravated manslaughter of a child:
"The killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another, without lawful justification..., is manslaughter, a felony of the second degree.".

Anywho I don't come on here to nitpick about law with silly people who think they know better than everyone else. That wasn't the first of my posts on this thread you attempted to debunk. Moving on, the jurors acquitted her because there was not enough evidence for the charges brought against her. I'll say it again, had she been up for something that fit the evidence then perhaps we wouldn't be having this conversation. Not knowing how Caylee died is reasonable doubt. How could they convict when they don't know how she died? They cannot say yes we KNOW she died by chloroform/duct tape. So how can they even be sure this is a homicide? I get the definitions of first, second and third degree murder but how can they convict when there IS reasonable doubt about how she died? I'm not going to argue law, but seriously.. :dohh: There is absolutely nothing that actually links Casey to Caylee's death. There were witnesses testifying to what a good mother she was, how happy Caylee was when she was with her. Even if she had drowned in the pool they still could not convict her on lesser charges because there's no evidence she drowned either. I can see the dilemma the jurors had because when you don't know how someone's died how do you convict? The fact was they WERE following the law, very well actually because they found that they could not charge her because there is no evidence she died of neglect, by the hands or her mother, by accident or even of natural causes, because noone knows. It's all circumstantial.

I'm just as upset as anyone, I followed this case from the time she went missing. But, the jurors did not convict on emotion, which they're not supposed to which is why we're all sitting here dumbfounded now. One of the jurors has spoken out to say how sick they all feel, they cried and didn't want to give that verdict but they HAD to. They know damn well that woman is guilty, but in the eyes of the law there is no proof she is. I said earlier in the thread, it makes me sick they verdict they gave but I can't fault them on it, they did what they were asked to do :nope:

Some of us are lawyers and well, truly understand the law. :kiss: Yes, she was charged with third degree murder and yes, one of the charges was manslaughter (culpable negligence). Look up § 782.07, Fla. Stat. and you will find the verbiage from the jury form.

I suppose 12 bumpkins can know more than an esteemed medical examiner, but that just surprises me. :) There is plenty that links Caylee and Casey -- the car smelled of decomposition and if you've ever smelled a dead body before, there is no mistaking it. The duct tape belongs to them, the laundry bag belongs to them, the decomposing hair in the car (that Casey drove), the computer searches, the chloroform levels, etc. Real life is not a CSI show.

You do not need to know cause of death to convict on negligence. That is my point. These jurors do not understand the law and clearly rushed through things. Not calling 911 when your child is missing is negligent. In fact, a senator is trying to pass a law to make it a felony to not call 911 when your child is missing, drowned, abducted, etc. It is neglect, no matter how you slice it and given Casey was the last person with Caylee, well, common sense prevails.

Lastly, we will simply not agree that they did what they had to do. Common sense is supposed to be used and as I've previously stated, there is no way to prove she did not neglect the child. By her own admission, evidence in that courtroom, she did not call 911 when her child was missing. Prove that isn't neglect. I dare ya'! :)
I do understand law, I think you proved your own point though. Ok if we are going to nitpick, aggravated child abuse is a felony of the third degree. She wasn't charged with culpable negligence this is a factor in the charge of manslaughter of a child;

In Florida - Aggravated manslaughter of a child:
"The killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another, without lawful justification..., is manslaughter, a felony of the second degree.".

Anywho I don't come on here to nitpick about law with silly people who think they know better than everyone else. That wasn't the first of my posts on this thread you attempted to debunk. Moving on, the jurors acquitted her because there was not enough evidence for the charges brought against her. I'll say it again, had she been up for something that fit the evidence then perhaps we wouldn't be having this conversation. Not knowing how Caylee died is reasonable doubt. How could they convict when they don't know how she died? They cannot say yes we KNOW she died by chloroform/duct tape. So how can they even be sure this is a homicide? I get the definitions of first, second and third degree murder but how can they convict when there IS reasonable doubt about how she died? I'm not going to argue law, but seriously.. :dohh: There is absolutely nothing that actually links Casey to Caylee's death. There were witnesses testifying to what a good mother she was, how happy Caylee was when she was with her. Even if she had drowned in the pool they still could not convict her on lesser charges because there's no evidence she drowned either. I can see the dilemma the jurors had because when you don't know how someone's died how do you convict? The fact was they WERE following the law, very well actually because they found that they could not charge her because there is no evidence she died of neglect, by the hands or her mother, by accident or even of natural causes, because noone knows. It's all circumstantial.

I'm just as upset as anyone, I followed this case from the time she went missing. But, the jurors did not convict on emotion, which they're not supposed to which is why we're all sitting here dumbfounded now. One of the jurors has spoken out to say how sick they all feel, they cried and didn't want to give that verdict but they HAD to. They know damn well that woman is guilty, but in the eyes of the law there is no proof she is. I said earlier in the thread, it makes me sick they verdict they gave but I can't fault them on it, they did what they were asked to do :nope:

Some of us are lawyers and well, truly understand the law. :kiss: Yes, she was charged with third degree murder and yes, one of the charges was manslaughter (culpable negligence). Look up § 782.07, Fla. Stat. and you will find the verbiage from the jury form.

I suppose 12 bumpkins can know more than an esteemed medical examiner, but that just surprises me. :) There is plenty that links Caylee and Casey -- the car smelled of decomposition and if you've ever smelled a dead body before, there is no mistaking it. The duct tape belongs to them, the laundry bag belongs to them, the decomposing hair in the car (that Casey drove), the computer searches, the chloroform levels, etc. Real life is not a CSI show.

You do not need to know cause of death to convict on negligence. That is my point. These jurors do not understand the law and clearly rushed through things. Not calling 911 when your child is missing is negligent. In fact, a senator is trying to pass a law to make it a felony to not call 911 when your child is missing, drowned, abducted, etc. It is neglect, no matter how you slice it and given Casey was the last person with Caylee, well, common sense prevails.

Lastly, we will simply not agree that they did what they had to do. Common sense is supposed to be used and as I've previously stated, there is no way to prove she did not neglect the child. By her own admission, evidence in that courtroom, she did not call 911 when her child was missing. Prove that isn't neglect. I dare ya'! :)

Yes but you don't know that negligent behaviour caused Caylee's death. Like I said, there is NO proof Caylee drowned in the pool - there is no cause of death. So how do you know she's been negligent when you don't know how she's died? The drowning theory was a defense, doesn't make it true.

I agree with you, circumstantially there is plenty of evidence that ties Casey to Caylee's death and the jurors also think she's guilty just like the majority of people in the world, but again it's all circumstantial. You cannot convict on common sense or a hunch.

As to the bit in bold and itallic, true, but if there's no way to prove she did not neglect the child doesn't it make it true there's no way to prove she DID neglect Caylee? Not calling 911 isn't a crime, lying to law enforcement is and she's being punished for that.

Like I said, I think she's guilty as sin and I absolutely did not want that verdict but I can still see why they came to that decision. People have been convicted on less circumstantial evidence (Scott Peterson). Yes, he obviously did it but those jurors most likely went more with their emotions than the law. Casey's jurors obviously did not.
I've never seen a more guilty person in my life. I think everybody in that courtroom knows she's guilty but as Jem said, there's just not enough solid evidence :nope:
I love how smug she looked at sentencing cause she thought she was going to get out today :haha: I hope she does 11 months but she could be out within the next month :nope: All depends on when they calculate time served either way she's not getting what she deserves. Shall have to wait and see though :thumbup:

For those who haven't watched she's been sentenced to a year for each count of lying, so 4 and $4,000 in fines. Again she gets time served and good behaviour time taken off so we'll see how soon she'll be out later.

Judge Belvin Perry was very stern with her though and you can see how he doesn't want her to get off so lightly. He has an extensive history with law enforcement his father being one of the first black men to serve in Florida I think? Or something along those lines. Defense tried to call double jeopary on the counts saying they were all within the same time and interview so should only count as one but Judge Belvin Perry took the time and explained that they were different lies which have amounted to a whole court case which took time and money. I <3 Judge Belvin Perry :haha:
Sounds like she could be out by the end of summer. She was given one year on every charge, which is good. It seems people never get the fullest sentences...and sadly she probably won't either, good behaviour, etc

To the legal beagles out there. What IF she said at some point earlier, that yes, she DID in fact accidentally drown her child in the pool? I understand now, whatever she says has no impact because she will never be judged for this crime again, but if it was before the verdict.

Surely, there's other people who have admitted to killing and have been convicted without much support because of the admission? I've heard from the news that if she was involved in the accidental death of her daughter, in her state, that could still consist of enough facts to be 1st degree murder.

On yet another note, the jurors came out and said that they were all sick to their stomaches that they had to submit the "not guilty" verdict. They said, the task they were given was to follow the rules of the law and they did, and they found that there was not enough evidence to support a guilty verdict. I think the fact that the one who came forward said, "sick to our stomaches" is powerful. She also said that every single member of the jury was sobbing in tears at what had gone on, "even the men". It's an interesting look at they system, isn't it? Even those on the jury didn't want to give this verdict, but following the rules they had no other choice.
4,000 dollars to the court
68,000 to the IRS (for the 200,000 she got for selling pictures, which 80,000 of that already went to baez)
she MAY have to pay investigation costs (probably)
AND because of stealing that girls checks she will be on probation which means her wages will be garnished and she cant JUST up and leave the state (meaning it wont be THAT easy to go to do interviews or w/e
SOOOO it may not be a 1/4 of what she deserves but at least she doesnt get to just walk free and get tons of money
Does it make me a bad person to wish that in her last week of prison some other inmate shanks her and she ends up either dead or paralyzed?

I know shes in solitary but she wont be anymore right? w/e it wont happen anyway i just wish that she would get hers. I mean come on... she killed her kid thats not okay
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Judge Belvin Perry sentenced Casey Anthony on Thursday morning. She will leave the Orange County Jail, according to court officials, on July 13.
The judge sentenced one year in jail and a $1,000 fine on each of her four counts. The judge said he and her attorneys will figure out when she will be released.
According to court documents, Anthony was given 1043 days credit for time served. She will start paying $4618 worth of court costs on Feb. 15, 2012 in $20 monthly increments.
At Thursday's sentencing hearing, defense attorneys argued the four counts Anthony was convicted of, for lying to law enforcement officers, should be consolidated to one charge. Judge Belvin Perry ruled that each count represented four distinct, separate lies.
"The jury spoke loud and clear," Judge Belvin Perry said.
A jury decided Tuesday that Anthony is not guilty of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, in 2008.
Anthony's defense team said they were hopeful that Casey would not spend any additional time in jail.
Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, told ABC News he'll argue Thursday that she should be sentenced to time served and released.
Each of the four misdemeanor counts of lying to law enforcement officials that Anthony was been convicted of could be punishable by 1 year in jail under Florida law. Anthony has already spent about 3 years at the Orange County jail.
The Anthony family attorney, Mark Lippman, said George, Cindy and Lee Anthony did not speak with Casey after the verdict.

Defense Team Celebrates
Lippman issued a statement from the family shortly after the verdict was read Tuesday afternoon.
"While the family may never know what has happened to Caylee Marie Anthony, they now have closure for this chapter of their life. They will now begin the long process of rebuilding their lives," the statement read.
The verdict in her trial continued to be the talk of cable and network news Wednesday, a day after she was acquitted.
Lewis Katz, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, says Anthony will always be dogged by the belief she killed her child.
Baez is so stupid, how DARE he say that it would have dishonored Caylee's memory to have given a "false conviction" for her murder
1. You SHOULD NOT say such controversial statements, you won so STFU
2. Considering that you say it was an accident you should have said for her death not murder that implies that you subconsciously believe (or know) it was a murder
3. Your a loser all you got was an interview with ABC news Ashton is getting way more attention, people like him and hate you
For those that believe there was juror misconduct or misunderstandings, they were right.

Juror 3 Speaks

1.) A jury is not to discuss punishment during the deliberation phase.
2.) There were lesser charges. They clearly didn't understand this.

I can only hope she follows OJ Simpson's example of what it's like when you're acquitted of a felony (murder) you committed.
Geez a whole more week and that is it. I really do hope karma comes back to get her. Totally different look she had today in court no longer the librarian. I hope they put her in gen pop for the next week so the mothers with children can face her.
Yes but you don't know that negligent behaviour caused Caylee's death. Like I said, there is NO proof Caylee drowned in the pool - there is no cause of death. So how do you know she's been negligent when you don't know how she's died? The drowning theory was a defense, doesn't make it true.

I agree with you, circumstantially there is plenty of evidence that ties Casey to Caylee's death and the jurors also think she's guilty just like the majority of people in the world, but again it's all circumstantial. You cannot convict on common sense or a hunch.

As to the bit in bold and itallic, true, but if there's no way to prove she did not neglect the child doesn't it make it true there's no way to prove she DID neglect Caylee? Not calling 911 isn't a crime, lying to law enforcement is and she's being punished for that.

Like I said, I think she's guilty as sin and I absolutely did not want that verdict but I can still see why they came to that decision. People have been convicted on less circumstantial evidence (Scott Peterson). Yes, he obviously did it but those jurors most likely went more with their emotions than the law. Casey's jurors obviously did not.

Actually, I do know that negligent behavior caused her death. She drowned in the pool whilst under Casey's watch (according to the defense theory), she was kidnapped by the babysitter whilst with Casey (according to Casey), and she was drugged by Casey (according to the prosecutor). If you look at the three scenarios, she was negligent. If we go by Casey's own admission, which was video in evidence, she was kidnapped. Casey didn't report that kidnapping, which is negligent. Judge Perry told the jurors not to listen to the lawyers, so going by Casey's words only (which was in evidence), her daughter was kidnapped and she didn't call the police for 31 days. That is neglect.

Are you aware of all of the cases in which circumstantial evidence has landed people in prison, death row, etc.? There isn't always DNA or a video of someone committing the crime; it just doesn't always happen, especially when a body is found six months later.

Not calling into 911 when your child is missing is the very definition of neglect. In fact, several states are now working on Caylee's Law, making it a felony to not call 911 when your child is missing. You know why that's possible? Because under the law, it is neglect. You are not properly caring for your child in not reporting an accidental drowning, a kidnapping, etc.

And, Casey's jurors didn't go with the law, either. I posted an article on this board in which they were discussing the death penalty in the deliberation phase, which is explicitly against the Judge's orders. Further, she said they could have found her guilty on lesser charges. Well, there were lesser charges. Apparently someone didn't read the instructions carefully.

We simply won't agree on this (it makes the world go 'round, right? :)) and with no compelling arguments in your post, I am left still feeling the same way I felt.
Yes but you don't know that negligent behaviour caused Caylee's death. Like I said, there is NO proof Caylee drowned in the pool - there is no cause of death. So how do you know she's been negligent when you don't know how she's died? The drowning theory was a defense, doesn't make it true.

I agree with you, circumstantially there is plenty of evidence that ties Casey to Caylee's death and the jurors also think she's guilty just like the majority of people in the world, but again it's all circumstantial. You cannot convict on common sense or a hunch.

As to the bit in bold and itallic, true, but if there's no way to prove she did not neglect the child doesn't it make it true there's no way to prove she DID neglect Caylee? Not calling 911 isn't a crime, lying to law enforcement is and she's being punished for that.

Like I said, I think she's guilty as sin and I absolutely did not want that verdict but I can still see why they came to that decision. People have been convicted on less circumstantial evidence (Scott Peterson). Yes, he obviously did it but those jurors most likely went more with their emotions than the law. Casey's jurors obviously did not.

Actually, I do know that negligent behavior caused her death. She drowned in the pool whilst under Casey's watch (according to the defense theory), she was kidnapped by the babysitter whilst with Casey (according to Casey), and she was drugged by Casey (according to the prosecutor). If you look at the three scenarios, she was negligent. If we go by Casey's own admission, which was video in evidence, she was kidnapped. Casey didn't report that kidnapping, which is negligent. Judge Perry told the jurors not to listen to the lawyers, so going by Casey's words only (which was in evidence), her daughter was kidnapped and she didn't call the police for 31 days. That is neglect.

Are you aware of all of the cases in which circumstantial evidence has landed people in prison, death row, etc.? There isn't always DNA or a video of someone committing the crime; it just doesn't always happen, especially when a body is found six months later.

Not calling into 911 when your child is missing is the very definition of neglect. In fact, several states are now working on Caylee's Law, making it a felony to not call 911 when your child is missing. You know why that's possible? Because under the law, it is neglect. You are not properly caring for your child in not reporting an accidental drowning, a kidnapping, etc.

And, Casey's jurors didn't go with the law, either. I posted an article on this board in which they were discussing the death penalty in the deliberation phase, which is explicitly against the Judge's orders. Further, she said they could have found her guilty on lesser charges. Well, there were lesser charges. Apparently someone didn't read the instructions carefully.

We simply won't agree on this (it makes the world go 'round, right? :)) and with no compelling arguments in your post, I am left still feeling the same way I felt.

I am really interested to read this side. If they are trying to make Caylee's law now, then surely that is because it doesnt currently fall under any law? Or is it make it much clearer that this is actually neglect in the eyes of the law?

Also are you the person (sorry that is really rude but I cant be bothered to go back and look) who said people of the jury should be professionals? If so I am starting to agree, law is complicated and lawyers take many years to study it so how can we expect every day people to get it so quickly?
I am really interested to read this side. If they are trying to make Caylee's law now, then surely that is because it doesnt currently fall under any law? Or is it make it much clearer that this is actually neglect in the eyes of the law?

Also are you the person (sorry that is really rude but I cant be bothered to go back and look) who said people of the jury should be professionals? If so I am starting to agree, law is complicated and lawyers take many years to study it so how can we expect every day people to get it so quickly?

It is not currently law, no. Not calling 911 when your child is kidnapped, missing, drowned, etc. is not a felony at this time. From what I understand, several states are looking into it, there is a FB page of people pushing for it, though, I don't think it would become a federal law. Either way, I think it's wise and I think that would feel like Caylee did get some justice if this law passes in several states. (That's my personal opinion!) Here is an online petition with over 300,000 signatures. I think it's amazing the oft-considered apathetic Americans are actually standing up for something they believe in. :thumbup:

Now, these are just quick searches I've done, but it is true that several senators are looking into this from several states.


It's not rude - I've been spouting off in this thread a ton. ;) Yes, I said I believe jurors should be professionals as they are in other countries. It is pretty clear the jurors in this case didn't understand the law. And, honestly, God save us all if it were our child murdered by someone else and that murderer went free because of peoples' misunderstanding of legal concepts.
I will be honest time does not permit. I did not read every word of this so if I repeat something you said forgive me. I admitted somewhere that I was reaching with my explanation. I also said that the tape was put on before death. Lastly parents do actually duct tape their children's mouths as weird as it sounds. And they do leave them unattended like that. In my line of work I have cross this more times than I care to admit.

However, I would like to point out again I was reaching.

Either way it's a shame and it's horrible. The point we do know one thing that is she aided in her death with the proof that we do have and that's she failed to report her child was missing.

Believe it or not Caylee drowning makes the most sense in my mind. If Caylee drowned under the supervision of Casey...being the narcissist that she is...she would do anything to avoid the blame even conceal her own child's death.

...which if nothing else she should be serving major time for that alone
if not for actual murder as well.

But this still does not explain the duct tape...unless Casey put duct tape on her mouth to stop her from crying on screaming or something and she somehow fell into water and Casey could not hear her scream thus causing the drowning. Which is technically not murder but again child abuse, negligence and ultimately manslaughter.

Im reaching here but this actually makes more sense than the string of evidence that has been displayed thus far.

Also as a narcissist/psychopath she would easily be able to party and resume her life, because it's not about the baby. It's about her and all her delusions and lies. In her mind she's the victim of this "accident" disrupting her daily joyful life. Not the other way around.

I am ganna force myself to think Caylee drowned because i makes me sick to think that her so called mother killed her and got away with it, so i have to force myself to think that there theory of drowning is true no matter how ridiculous...

I'm sorry but if you saw the jail tapes you'll see why the drowning story doesn't add up. Casey herself said to her Mother "have you heard the new story? That Caylee drowned in the pool. Surprise surprise". There was also the conversation she had with George where she was telling him he was a wonderful Dad, never wronged her and couldn't have been a better parent. I do find George a bit strange but that doesn't make him heartless. You can see how much that man loved Caylee and I cannot run with the idea that he dumped that precious child in a swamp.

As for the duct tape, why would you need to put duct tape over the mouth of a dead child? There is absolutely no explanation. It was scientifically proven it was put on her before she died. So why? I very much doubt Casey would have been at home, put duct tape on her and let her run around like it.

And yes, she did manage to keep partying and doing what she wanted. Even when Caylee was alive. But this then begs the question where the HELL was Caylee all those hundreds of times she was telling people she was with the nanny?! I think Ashton made alot of sense when he said Caylee was getting older and would be able to really start communicating about what was going on. I cannot myself find a logical explanation about where Caylee could of been everytime Casey said she was with the nanny but it obviously wasn't with family or anyone who cared and loved for that child.

I also want to point out that George is an ex-cop. Now he is trained in CPR. I do not think he would take that lifeless child's body out of the pool and dump it without at least trying to save her life first.. but.. there was no trauma to the ribs. Now I'm not saying that that is solid proof but it's something to think about.

The timeline just doesn't add up. Casey fobbed her Mother off with stories for 31 days until Cindy took action and went to find her. As soon as Casey couldn't produce Caylee she called the cops. Where, in all that time when she was supposed to be at a conference for work when she was really at Tony's, did she have the time to come back and for Caylee to drown in the pool? It doesn't wash with me and it shouldn't have washed with the jury either. She's guilty at hell and I'm glad she can laugh at being let off but her baby got no justice yesterday and I hope to God that woman gets what's coming to her.

Accident or not, she did NOT care for that child the way she deserved. She lied and put her places noone knows about while she did what she wanted to do. I mean come on, the night Caylee disappeared she was caught on CCTV with her boyfriend renting movies. Caylee was nowhere to be seen. These are not the actions of a scared mother who was abused. These are the actions of a heartless, selfish, pathologically lying disgrace for a human being. The real victims in all of this are Caylee and the people who really loved her. Her Grandparents especially. They were the ones that provided a home, clothes, food, love and care. Casey never had a job. She pretended she did. Instead she just stole cheque books from friends and emptied their accounts of their well earned money.

She is one of the most disgusting people I have ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on. Not only is everything about her but she doesn't give a shit about who she hurts with her actions. I am appalled by the ruling, she deserves to rot in jail alone because she failed her daughter. Like I said, accident or not it's negligence of the grossest kind and she deserves to pay for everything she's done. Casey did not deserve Caylee and Caylee sure as hell did not deserve Casey as a Mother.
You are actually right. There's a sociological concept that explains subconscious attitudes towards people based on variables such as race, sex and even hair color...eye color...socio status...even beauty and likeability.

I am not sure if it rang true in this case as a major factor, but your comment is plausible.

I don't think that race needs to be bought into this to be honest. I also don't think that's 100% true. I agree media coverage would be alot less but race tends to impact jury selection (it shouldn't but it does).

Also in regards to the last comment - that was what I was saying?

You may not think it needs to be brought into it, but it does. I've been here (U.S.) for a while now and racism is still an issue in this country. People do not want to believe a young white woman (an attractive one, at that) would kill their child.

I'm aware of Downs, Smith, etc., so it does happen, but the reality is, most people just don't want to believe it.

I don't know who you are addressing with the bolded because I didn't respond to anything you said.
I'm not going to argue with someone who feels the need to be smug about what they say :rofl: It's not a debate, or an argument. It's just a discussion. Moving on anyway..

She's got off, it can't be changed and the only thing that can is try to make something good out of it which is Caylee's law :thumbup: There's alot of groups on facebook that have petitions and alot of hate against Casey. No doubt she'll be googling herself as soon as she gets near a computer.

I've also heard Cindy and George haven't spoken to her and I don't think they will be. I also saw an interview with a neighbour of theirs who said that everyone wants them to move. It's sad because Casey has not only taken her daughters life away but has ruined so many others.. But she comes out on top :nope: I don't believe in karma but I can only hope and pray it exists for people with the likes of her.
You're being kinda pushy Jem_x3 perhaps that's what brought on the smuggness. lol

Are you a lawyer? If not you are really knowledgeable about the law and that's a good thing. I agree this is not a board war. It's really about a child who who was victimized and a woman who got off---unfairly.

What really terrifies me is that some nuttcase will probably get involved with her...and she'll probably have more kids.
I saw an article in the UK Daily that had letters from while she was in jail saying that she wanted to have more children and possible even adopt. I about fell out of my chair.

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