Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

My mother calls me yesterday to read me some stupid article that she found online that said frequent hiccups can mean fetal distress. I told her that bubs gets hiccups every couple of days and not every couple hours and to never call me with news that will make me worry AGAIN! Why does everyone want us to worry so much? ERGH
if that was the case - olive should be a distress ball and not a baby right now :)
he/she gets hiccups OFTEN.
My mom thinks that every article she reads online is reliable.....ummmm NOT
As if this isn't bloody stressful enough.

My mum said to me way back at about week 14 that I was silly to be anxious and that if i was anxious then I had a problem. WTH ? Why would I be anxious ? Perhaps because I've just had a miscarriage ? Or maybe because I've had one of my babies die before ? Hmm, do you think that might make me just a little worried ? Like I said last week, families suck.

Has anyone ever met someone who was, for want of a better description, competitive about pregnancy ? I'm not talking about the weight gain stuff etc, but just the mere fact of being pregnant ? I've two acquaintances. I don't see them much but we are FB friends. I announced my pregnancy back in August and they both said congrats. And ever since then, they've basically ignored me. Both announced pregnancies later on so one is about 25 weeks and the other is about 17 weeks. I don't know if it's my overly active imagination but it seem as though they (they don't know each other) both got shitty as soon as I said I was pregnant. Is it because I'm way ahead ? One's having her first, the other her third. Is this because I'm having my fourth ? It's weird, I 've never come across this before.

I am so moody and fed up with it all today, can you tell ???:winkwink:
Well besides my SIL from hell I have a few friends who have been like that. It got worse after I got engaged as well. I am not a competitive person at all! I would rather back away then compete so it always shocks me when people start getting like that. I actually had one person say to me "Why on earth would you think you are ready to have another baby?" Like how dare I become pregnant???? I then found out that she had been trying for 6 months and nothing was working for her. I also lost my best friend due to this pregnancy. We were very very very close and when she found out I was pregnant she insulted me and insulted my OH and went on and on about how I was too "naiive and stupid" to be pregnant she also told me that I reminded her of her boyfriends 18 year old daughter who had 4 abortions and gave one baby away for adoption....I never spoke to her again ever. I still think to this day she was jealous of the fact that she would never have another baby.
I think it's really strange. It's not like I did anything deliberately to steal anybodys thunder. And it's not like they invented the condition, I don't get it. I can understand maybe someone with fertility issues being jealous, but the nastiness and so forth really confuses me.

Anyway, here's TMI.......I keep having diarrhea. And back and front aches. Everytime it happens I'm convinced I'm going into labour. I wish I was frankly...but nada so far. Anyone else having this ? Is so revolting and annoying !
Well smudge...thats one symptom you can count me in for as well. I find I have like two days with nothing and then one day where I can not be close enough to the loo. The midwife said it had something to do with the fish oil I am taking and the fact I am on iron now too.
OMG what a night I am having! My car has decided that it does not want to have any heat. So I have been house bound for the passed few days. Well my Dad bought the part he thought would fix it, well it turned out that was not the issue at all. So now I am looking at dropping a fortune to get my crappy car fixed. So we finally get home and I put my daughter to bed, me and OH are cuddling up in bed to watch tv and she comes flying out of her room with blood POURING down her face. She got a really really bad nosebleed and we spent the next 45 minutes trying to get that to clot. Then we get it stopped and she sneezed....out comes the clot and a ton more blood...all over my pretty cream colored sheets. So I finally get that stopped and cleaned up. And I go to take off my socks...and that weird pubic bone pain I had a few days ago hits me like an axe. I kind of fell forward on my bed and scared my OH half to death. So now I am sitting on a heating pad wrapped ever so lovely around my lady parts trying to calm the ache. Well as I am sitting here my OH comes into the room and caught site of the bloody wads of kleenex in the trash and gagged. Big time gagged. I heard him gag....and I ran off to the toilet. Proceeded to get so sick that I saw stars! Like I have an empty stomach and the retching made me see bloack and glittery dots in my eyes. I get up to rinse my mouth and all of the blood vessels in my face have popped. I look like I have been beaten badly, or like I have a weird rash all over my face. And the vessels in my eyes have all popped. This would not bother me too much...except...we have family pictures tomorrow night with a really good photographer who we have been on a list for for almost 6 months. So needless to say.......I WANT A GLASS OF BLEEPING EFFIN WINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My midwife just told me I preobably have SPD to be joining that club as well!
Aaahh, it never rains but it pours ! Sorry your having a rough time V. That sucks about the SPD, welcome to the PAIN club.

Mine is particularly irritating today. I got out of my car to go into the library, I'd taken about 10 steps and it felt like something snapped in my groin. I stopped and grabbed myself:blush: which must have looked just lovely to passersby - a very pregnant women who stops and grabs her crotch.... But it stopped pretty quickly, but I had to waddle for the rest of the day.

I've got my next NST tomorrow morning and a growth scan. I don't know if it's possible but I hope that cord has moved.

How's everyone doing ?
hahaha Funny how my baby gaga ticker chenges to THAT!
I love the name you've chosen ! It's so pretty.

We have NO idea what to call this one. At this rate, he'll leave hospital nameless. I had my second NST today and a growth scan. Baby is very well and happy, but still has that damn cord around his neck. The NST was much better, only required a glass of cold water to wake him up and then it was party time..

My husband came home today !! I've been looking forward to this since he left, but now I'm in a phenomenally bad mood and can't enjoy it..stupid hormones.
Yay for hubby...booo for bad mood. My stupid OH had me up most of the night snoring! I just want to smack him in the face and punch his stupid snoring nose! Then he looks at me like I am the bad guy when I start typing on the computer.
Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did i watch a birthing video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh heh ! I'm having a c section and even then I won't watch one !!

I'm lying on the couch having stuffed myself full of gingerbread and just had a contraction. Not terribly painful, but lasted about 20 secs ! I know it was BH, but I kind of wish it wasn't. Doctors appt tomorrow and another NST. This is going so fast !
Hey girls. Cant believe that I will be 35 weeks tomorrow!!!! Only 5 weeks to go. Started washing baby's clothes today and getting my bag ready!! I know it is a bit early but I am paranoid that I am going to go into labour early and wont be ready!!

Bob really is not very happy with me at the moment! I am ill yet again woth a chest, sinus and throat infection. :-( If I am not sneezing then i am coughing up a lung and every time i cough or sneeze Bob gives me a good kick as if to say Mummy I dont like it!!

I am also having quite a lot of braxton hicks. If I can just get to next week ( and past Christmas weekend) then I dont mind if Bob decides to put in an appearance slightly early as I am desperate to meet him/her and am now very fed up woth being pregnant!!!

Anyway enough about me. How is everyone else doing? Are we all looking forward to Christmas?

Well I had Christmas at my in laws last night. They bought me stuff for the baby which is nice. It also solidified my obvious posistion in the family. I am the baby maker because I dont deserve a present for myself. Just the baby. Its not about the presents really. Its about feeling like you are a part of something. I had never felt so left out. I was dissappointed as well because they bought a ton of stuff for the baby and then spent maybe $20 on my daughter. She wasnt upset though because my SIL got her a ton of candy and I dont really allow her candy so she was pumped about that. Added to the fact that they smoked all night long right at the table with me and my daughter who is very sensitive to smoke and has major athsma issues when smoke is around her. I just spent the whole night kind of making nice and trying not to cough up a lung. SIL only ran away once crying when we were opening the baby stuff. I feel bad for my MIL because she is so excited for the baby and our new house but everytime she brings it up SIL goes "Ok can we PLEASE talk about anything else!" like we are intentionally hurting her by discussing our lives.
Lots of news here....

But first, woohoo Smiler ! So close, its almost unbelievable isn't it ? I'm starting to feel like I'm definitely going to have this baby, if you get what I it's really real....:wacko:

Sorry to hear about Christmas with the inlaws V. Is that the same pyscho SIL ?

Well, I spent yesterday in hospital. I woke up at 6 am with what I thought was really bad gallbladder pain. It got progressively worse until 10a when it spread to my left arm, jaw and chest and I thought I was having a heart attack. I was crying and moaning on the bed and I couldn't stop writhing around, the pain was excruciating. My husband called the paramedics and they carted me off to hospital where I spent the day having ekgs, blood tests, ultrasounds etc ! My gallbladder looks ok, enlarged but no stones or anything. They're pretty sure I didn't have a heart attack, so thats good. They moved me over to the maternity hospital and I had an NST there and the baby is FINE. It definitely wasn't any type of labour pain- they kept asking me if it was, but it never fet remotely like that, it was in my back and chest. They let me go home eventually. My doc wants me to keep taking Zantac and keep having my NSTs. I'm going into hospital on Christmas Eve for another one and also to have a steroid shot -eek !

I actually had a doc appointment the day before all this drama and the best thing about it was....................................................................

finding out my c section date !!!!!!!! Finally !!!

I'm going in for an amnio on Jan 21st in the morning. If it's all good, then baby will be born that afternoon !!!! That is only 29 days away, which feels like forever, but it's only 29 DAYS !!!

sorry for the raving lunacy, can you tell I'm excited ? I cannot wait to meet my boy and for all this discomfort and anxiety to end !!

So thats my news girls. It's 6am here and I've been awake for a few hours, so I'm going to try and snooze before I have to get up for real.:flower:
29 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy liftin! And ya it is same crazy SIL. So I am going to offcially start saying that I will be the last of the club to have their baby! haha I can feel it in my bones...or should I say uterus???
Hi everyone! Nice to hear all your news :) I'm glad all the baby's are doing well, even if we're all suffering for it in various ways LOL! That's VERY exciting Smudge about your date!!! :happydance: Scary about your pains though! I'm glad they didn't find anything bad. Maybe the baby was pressing on a nerve or something random like that?

I hope you're feeling a bit better Bean :hugs: and I hope Olive turns back again soon MommyD. At least it looks like Olive's going to hang in there a bit longer than you were thinking at one point.

I had my mw appointment yesterday and she "thinks" Button is head down, so that's a bit of a relief. I wish she could have said for definite, but I'm having a scan at 37 weeks to check for sure. The travel system arrived yesterday :happydance: I'm so pleased with it and have been having so much fun playing with it!! :D The nursery furniture arrived too, so all of a sudden things are getting sorted :)

5+6 to go for me!!! I'm jealous of all of you who are due before me - every day is seeming very long!!

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