Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

I have terrible sleeping issues. I have a LOT of trouble falling asleep at night, then I'm exhausted the next day. If it's a day where I don't have a lot on - I've been know to sleep for 5 hours or so........which is Catch 22 because I can't get to sleep that night. My doc has given me Ambien, which is apparently safe. I haven't taken any yet, I'm saving it for when I'm absolutely desperate.

I know what you guys mean by being nervous about buying baby stuff. I'm REALLY scared of it, but it kinds helps the positivity a bit. I feel like I might actually get to have this baby ! But my husband and I don't really talk about the fact that everything still has it's tags on and we've kept all the receipts. I can't tell you how many times I think about playing with something or maybe washing some of the clothes, but I always stop myself.

Not much happening today, jsut busy busy busy with kid stuff and getting ready for Halloween ! I found a black stretchy robe/dress that fits so I'm going as a generic, vampy witchy thing. I love Halloween. Going to my favourite restaurant with my husband for dinner tonight while the kids are at a school dance - can't wait, they have the BEST food :lolly: If I can't drink, I'm eating....
Hi girls

Sorry i have not been around but hubby and father in law have been decorating nursery so no access to pc.

I was having a couple of really hormonal days leading up to the nursery being decorated, feeling really down and miserable for no apparant reason,but since the nursery was started ( not finished as ran out of border!!) I have been feeling much better.

Have got glucose tolerance test this morning and then midwife next monday. Looking forward to seeing midwife as she has still not given us dates for antenatal classes even though she said they would start at 28 weeks. Also everyone I meet keeps commenting on how small my bump is so I am starting to get paranoid that there might be somthing wrong with Bob so need some reassurance.

With regards to facebook, i don't seem to be able to search using email addresses so could you give me your user names. I am Sarah Marie Rees if you want to search for me.

Hope every one is keeping well. I am also having the same problem with sleeping. I can be really tired but then cannot get to sleep when I go to bed and then if I do get to sleep I am woken up by cramp in my foot or leg
I"m having a moment here ... the sonographer lady says that olive is estimated at 3.4kgs at birth (7.49 pounds) - that's HUGE for me. I'm relatively small - in every aspect. and now- now I'm starting to freak myself out for delivery already. Is anyone else being as crazy as I am thinking about delivery and labour already? AND breastfeeding!! I would love to BF olive as i did with DS. But what if olive doesn't latch?? some days i feel like i'll be gutted if i can't BF and other days i feel ok about not BF. and what if i don't have enough milk? last time around i had LOADS of milk - for 2 years. I had to take meds to dry up the supply after DS was weened at 23 1/2 months. just for the record - i loved BF. didn't think i would. kept imagining having a baby sucking on my boob would be weird - but i ended up LOVING it.
But you know how they say no 2 pregnancies and births and kids are the same!!
Been having nightmares about olive coming early. like at 27 weeks and NOTHING is ready. no clothes/nursery/diapers - NOTHING.

I don't remember how to do a newborn!! i only know toddler (if that makes sense to anybody)

One would swear i've never done this before!! i must sound like a complete crazy lately - and i feel like one.
Im having the same jitters too! I feel like I won't know what to do or I am going to mess something up! I am having horrible nightmares about breastfeeding as well. BF my daughter was a bloody nightmare. Literally, I BLED for like every feeding and had an awful time BF her. I had no one to help me, I had no support from my ex. He seemed to thinks my breasts were solely for his enjoyment. Plus now we might be moving in a month or so and I am worried about all the money going out and have yet to get any baby stuff. My family has decided that people who already have one child do not need another baby shower, so I am left to get all the baby stuff on my own. My OH's family is totally smbivilant about the baby even coming. They barely notice he is alive. They dote on their mentally unstable daughter. Who by the way is planning on being pregnant by december, *her excact words are "I HAVE to be pregnant before you have your baby. You guys can't have all the attention" ya, she's nuts*

Its all feeling like a bit too much at this point.
what is with your SIL?? i hate when people can't be happy for somebody else despite their lot in life!
ignore her - and OH's family. you enjoy your pregnancy and baby. Make the most of it. they'll all have some serious grovelling to do when bubs is born.
Oh did I mention that the last man she got pregnant with was married...and she is getting this baby's daddy from a cup? Yup, she is that intent on having a baby that she is getting IVF with a donor and claims she will commit suicide if she is not pregnant by december.
WTF? Can we all say "CERTIFIABLE". that's just a different kind of crazy. how old is your SIL if you don't mind me asking?
She is 29 years old. She is certifiable, she has been hospitalized. But here in Canada if you have the money they will do IVF. Mind you I have had my finger on the speed dial for the child protective services since this new scheme came to light.
oh sh!t - sorry V - i didn't mean to be flippant.
I'm sure how IVF screening works - but does it not include a mental/emotional stability screening also?
Gosh V - you certainly do have a plate and a half to deal with. how you are staying sane is a miracle.
Hi girls

Had a bit of a panic today! Have been spotting since yesterday so phoned midwife and she said she thought it was probably nothing to worry about but to head up to maternity day care to be on safe side.

Had 30 min heart trace done and then internal by doctor (really unpleasant and quite painful). Trace was fine and they could not find a reason for the blled so all looks ok. Just got to take it easy adn contact them if anything changes
oh Lord V, your SIL sounds like a complete nut job. My sister isn't crazy as such but she definitely has to have all the attention. I gave up even trying to compete with her, she can have it, silly bitch ! (whoopsy, off on a rant....

Smiler - I hope everythings ok ! Was it a lot of blood ? That sounds scary. Are you taking it totally easy ?

MommyD- oh yeah, I know what you mean ! My youngest will be 8 in March, I feel like I've NEVER had a newborn before.... I have little flashbacks to some obscure details, but other than that I feel like a first timer. I bf my 1st daughter for about 5-6 months until she jsut refused to feed one weekend and switched to formula. I have to admit, initially, the idea of BF was revolting to me, but it got better as time went on. My youngest was born with a really small mouth and had terrible latching problems. She was fed breast milk via a NG tube for the first 4 days of her life, then she got a little better at feeding. But it was a long, slow, painful and exhausting process for both of us and I eventually gave up at 12 weeks. I am planning on BF this baby, though I don't know for how long... I'd like at least 12 weeks, so we'll see.

I just want to wish everyone who's already hit the mark and those of us who are just about to.....

smiler - hope you're doing better and the bleeding as stopped (and stayed stopped). I must admit I've gone back to knicker checking, it's freaking me out. for the past 3 weeks now - i keep going to the loo expecting to see what i shouldn't be seeing - but as ALWAYS, there's nothing there. i think it's also just aggravated by me dreaming olive is born at 27 weeks. anyway - i just think maybe i'm over thinking things - as always.

smudge - it sounds like you need to rant a bit about your sister???? congrats to all the other almost and 3rd trimesters! week 27 seems to be taking FOREVER to come. I'm so excited to be getting to 3rd tri!!
:happydance: YEY - Third tri!!!!! I can't quite believe it!!! Well done everyone (including the very-nearly-theres) :D

Had a lovely holiday, although I was slightly limited in what I could do by the SPD. Still, only (!) 13 more weeks to go.

I think I've caught up with all the news, although baby brain is making it hard to recall all of it now I'm actually replying! I'm sorry to hear you had such a horrid scare Smiler :( I hope it stays stopped now and stops worrying you :hugs:

I'm having the same trouble sleeping as everyone seems to be - I'm shattered every night, but just can't seem to stay alsleep long enough to properly catch up. I might have to go back to lunch time naps, but it tends to get in the way of actually eating lunch! Work is a bit better, but I've still got plenty of other stuff on my mind, so I'm sure that's not helping. Sounds like I'm not the only one there though - I hope things get easier for you V.

I've got to dash - I've to try and make myself look vaguely less awful for the physio this morning!

Love to everyone xxx
can someone tell me if i'm being odd.

so i still haven't bought a stitch of anything for the baby. as in NOTHING - ziltch - nada.
BUT i've been doing little renovations around the house. like i just bought wooden flooring for all the rooms - waiting for the guys to come lay it. bought a new queen size bed for the spare room. new blinds and curtains. new bedding for all the beds. planted a 4x4m flower garden (filled with poppies). am planning to redo DS room - he now wants spiderman theme. been buying new cutlery and crockery. (the ones i have are not even that old - got thm 4 years ago for a wedding present) - but i have this urge for new ones. O - and have i mentioned that i've also just bought paint to repaint the inside of the house - "rice paper" colour is irritating me.

when i go to the shops - the baby isle doesn't draw me - the DIY isle draws me! I plant things for g0ds sake!! i don't plant! i'm a paving kinda gal.

i feel like i'm nuts - just slightly.
You're just nesting MommyD :D Your brain might be making you be cautious about buying baby stuff, but your hormones obviously have their own agenda!! It sounds great to me - I wish my nesting instincts would kick in a bit more - maybe more would get done round here!
Hi girls

thanks for your kn=ind words. Still having a very light bleed but no pain and hospital said all looks well. I bled every month when pregnant with my daughter (hence why i did not know I was pregnant until 27 weeks!!)

Moses basket and rug arrived for nursery today!!!!!

On a down note though car needs yet more work doing on it which we cannot really afford, especially as i had to take an unpaid day off work today as could not get to work!!!

Only ggod thing about the bleed is that midwife I saw said i might get another reassurance scan so I may get another peek at Bob!! I am excited about this but on the flip side it took all the will power i had not to find out the sex at the 20 week scan. DOnt think I can be that strong again!!!!
I am having a crazy nesting urge as well. We have offcially bought a house though. So maybe I am just planning on the decor etc for our new house. Its a 5 bedroom, triple brick victorian. It needs a lot of cosmetic work but the price was right and the potential is incredible. So its on to another flip I am afraid. I actually got out my daughter's baby clothes today and washd and repacked everything. I went so far as to buy a pack of little diapers. But I havent got any big stuff yet. Tonight my ex asked me if we wanted a baby swing which is weird because he is a loser, but I will take it!

Is anyone else having anything *ahem* leak from their breasts? I am to the point where I need to wear breast pads. This never happened with my daughter so I am not to sure what to do about it.
Hi V, congrats on the new house!!

I have been having small leaks from my breasts but not enough for breasts pads yet. I didnt have it with my daughter either

HOw is everyone else? My bleed seems to have stopped which has helped me relax a bit but work are trying to get me to go on maternity leave early which I do not want to do. Obviously I would love to be able to stay at home as there is loads I could be doing but I am not planning to go back to work after Bob arrives so I would like to work as long as possible before so that I have more paid time off once Bob arrives
Happy weekend girls !

MommyD - I could rant for hours about my sister. Its a long boring story, but basically she would never talk to me on the phone (we live in different countries, but even when I did live in Aus she wouldn't). I would call and she'd occasionally answer but then say 'oh I can't talk, I PROMISE I'll call back'. Not ONCE in 4 years did she call back. She'd make no effort to have any kind of relationship, except when i came to visit the town where she and my parents live. All of a sudden we're 'best friends' and she wants to see me. Basically, it was an act to keep my parents happy. I gave up earlier this year trying to have any contact and told my parents that. Haven't spoken to her in months, my parents barely talk to me and the whole thing makes me miserable and its a mess. It's one of the reasons i'm dreading moving back to Australia next year.

I agree with the others. I think you're nesting ! It might not be baby gear, but you're buying stuff for your home, in a roundabout way it's baby related. I can't believe I've bought so much. I didn't think I would have so early, but it felt right and makes me feel positive. And, frankly when it's not for me, I LOVE SHOPPING !

Kit - Glad you had a good holiday ! We're off for an RV trip in a few weeks, can't wait. Hows the physio going ? Does it help ? My SPD comes and goes, I've had some really good days lately.

Smiler- good news about the bleeding. I hope you get another scan soon. it's never happened to me, but apparently lots of ppl bleed all the way through. I don't know how you girls keep working ! I've worked through pregnancy before, but I just can't imagine trying to keep up this time.

V- Wow ! Congratulations on the house ! It sounds cool and BIG. I have never had leaky boobs, but I did experience one of the joys of pregnancy for the first time ever this week........ it seems that if baby is in a particular position, he is really pushing on my bladder and I get instantaneous strong urges to pee...... and there's been a couple of times, I've not made it to the loo in time.....:blush: I didn't pee on the floor......but I definitely had to get changed !:blush: So embarrassing but it's only happened at home THANK GOD ! I've never had this problem before, I hope it doesn't get worse !

My husband is away again, so I'm all lonely for the next 2 weeks. Hate it when he goes..:nope:
Smiler- There's more than one of you on I hope I got the right one !

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