Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

OMG - i thought i was the only one with crazy family who are so self absorbed they fail to see any bigger picture or consider anybody else who may exist outside their bubble!! my favourite saying is "go back to the bubble you came from, I'm busy with reality here"

I'm so sorry to be hearing about everybody's family issues. it really is awful how everything has to happen when we're preggers. like smudge said - we're all hormonal b!tches right now - so WHY would anybody be crossing paths with us - it makes no sense. WHY LARRY WHY??????

I'm also having family issues - but mines on going since May this year. and i've just learnt how to ignore ALL of them. sadly - it has lead to me completely cutting them out of my life. and i know it sounds harsh - but there was really no other way. and honestly - i've been much happier, my marriage has been thriving even more than it was, and OH and I are happy without having this constant weight on our shoulders to please everybody and keep everybody else happy at our expense - literally and figuratively. I just got to the point where i had to decide whether it was us or them.

anyway - hope everyones good. Smudge - i am soooo tired and all i want to do is sleep - BUT the minute i put my head down - i can't freakin fall asleep. but OB has said to me it is normal to feel more tired in the 3rd trimester because it's the period that baby takes more nutrients and stuff from your body - and that's why it's important to keep taking pre-natal vitamins. FYI - i stopped taking them half way through 2nd trimester.

V - i know this is easier said than done - but honey, take it easy. Your SIL is going to be crazy no matter how much sense you make or try and make her see. and i think it's a good thing you put some distance and boundaries between her and you & your kids. i'm a pretty easy going thick skinned lady - but f*ck with my kids and i will turn into mother b!tch herself.
WOWZA....funny you say that about baby napping because I had a dream last night that she tried to steal my baby and then jumped in front of a train holding my baby! I woke up SCREAMING! Good thing my daughter was at my parents cause I wouldve scared her half to death. OH woke up and snuggled me in for a while and told me that he will NEVER let her alone with our baby.

Smudge - Phoenix...haha My childhood best friend named her daughter Phoenix. Good for you for sticking up to your MIL. If she wants to be a childish old bag *oxymoron, no?* then let her. My sister absolutly hates the name we have picked out for our baby. Mainly because she hates french people. In Ontario we live in very close proximity to Quebec which is our french speaking province and a lot of people who live in Ottawa are forced to speak french in order to gain employment and my sister never bothered to study french so she hates all french people. Its her dumbness. But she thinks our baby will be made fun of because of her french name. Its all so stupid.
I'm moody as hell at the moment.. families suck don't they ? I have so many issues with mine, especially my horrid pathetic sister. You remember that emai I mentioned a few weeks ago that my father sent me? still working through that load of pain and misery...

Most of the time, I wish I didn't have to deal with them. Horrible, horrible thing to say but the grief and stress are unbearable sometimes. Times like these I wish I could crack open a nice chilled bottle of sauvignon blanc, light a fag and forget about the whole thing !!

I'll have to settle for a bag of lollies and a nap.
I'm sorry to hear everyone's having these horrible family issues still :hugs: It's weird how a lot of stuff seems to be going on for us all during our pregnancies. I don't think it's just hormones making normal scenarios seem worse. Maybe it's because a pregnancy in the family can kind of stir things up? I hope things settle down for everyone soon, so we can at least have nice chilled Christmases (if fat, tired, achey and sober ones!!).

We're past 32 weeks Smudge!!! :D I started my raspberry leaf tea tablets today, which makes me feel like I'm really on the home stretch :happydance:

Good to hear from you MommyD - I hope you get some sleep soon. I'm having the same problem and have been having naps during my lunch hour to keep me going - thank goodness for home working!!!

So it's just Beanbabe who's gone AWOL now - hope she's ok x
I'm so hormonal that I keep having silly niggly arguments with OH. We never normally bicker and I know it must be mostly my fault for being stroppy, but it does also seem that he's being particularly flipping irritating recently!! This evening's row culminated in him being STUPID enough to say he was fed up of me being moody - BIG MISTAKE!!!! Is he MAD??!! How did he think that was EVER going to work out well for him??!! I may be forced to actually physically injure him for that little gem!!!
What is the raspberry leaf tea for kit?????
I was going to ask the same thing V. I think it's something to do with the uterus, like toning it or something, but I dunno.

I'm not currently annoyed at my DH, probably because he's away at the moment. Normally that would be a good reason, but I seem to be taking all my rage out on my children.....:blush: Poor kiddies, but GOD THEY ARE ANNOYING !! Stupid eh, considering I'm just about to have another one:wacko:

Further to my MIL rant from earlier. My Dh just emailed me and said that his mother had sent him an email asking if a package had arrived from her to me. No, it has not, but why is she emailing him AT SEA, when she could jsut email me or even better, CALL ME ??? Obviously, because she's still pissy about Phoenix ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh, snarl, bitch, moan......I am in the foulest temper this week:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

I did buy a lovely little bag of Lindt choccies at the shop earlier. I'm going to lie on the couch and rip into those.....hopefully there will be some sanity and sunshine at the bottom of the bag.
I'm so completely freaked out now.
I've been getting period pains all day - pain emanating from my back all the way round the front. didn't think anything about it since it went away everytime.
So then i called the OB just in case. we chatted for a bit and he says it could be a bladder infection "are you feeling any cramps from your lower back to the front of your bump?" "ah, yes. and down my thighs" and he goes very quiet and then mentions it could still be a bladder infection - but he doubts it. says i must check how often they come and go and how long they last. "have you felt olive move today?" "yes - tons, but very very low down".
"do you have a baring down sensation?" "yes - all week - yesterday it felt like i was going to wee olive out" says if the pain comes back again today - i must come in. he wants to then rule out pre-term labour at that stage. it could just be braxton hicks - but i know what that feels like. and this, this is something entirely different. :sad1:
OK, don't panic MommyD :hugs: It could just be Olive getting really really low down and maybe even engaging early. Even if it is early labour, Olive should be ready enough for it not to cause big problems. It'll be ok :hugs:

How is it feeling now? xx
What is the raspberry leaf tea for kit?????

It tones the uterus muscles and makes contractions more effective. It's completely natural and doesn't have any adverse side effects, but you're obviously not meant to start taking it too early (not before 32 weeks). You can either drink the tea (which I personally think tastes foul!) or take tablets.

It's quite widely used now. I took it before my DD was born and the mw actually said during my labour that she couldn't understand how each of my contractions was doing so much! I hadn't told her about the rlt or anything.
now it's just braxton hicks - belly is rock hard. i still have that baring down sensation - like i am going to wee olive out. lower back is killing me and my sides are sore, like a dull pain. i keep going to the loo to check for any spotting/a show. been having tons of cm (sorry TMI). and my legs are swelling. all things that happened at about 36 weeks with DS - has been happening since the end of week 29 now. although doctor has said olive looks set to come a bit earlier like anywhere from 15 Jan - it can't come this early.
walking and concerntrated breathing takes soothes the cramps.
active labour cramps don't feel like this either - but i was in early labour for about 2 days and i didn't know it with DS. all i did was walk a little when the cramps came and it was ok.

my last appointment about 6 weeks ago he told me judging from the scan - olive is getting ready to engage soon - which i think happened last week. had excrutiating pain down south. not dull period like cramping - it was total ouch kind of pain. Olives movements have also been super super low since then. also - i've been leaking a little bit - but not enough to warrant even a panty-liner. and i can never tell what the leaking is. I know what my water breaking feels like - but no idea what leaking is. as long as olive is moving - right?

32 weeks is not a trainsmash for birth - but i'd like olive to bake a little more if it's safe.
It does sound like things are gearing up to a degree, but hopefully it just means you'll be a bit early like the doc said originally, rather than that labour is actually imminent.

Drinking lots of water is meant to help I think, as it reduces the concentration of oxytocin. There are other things they can do to stop labour too if it does start, so hopefully you can keep Olive cooking x
I hope Olive stays in a little longer ! Like you and Kit said, 32 is not disastrous, the odds are waaaaayyyy in your favour.

I haven't had cramps per se, but I do have very low pain. In fact i woke up with it this morning. It feels like my cervix is twanging - does that makes sense ? It's not unbearable, but its uncomfortable. Bearing down eases it, as does getting up and moving around. I'm not overly concerned about it, think I'll bring it up at my next appt though. Cramps would certainly worry me a bit too though, at least your Dr is on top of it and not ignoring you as so many Docs seem to be doing ! 15 Jan makes you 36 weeks, so thats perfect - early yes, but pretty much fully cooked - how exciting !

I had less than 4 hours sleep last night, I'm so damn uncomfortable. I've got so much stuff to do today, I had to get up and get going. It's going to be a loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy...
OH NO....someone get the water boiling and start tearing up some sheets!!!!!!!! hahaha Just kidding...I keep thinking IM having braxton hicks but Im not sure so I guess I will know when I have one. Just feels like a mild period cramp and then fades off. I wonder if labor will takes ages like my first one did or if I can expect a quickier one because it is my second labor.
My first one took 42 hours from start to finish, partly because she was back to back, but the mw I spoke to when I did my tour of the maternity unit I'm hoping to labour in this time said that second babies often come SO quickly that she wants me to ring them and come in AS SOON as I start contractions. She says it takes 40 mins to fill the birthing pool and it'll take me 30 mins to get there, so she doesn't want to risk me having it in the car!! I didn't realise that second labours were so often that quick!!
Well I have a crotch full of agony right now ! TMI, I know, but man it's bad tonight. That and my lower back and hips are just excruciating. After todays pain and what MommyD was talking about, I've been reading and I think baby has dropped. I seem to have less bump at the top and there is so much pressure on my cervix and vj.

If he has dropped, that doesn't necessarily mean labour is going to start soon does it ? I actually don't know much about this because my last 2 were c sections.
Coincidentally I'm feeling a bit the same. I don't have much experience of this either, because DD was breech, so never dropped or engaged. I'm hoping that all this pain and different feelings from last time means that when I have my next check the mw will say Button's head down.

I don't think it means anything's imminent necessarily though as you say. At least it means our ribs, lungs and stomach might get a break!

I hope things have calmed down a bit today MommyD?
So I come home from my walk this afternoon and I get this lovely message on FB....

Meg Cook December 10 at 3:34pm Report
That's funny. It's funny because I'm catching you in a lie. I've always known you were a liar but now I have proof. A year ago when I was trying to find a home for my cat you messaged me and told me you would take him. Then the day you were supposed to pick him up you messaged me again and said you couldn't. The reason? Your ex had bought a kitten for your daughter and your landlord didn't want you to have 2 cats in your place. Now you say YOU got the kitten from Kijiji. I don't know what's more upsetting - the fact that you lied or the fact that you used your ex and your daughter in the lie. How does it feel?
But I'm sure you're going to tell some other lie to try and cover your ass. Or, you can be a coward and delete me which I would totally be fine with because I have no use for people who lie.

Nice eh? Said kitten that my ex got us had to be put down after it was hit by a car. Aren't people just so nice this time of year???
Wow, somebody has a grudge !

'The best revenge is living well' - which is what I tell myself whenever somebody tries to bring me down or I even suspect thats what they're trying ! That the downside of FB and one of the things I hate about it. It can expose you TOO much sometimes, even if it's just something innocent that you posted - everything you post is there to be interpreted by everyone.

I had a better day today. Baby spent yesterday and most of last night moving non-stop. Today he's been a bit quiet, but I've been on the go a bit. I just want to be done !

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