Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

I do not know what is going on but for the past few days I have been woken out of a good sleep by horrible nightmares and not been able to get back to sleep. It would not be such a big deal but my couch is awful and I have no where to sleep :( This is my fourth 3am wake up call!
Hi all!. My hideous week of funerals and other similarly delightful things is finally over, thank goodness. How is everyone doing now?

Sorry to hear about your horrible scare Beanbabe - I'm so glad things are ok :hugs:

That's great about your latest scan Smudge - I hope the road trip was/is good fun. I can't imagine doing something so energetic these days - I can barely get from couch to bed!!

Congrats on finally doing some shopping MommyD!! :thumbup:

Glad you got the work situation sorted out Smiler. I hope you're starting to feel better? :hugs:

That sucks about the nightmares V. Wish I had some useful advice, but I can't sleep full-stop!

I know I shouldn't be, but I'm feeling so sorry for myself still. What with the various disasters, all the SPD aches and pains, the hormones and the complete lack of sleep, I'm really not a fun person to be around I don't think. I need to pull myself together, especially as I still have over 9 weeks to go. I can't believe it's still that long!!! I am HUGE and can barely get around!!! People keep being stunned I'm not due any day now. How can I still have 2 months to go?????
A lady in the grocery store just asked me how "overdue" I am...FML

I have been driving my OH crazy with watching the four seasons of The Office that I have...over and over and over. But for some weird reason it just makes me happy that show! And it keeps me from thinking about all the stuff we have to get done in the next 8 weeks. Yesterday I went to our new house with my Mom to continue the cleaning and whatnot...and I mustve worked to hard or something because I started having contractions all night last night. They were not regular and not very painful so I wasnt too worried but it made me nervous enough to slow it down for today. I came home from dropping off my daughter at school and went back to bed...I slept for 6 freakin hours. So I called the midwife when I got up and asked to have my iron checked again. I have a feeling it might be pretty low if I am this tired.
It seems so close...yet so far away! haha
I've been a bit slack keeping up with everyone ! I can't believe how close we're getting to having babies. I'm so used to being pregnant, I often forget there's a baby at the end..

I've got a Drs appt tomorrow. I'll start fetal non-stress testing and steroid shots next week !! And then I'll have an amnio at 37 weeks - 6 weeks away...God thats soon. If the amnio shows good lung maturity, its c section time shortly after that.

I just can't wrap my head around HAVING A BABY - even though I've already had 3 others..... this is so weird !

I keep reading so much on here about SPD, but I seem to be the only who's doctor is doing nothing about it. Everyone else is having physio and such, my doctor can't even tell me what kind of belt to buy ! I did try one, but it did nothing for me. I'm a bit pissed actually, I'm in a lot of pain and I'm worried that it won't go away after birth.

Anyway, hope everyones good, sorry for the self involved blather, I'm just a bit loopy at the moment !
My best friend had it with her pregnancy. She wore a belt and said it didnt really help. But she said now that her son is here she feels much better. So maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Smudge, can you do a self-referal to a physio? TBH I haven't found that it's helped that much, but the SPD doesn't seem to have got any worse at least, which I was worried it might do as the pg progressed. I've heard too that things dramatically improve as soon as you give birth, so fingers crossed!

We've had a lot of snow overnight, so I'm teetering about the place hoping I don't slip over. At least DD is happy about it I guess!

Button is still SO wriggly - it's lovely :)

Hope everyone's well x
Thanks Kit, I was wondering how your physio was going. I mentioned it again to my Dr and he said that really there's just so little they can do. Having the baby is the ultimate solution, until then the best thing is just to be careful and don't move if I don't have to !

Got most of my appointments booked for non stress tests, I have to do a couple at the hospital over the holidays, but thats ok, I haven't ever seen inside it so I'm looking forward to it.

Such a busy time right now, I'm struggling to keep up with all the kids stuff, getting ready for Christmas and having to think about moving to Australia in 3 months. Just want this baby to be here already - even though I know that will make life that much harder, at least I could walk properly.
Something new to panic about .... it was my birthday yesterday and we went out for dinner. I had a my first glass of wine in this whole pregnancy. It was wonderful ! But of course, now I'm convinced I've harmed the baby. He's being VERY quiet today and I'm worrying. Tell me what you guys think please !!!
I say dont worry about it! He probs got just as relaxed as you were and decided to sleep the day away!
I am SURE that one glass can't have done any harm at all. I think even the official advice about it is that one glass is fine. I really really wouldn't give it another thought. It'll just be coincidence that he's having a quiet day today, or it might even be that it's because you're not relaxed because of worrying about it :hugs:
Thanks girls. I know what you're saying is totally logical, but it's so easy to convince yourself of the worst. The later I get in pregnancy, the more nervous I get. I start asking my doctor if I can have the baby asap, ie get him out while he's still's insanity but thats what losing a baby after birth does to me.

Feeling a bit better today. He's still been quiet but i've been using my doppler and feeling more kicks and movements. My husband left today for 2 weeks, so I think I was just feeling down and convincing myself that everything had gone wrong.

Onwards and upwards though...tomorrow is another day !
I can completely understand you feeling like that Smudge :hugs: At the moment though you're still at the stage where every extra day your baby's in there he's getting stronger and better able to thrive without any problems when he's born. Just a few more weeks and you'll have him, happy and healthy in your arms :) I hope you're feeling a bit brighter today :hugs:

Button's movements have changed a fair bit recently. I guess it's down to him/her being bigger and having less room. I can feel lots of squirming and pushing, rather than actual kicks. I think he/she turned again yesterday - most uncomfortable!! I'm paranoid about him/her being breech like DD, but my next mw appointment isn't until the end of Dec so I won't know the state of play for ages.

I think my spd is actually easing a bit (touch wood!) although I have no idea why because I'm not doing anything different and I'm getting more gigantic by the day! I still can't do much without it flaring up (I've had to do all of my Christmas shopping online, which isn't quite the same, but has been quite stress-free) but just moving around the house is easier :)

How is everyone else doing? Everyone's very quiet lately. I wonder if it's the calm before the storm lol. It feels like we're in another limbo period, until after Christmas when everything will start to really get going! xx
It is kind of like a limbo period. It is close enough to the end of our little race that we can gripe about being uncomfy but folks who are not us tell us "Well you still have X amount of weeks to go!" If my mother says "Your only pregnant, your not dying" one more time I may decide to kill her! My OH keeps saying "wait until after Xmas to get the rest of the baby stuff" Im kind of sceptical because I am a planner and like to have stuff done ahead of time. Its a weird time. I just wish we had every thing we needed and were ready for liftoff.
Yep, definitely limbo. You know the baby is developed 'enough' and its just gaining weight and strength for birth now. It's not birth time yet, but it's so close.... thats why I just want him out !

Kit I hope your SPD does ease a bit ! I have good days and bad days. Currently it's not too bad but I've basically moved between the bed and the couch since Sunday. Once I walk for any length of time, it'll be back:growlmad:

V, I know what you mean bout being a planner. I'm still surprised at how much baby stuff I've bought, but I like knowing I've done it. It's a positive thing, to be ready to go I reckon !

I wonder where MommyD and Bean are ? Hope they're doing ok.
Small rant.....I friggin hate it when people spend ages building something up and then it turns out not so bad and they think the world is falling and then they give everyone else shit for trying to cheer them up. For instance, *lets remind everyone how I feel about my SIL getting IVF, its bullcrap* anywho, she finds out her eggs are ok, they are still insisting she get mental health counselling. Well for some dumbass reason she thinks it is the end of the world because instead of listening to her doc she assumed she would be able to direct the health professionals as to what to do. She honest to god believed that once she found out the eggs were good they would just lay her down and take them out right there. She kept saying "Its my life. They will do what I WANT" well people who do not live in crazy land know that is not how it works. So for the passed little while she has been having this countdown on FB about "This many days until I can start my journey" and then when people ask about her journey she pretends they dont know and acts all coy and deceptive. I have told her many many times that they will not do what she wants and that the clinic so far does not even think they should perform the IVF. So she finds out today that they will not do the IVF without A LOT of help and the shrink needs to give her a clean bill of health. And now she has on her fb something about it being the end of her world and she might as well go and kill herself. So naturally everyone writes down "Oh cheer up" etc etc and her day will come etc etc and she puts "The last thing I want to hear right now is how it will be my day soon and how lucky I am. I am not lucky. The world sucks. And everyone who gets what they DONT deserve should think twice about even talking to me" Meaning.....ME. She has told many people that I do not deserve to be pregnant and do not deserve to be getting married. So I told my OH that I will not only not allow this woman near my children but now she has offcially lost her brain and she is no longer allowed near me.

*deep breath*

Small...maybe medium sized rant over.

So how is everyone?????? haha
Does this woman have a partner ? If so, what does he think about her delusions ? What about the rest of her family ?

I think you're right in keeping her away from your children. And at this stage of pregnancy, keeping her away from yourself ! She's obviously got some kangaroos loose in the top paddock, who knows what she may be capable of ?

Just a personal rant - why do people 'vague'book ? You know, post something that requires further explanation ? I avoid those posts like the plague, I'm not interested in indulging their self involvment. It pisses me off ! Or when they announce that their world is ending but no reasons why ?:growlmad::growlmad::dohh::dohh: :growlmad::growlmad:
Well she has a partner...who is married and is currently still living with his wife, and her family has no idea he is still in the picture. He is more mentally ill then she is. The rest of her family, not including my OH, are in such fear of her suicide threats that they pretend to love all her choices.

And ya "vaguebook" makes me friggin insane. What makes me more insane is people who post their business all over *ahem* "vaguebook" and then when something doesnt go right they snap at all the people who try and boost their confidence again. Maybe I am being all preggo bitchy but that intentional quest for attention and then getting mad at people when you get it....its childish.
Well thank god the IVF clinic won't help her. It sounds like the last thing she needs is to get pregnant in her situation. I don't think there is much anyone can do for her, and it sounds like her family isn't willing to try.

I definitely think, though, that keeping you and yours away from her is smart and safe ! Not to be an alarmist, but it sounds like a situation ripe for baby-napping or something terrible ! It's good that your OH doesn't think like his family does.

I have a bit of a family issue at the moment, nothing like that. My MIL is pretty close with the girl who grew up next door to my DH. My DH and her never were involved, it's nothing like that. It's partly because we've never lived close to them and we're always travelling (being in the Navy etc) and so my MIL doesn't have her grandchildren around much. This woman has just had her 3rd child and named him Phoenix. I apologise to anyone who likes that name but I think it's bloody awful ! My MIL kept sending me FB messages asking what I thought of the name etc and how great she thought it was. She has terrible taste and every time I've been pg she suggests absolutely appalling names and gets offended when we don't use them. So after about the 3rd message, I decided it was rude to keep avoiding the question and told her my honest opinion, that its a dreadful name. She asked the same of my DH and he told her he hated it too.

Ever since then, I've heard nothing from her. It was my birthday on Saturday and she's normally super organised about things like that. But no phonecall, no present. I'm not concerned so much about the lack of a present, but I think she's pissed at me..... But why the hell would she be ? It's not like it was her baby or she named the kid ! I'm not going to do anything about it, I just think its silly for her to get her knickers in a knot over this. She drives me batty at the best of times and right now i'm a hormonal bitch, so whatever....

I'm so tired at the moment, I can't stop sleeping. Is that normal ? I wonder if Ihave an iron deficiency or something.

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