Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

OMG - how awful!!
may his home be termite infested with roaches on the side!!!
KitKatB - please take care. And don't hesitate going to emergency if you feel anything other than the norm.
I will, thanks MommyD. Button was wriggling lots before, so I think everything's ok. He/she is quieter again now, but I think they're just asleep. I'll keep an eye on things. xxx
See I wouldve taken that opportunity to knock someone around! I wouldve yanked him out of the car by his hair and danced on his neck with my stilettoes on! Or played hopscotch on his balls! I guarentee no judge would have tried to charge me for hurting him! I hope your ok!!!!
Oh Kit !@ Holy Shit !!! So glad you're ok !! I would have gone psycho on his arse ! :grr: You've had more than enough to deal with, it's obviously time for the universe to smile on you and something wonderful to happen :flower:

Speaking of husband came home early !!!! He'd been trying since Saturday, since I got that horrid email from my family. He had 3 helicopter flights and 3 trips by car and a lot of red tape to get through, but he turned up with a beautiful bunch of my favourite flowers. I am so happy, I cried and it feels like a massive weight has been lifted. He's coming to my US appt on Friday too :thumbup:

Even if it's just for today, everything is good again.
my husband SNORES!! he's been snoring NON-STOP for 2 nights running. and we're not talking the purring kind like a kitten - more like he's trying to communicate with aliens from out of space!! :growlmad:
I haven't slept for 2 nights running. i slept for an hour yesterday and 1 1/2 hours last night. i am pissy and irritable!
I can't sleep in the spare room because it's being renovated. I went to sleep next to DS and this one woke up saying "but i want to sleep on top of you". WTF????:growlmad: and they both wake up bright and breezy and wants to know "why's mommy in such a pissy mood"...
That's so lovely Smudge :) What a gorgeous OH :D MAJOR brownie points there!!!

I do wish I'd done more to that **** yesterday. At the time though I couldn't see what else I could do as he wouldn't wind teh window down or anything and tbh I was a bit shakey etc. It's not like me to take any **** though, so I guess I'm just not myself because of everything that's happened recently. All I really wanted to do was get away from everyone in case I started to cry - how pathetic is that??!!

Anyway, today is a new day. Various relatives I haven't seen for ages are starting to arrive for the funeral next week, which is obviously a horrible reason for all getting together, but it's nice to see them all the same. Button has been nice and wriggly too :)

My OH snores too MommyD. Like you wouldn't believe!!!! He has sleep apnoea and has to wear a mask to make sure he gets enough oxygen, which helps the snoring but makes irritating noises all of its own. He's been sleeping on the sofa bed downstairs a lot, which is rubbish for him and not very nice for me either, but it's preferable to having the evil :witch: around that I turn in to if I get that little sleep. It's bad enough as it is! Have you tried ear plugs?
I've tried ear plugs. going to sleep before he does.
He's snoring is related to how tired he is at night and whether he's had a drink or 2. acupuncture doesn't work. his palette and uvula are all in good working order. sinuses are fine. so there's no physical reason for him snoring. and i wouldn't really mind the snoring and not sleeping if i STAYED HOME during the day. But i'm up at 6am getting DS ready for school. Packing lunches. Getting ready for work. and i'm out the door by 7:15am for an hours drive to work - where i spend 9 hours then another hour driving home. when i get home at 6pm - we have supper. DS gets his bath a bedtime story and is in lala land by 8pm. so i only really get to switch off after that. and it just feels like it's a vicious cycle that won't end! and normally i'm at a loss when i have time on my hands - but add to that being pregnant, already having sleep issues, sleep deprivation, having gained almost HALF my normal body weight, not being able to have copius amounts of alcohol, and a shag free 3rd trimester - it's enough to make me pissy.

anyway - i hope you all are doing well.
Aaah MommyD that sucks.... When you lay it all out like that, really, how DARE he snore ??

My DH snores like a blocked drain. He has sleep apnoea too. It's worse when he's on his back, but it drives me mad all the time ! I used to pat him lightly or rub his back to get him to move so he'd stop for a bit. But we've been married for almost 14 years - now I punch him in the arm, kick his leg or just shove him as hard as I can until he stops......usually only for a few seconds..

I am a SAHM, thank God, so I can occasionally sleep during the day, otherwise I would have to hurt him more. Terrible thing to say after he's just been so lovely, but I HATE SNORING ! And I hate that stupid CPAP sleeping with Darth Vader.
We all have snoring men in our lives. Mine though makes this horrible moaning sound when he snores. It drives me nuts. I told him I would not get engaged until after he went to sleep clinic to figure it out. Well he went, and they told him there was nothing they could do. SO ANNOYING!
Hi girlies. Well where do I start. It seems everyone is having a bit of a tough time atm so hugs for everybody. I have had a lot going on this last while. Had a scare with baby at 25+6 where I was admitted to hospital with severe lower back and abdo pain. Was treated for possible preterm labour so had to get steriods for baby's lungs and got fluids etc. thank god baby is still hanging in there and it didn't progress to labour.

Good to see all the babies are doing well. I have had my 28week growth scan and baby is growing perfectly and moving well. The best news is we finally told our other kids. It was a priceless moment and they are just so so excited its unreal.

My dd is totally bonding with the bump. She talks to it, rubs it, tickles the baby etc etc. Ds is a it more reserved but the funny thing is he calls baby he and my dd calls baby she. I tried to explain to him that it could be a girl and he responded in the most patronising tone "I know that mummy but we dont know yet and untill I know I will call the baby he" que :blush: from mummy

The shopping list they have created is quite unreal as well. Although like mommyd I still have not bought anything for the baby. Actually im 28+5 and i still have bought no maternity clothes. I am living in leggings and loose tops. None of my maternity clothes from my prevoius pregnancies fit me cos I have lost a lot of weight and they are just too big. Not a bad complaint I suppose.

I hope everyone bad patches are over now and we can look forward to christmas and then babies!!!
:hugs: Bean. Was it actually labor ? How scary. I've gotten very achy a few times but nothing like that. Thats great that you finally told your kids too and they're excited ! My youngest daughter (7) hugs and pats my belly a lot, but my older daughter (10) is a bit more reticent - I think because she knows exactly how baby got there and thats just too gross for her .....!

I had my fetal echocardiogram on Friday. 45 mins of looking at baby and all his parts. Obviously, there was lots of looking at his heart - which the doc said is absolutely perfect, nothing to see ! YAY !! I had a really nice tech this time, she was trying to get a look at his face and managed a really good view. He was looking right at us and opened his mouth and swallowed. It was the most adorable thing ! I officially cannot wait to have my baby !! I'm feeling more confident now knowing that everything they can possibly measure and look at is coming up perfect. More confident, and I try not to let my mind wander to anything else..

I'm currently in a motorhome in New Mexico. We're on a road trip for the next week - through Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. Just went to Tombstone today and we're on our way to Roswell tomorrow to see the aliens ! :waves:
DUDES - i've gone and bought maternity sanitary towels and .....wait for it ............a PACIFIER for olive!!! and a pack of disposable nappies......


only 10 weeks 4 days left to my official due date. BUT we're secretly hoping for an earlier one - like end of JAN...
DS asked me last night if i can't send the olive a text requesting an appearance already...:haha:
I think he's getting impatient - mommy's child that!
omg does that leave me alone in the world of "not buying stuff". dont leave me out here in the cold. ah only joking - its great you have took the plunge. im thinking that if I take the plunge i mite not stop lol. Im so happy for you.

Send a text - lol. my dd told me yesterday that the baby was bored and wanted to come out now. Its so funny the things they say.

Smudge it wasn't actually labour but they could not be sure so they treated me as "threatened labour" till the pains settled. It was scary but all is well and thats the main thing now. Atm baby is beating the cr@p out of me so think its happy enough in there for another while. Hope you are enjoying your trip. You are great heading off like that. I struggle to go to the shops - never mind head off travelling.
Beanbabe - i'm so glad you're doing well and bob is kicking away like a lunatic.
Olives movements have become weird. I have to catch my breath everytime "it" moves.... can't quite explain it...

BUT i have a funny for the day - so OH and I have been feeling very very sexual lately :blush: ok I've been. especially with those pornstar dreams. ANYHOO - we were mid travelling to planet O when oh reckons "honey - can you move you heaps a little bit?" and i was flat on my back. i erupted LAUGHING because my answer without thinking was "i'm like a shark on my back. body rendered comatosed. i can't move ANYTHING. you could literally kill me and i couldn't even resist you". at that point in time he reckons NO MORE DISCOVERY CHANNEL for you!!!
needless to say it was a MISSION to get comfy for a good shag. we ended up laughing more than we did shagging. got the job done but it was HILARIOUS... but hey - i'm not complaining, looks like he forgot about the shag free 3rd trimester :blush:
Hi girls.

Hope everyone is well, unlike me. I have yet another sinus and chest infection:(

Doc says I need to take rest of week off as wont get completely better if go back to work in school. However, I am really worried as school are being really funny about me having time off and have been pushing for me to go on maternity leave early. MAternity leave doesnt officially start until 4th Jan but i leave work on 17th December as that is when christmas hols start.

Doc also says I probably wont feel completley better until I go on maternity leave but I am not ill enough to for him to insist I start it early.

Part of me would love to go on materntiy leave now as I am not sleeping so am really tired and also have a really bad back which is not helped by being on my feel all day at work.

However still have 9 weeks til Bob is due and want to wait as long as possible to start maternity leave so that I can have more paid time off after he/she arrvies. I really dont know what to do so any advice would be greatly received.
Are they pushing for mat leave because they might assume responsilibity if something goes amiss? For instance when I hurt my back at work, my employers were very pushy about me going on mat leave because if I hurt myself again on their time I could have legal means to sue them etc.

I started mat leave on November 1st and honestly, I am very glad I took it so early. I have so much less stress and am so much more relaxed and comfortable. I had a very physical job though. In Canada we get a year of leave. If we take mat leave early we do have to go back early. But I planned on going back when bubs was 8 months anyhow.
NO they are not pushing for me to go early in case something happens, i just think they dont want to keep paying me sick pay!!

Decided to take docs advice and t ake the time off. Read through my maternity guidelines and they cannot start my maternity leave early unless it is a pregnancy related illness(which a chest infection isnt) and even then they can only make me start it 4 weeks before my due date which would only be a week earlier than i planned to start anyway.
My ticker ha disappeared and I don't know why:( Will have to investigate later as about to head out ot doctors for more antibiotics

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