Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

HI girls

Yes I am ok. stupid pc would not let me open bnb for the last few days.

I only have one more week at work which is a releive as getting really tiresd now. Having quite a lot of strong braxton hicks too and everything seems swollen, particularly my hands. Am seeing midwife tomoroow so will have a long chat with her.

I would not mind Bob coming a bit early but not til after Christmas as hubby's birthday is 19th Decemeber and mine is 22nd deceember so dont want another christmas birhtday!!!!

I am also having the preiod like pains! ISnt it weird that we all seem to be having the same type of symptoms at the same time.!!!

Anyway must dash as about to head to mothercare to pay final installment on pushchair so that it can be delivered after christmas !!!

Love to you all xxxxxx
So I just spent a wonderful night at the fabulous Chateau Laurier in Ottawa. It is the fanciest hotel in all of ONtario! My whole bathroom was made of marble! We went out for supper last night and I was waiting in line for the buffet and I had the weirdest pain ever. Like right on my pubic bone. Felt like it snapped or something. And then I had to walk five city blocks back to the hotel uphill. Today it is very very sore were the pain was. I wonder if I hurt something? eek!
Maybe baby dropped V? I'm always getting some weird thing happening, or strange pain. It doesn't help my paranoia.

Speaking of which, baby has gone quiet again. Last week he had some of the most active days ever, but this weekend, he's so quiet I'm worried again. I should get the doppler out, but I can't stand thinking what if ??
Argh, why does it have to be so scary ?

Glad to hear you're ok, Smiler !
Hi everyone,

glad you're ok Smiler. Hurrah for stopping work soon and the pushchair coming! I hope your mw can help, or at least put your mind at rest. Probably stopping work will help lots.

My pushchair is coming this week and the nursery furniture has just been delivered!! OH finished the decorating at the weekend, so it's finally all coming together :D

Have you tried the doppler yet Smudge? I'm sure everything's fine, but I know it's scary taking the plunge and finding out for sure. I'm not sure of the time difference, but I'll be online for a bit now if you need any moral support xxx Oh also, I resorted to using crutches over the weekend so that I could do some Christmas shopping and they made a HUGE difference to the SPD. The physio recommended them weeks ago, but I didn't want to use them, but I HAD to get some things done so didn't have much choice and I was stunned by how much they helped. Normally if I was on my feet even a quarter as much as that I'd be in so much pain and unable to walk by the evening, but I really wasn't too bad. I highly recommend trying them!
Well I did it ladies. I started to pack my hospital bag. Bought some snazzy new slippers and everything. My beautiful black and shiny Betsy Johnson is waiting patiently on my bed for the rest of my who haw to get in there and then I am ready to go. Kind of...we still have to finish the babies room in the new house and paint it and get moved in there and now get my car fixed and get new appliances and get Xmas done with.... *mind blows up* brain exploded...time for candy
Thanks Kit.:hugs:

I got on the doppler about 2am this morning (insomnia anyone ?) and there he was, bopping away. Though I do have a new paranoia. His heartbeat seems to go up and down a lot. I looked it up and it seems to be normal, but I definitely have to ask the doc about this. I had my fetal echo and it was 100% perfect, so thats reassuring. He's had some very wriggly moments today as well. But as soon as that thought pops into my head, I instantly convince myself somethings gone wrong..:wacko:

Yay for hospital bags ! I've thought about it, but thats it. I have bought a few new jammie pants and I got new Uggs for my birthday. I don't think I'll pack till after Christmas though, it's kind of scary.

I've had a slack day today. I fell asleep at 5am, woke up at 7 and as soon as the kids went to school, I went back to sleep. I kept waking up, but didn't get up until 1pm ! I feel really lazy, but thats how my sleeping is at the moment. It usually happens when my husband is away, he gets back Friday.
Smudge - I noticed the same thing with the heartheart *my daughter says it is a heartheart instead of heartbeat* fluctuating a lot. My midwife said it was totally normal as the bubs is moving a lot inside of there and the angle the doppler is pointing has something to do with it. Also something about when bubs breaths in the amniotic fluid it makes the heart sound "foggy" for a moment *her words excactly.
Thats like what I read when I googled stuff about fetal heart rate changes and dopplers and stuff. I know it's normal, but still !

I just looked at my calendar and realised that tomorrow is my first NST. At 10.45am. Kind of looking forward to it, it means I'm well and truly on the path to delivery now !
HI girls.

Went to see midwife yesterday and she said Bob is 3/5 engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a good day today though as one of my tooth fillings came out last night so am waiting for emergency dental line to open this morning so that i can try and get an appointment. It is my own fault really as tooth has been giving me jip for last few weeks but i was hoping it would be ok til after Bob arrived as I am scared of having anything done while pregnant.
Smiler - i had a filling replaced while i was preggers - they just remove the adrenalin from the dental anaestethic because it increase your heart rate, and being preggers we already have an increased heart rate pumping tons of blood - so we don't need that adrenalin as a catalyst ;-)

My mucus plug started coming down this morning. with a spot of blood (i think). been googling it ever since. have read that the plug can regenerate and a spot of blood could be a "show". started losing plug at about 36 weeks with DS and birth was about 1 1/2 weeks later. Olive is rather active these past few days - but not much this morning, which is odd since this is the time he/she is MOST active.
I dunno what to think anymore. with cramps last week, plugs this week... I'm so geared up for a LOOOONNNGGGGG appointment with my OB just now.

i haven't packed my bag yet. i went and got PJ's and maternity sanitary towels. but that's about it. I initially went on sunday to go sort my bag out with things i needed but ended up buying a really cool dressing mirror.
HOly cow! We really are having these babies soon! I am seriously taking bets on being the last one of the cautious club to give birth though haha.
I don't think I can bring myself to pack my bag until after Christmas. Over the last few days it's suddenly dawned on me that I really am having another baby in a few weeks time and I'm not sure I'm quite mentally prepared yet! I'm really really excited of course and in some ways (SPD, etc) looking forward to not being preg anymore, but still...

I'm glad everything seems ok Smudge, although I know nothing will quite put your mind at rest until you have your baby in your arms. I think you're doing amazingly well considering!

My word - it sounds like MommyD and Smiler are well on the way already then! How exciting!! I've got an antenatal check next week, but only with the mw so I don't know how much she'll be able to tell me. If she can't confidently tell Button's position I'll be sent for a scan though, to make sure he/she isn't breech again.
Hello strangers.

Well I can see everyone is very busy!! Haven't been online recently. Have been feeling a bit down and although I'm super excited about this baby I cant help thinking a lot about Matthew and how this should have been his first christmas. Also its comin up to the anniversary of my brothers death who died when he was only 21 and things are just a bit hard atm.

Anyway on a positive note I can see that you are all heading in the right direction for delivery of these babies.

Smiler 3/5 is good - my son was 4/5 the day I was induced so bob is doing great being so far down already. hope you got the tooth sorted.

Mommyd hope your apt went well. It seems that your little one is showing signs of wanting out. Hope he or she stays put for another while for you.
KKB is right tho - lots and lots of fluids will help. when I was in hospital with possible preterm labour the treatment was fluids and steriods for baby's lungs.

KKB thanks for asking about me. hope you are well and button is right way down!

Smudge - take the lazy days while you can. I had one of those today - got up and sent the kids to school, got some breakfast and went back to bed and dozed/slept till lunch time when I got up had my lunch and collected the kids. Like you I feel lazy but my oh keeps reminding me the most important thing is that the baby is happy.

V- bet you will be away b4 me.

I had my 32 week scan yesterday. baby looking very happy. got myself a thumb sucker lol. doctor very happy with baby. baby gave us a wee thumbs up when scan was being done. like to think it was a little sign that everything is ok.
don't know why they call it a NON STRESS test. It was horrifically stressful !

First of all, in the ultrasound, the tech said that the cord is around his neck. She had to keep reassuring me that it's ok and it's not a reason to worry, but of course I am.

Then they had a lot of trouble getting his heart rate on the monitor. It took ages and then they said he wasn't reacting so they 'buzzed' him. They ended up buzzing him 3 times before they were happy with the results. The nurse was talking about sending me over to the hospital if things didn't get better. I was a wreck. When I was in labor with my son, I had a fetal monitor on and they thought it kept malfunctioning, but it wasn't. It was his extreme distress that was causing all the problems, yet noone realised until too late. Even though that WASN"T the case today, I felt like I was reliving it. In the end though, my doctor was happy with everything and baby has been kicking me all day.

Gotta go back and do it all again on Friday and then next week, and then the week after that etc.....
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so fed up with useless doctors these days! ERGH! So when they test again will that give you a better idea of when you can have him??
No, these are just the NSTs to make sure he's chugging along ok. Dr said he'll do an amnio (!) at 37 weeks to check for lung maturity and then slice and dice not long after that. So, barring something going wrong and needing to have him out earlier, I'm guessing I'm about 5 weeks away. Which seems like FOREVER, but get this..........................................................................................................

thats only 35 days ! :saywhat:

I have to have the NSTs twice a week until then. Fingers crossed they go better than today.
holy cr@p smudge! sounds like you had a day you'd rather not want to relive any time soon!!

so i went to OB yesterday - while scanning - he says, my cervix is shut closed - YAY - the plug must have just come away, but it should regenerate. the cramps - he can't explain, says it could be baby dropping. then he scans me and we watch as olive turns from head down engaged position to EXTENDED BREECH! and now, now i have to go back @ 36 weeks to see if he/she has turned. if not - it's slice and dice (as smudge put it) at 37 weeks. OB says he can't risk me going into labour before my due date and baby hasn't turned. The cord will wrap around the neck and then i stopped listening :-( he says if my water breaks or contractions come before my 36 week appointment - to go straight to labour and delivery immediately and so they can check position. if baby has turned they won't stop labour. if olive hasn't turned they're cutting.
I don't mind the c-section - really - as long as olive is ok. the part about the cord and survival rate and risks of baby coming out bum first freaks me out. Also - if the torso comes out first there's a chance of baby being brain damaged.

MommyD ! What an appointment ! What else is going to happen to us girls ??

The cord thing is really scary. I've been googling and it appears to be pretty common, but I can't stop thinking the words 'cord accident'. Cord around the neck just sounds like impending disaster, doesn't it ?

I wish I could offer you (and me !) some reassurance, but the only thing I can say is, don't fear the c section ! I've done it both ways, and I found the c section much better than natural. The pain is minimal and the recovery is a lot quicker than you'd think. Out of everything, I think the surgery worries me the least. Actually, my doc is also a plastic surgeon (this IS California after all) and he says he stitches differently than other doctors. Its not a tummy tuck per se but he tries to correct some of the damage done by having a c. This will be my 3rd, so I was happy to hear that !
smudge - send your doctor to me on loan please man!! i've seen my OB's stitch work - it's not too bad. actually it's hardly visible on a friend of mine.

but yes - i agree with you - the cord thing is totally unnerving. and i must admit - i'm a little anxious about a c-section, it can't really be that bad, right? many women have done it and come through it unscathed. and the more i think about it the more i'm ok with it. i just want my baby to be ok. to be crying when he/she comes out. and to be ok.
i've actually never been this terrified before :-(
Exactly. They aren't bad at all. I've had 2 and I'm about to have a 3rd and I'm not particularly worried. I'm also allergic to morphone so my painkilling options are limited post surgery, but its never been a problem.

The cord thing makes me grateful for having so many doc appts (2-3/week from now on) because they will watch it very closely. I can really only freak out for 3 days max between appointments and I have my doppler. AND I'm not averse to giving my stomach a sharp nudge or 2 to get baby moving.

God, I just want my baby here, screaming, breathing, pooping and ALIVE.

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