Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

v - i hope you are feeling beter today. :hugs:

My sister had a very healthy baby boy weighing in at 8lb 13oz. He is totally gorgeous.

AFM - baby is breech :growlmad:. still has time to turn so hoping that it will cos if i have to have a section I dont think I could have an epidural. It has been head down for weeks and weeks now and has turned sometime in the last week. still its healthy and so am I so shouldn't complain too much.

Smudge - how you doing.
Great Photo V ! You look fabulous ! Did she take it with an iphone ? I take heaps of pics with my phone but have no idea how to upload to BnB.

My husband did a plaster cast of my belly last night. It looks great, actually. I'm surprised I like it so much, its all HUGE boobs and belly. I'm going to decoupage it and hang it in the nursery, when I get back to Australia.

Congrats Aunty Bean ! Really don't worry about a possible caesar/epidural. I've had 3 epis and 2 caesars and they are FINE. The idea is way more scary than the reality.

As for me, I'm a moody bitch from hell right now. I've got this funky, angry, irritated, anxious sensation that I can't shake. I really want labour to start again, I'm analysing every twinge and cramp now. The idea of waiting another 3 weeks is torture ! Silly, considering up until my little Xmas episode I was quite happy to wait.
Hope you're feeling better V - you're certainly looking great! I can't upload any pics at the moment, because work have put this encryption software on my laptop and I haven't yet figured out how to get round it so I can plug things into it again without them needing to be encrypted too. V annoying!!

I'm sorry you're feeling so cr@ppy Smudge :hugs: I'm starting to feel similarly frustrated and I haven't even had the false start, so I can imagine it must be awful. The cord thing must be such a worry too. At least they're aware of it and can keep an extra careful eye on what's happening with it.

I'm just so sick of not being able to walk, or sit, or sleep, or basically do ANYTHING! and of worrying about which way up Button is. I'm sure he turned breech the day before yesterday - all the kicks started being at the bottom again. Everyone keeps telling me to chill about it and it'll be fine etc etc, but that's what they said with DD and she stayed breech! What if there's something about my shape in there that makes them prefer it the wrong way round?? GOd, listen to me moaning on again - just ignore me!!

Have you had any luck getting baby to turn Bean? Congratulations on becoming an Auntie btw!! :D

I hope everyone else is doing ok xxx
4 WEEKS TODAY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started my Evening primrose oil last night....however, I did not realize it had to go *ahem* IN the cha cha. So my OH comes marchin into the bedroom just as I got my drawers down and goes "What the hell are you doing????" Kind of tough explaning that to him! hahaha
Hey girls

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year!! I know we will all be celebrating at different times. But just think when tomorrow arrives we can all say we are having our babies this year!! Some of us can say this month!!

I cannot believe that after all the worry and heartache that we have all been through that we are all o close to holding our little ones! I only have 26 days left as long a baby does not decide to keep me waiting!!
happy new year everyone (albeit a bit late)!

Oh smudge the thot of an epi makes me want to cry. I am really really terrified of them and when i said it to Doc the other day she kinda laughed and said oh dont worry. Thing is i dont think she gets how bad my phobia of them really is. One night when I was about 5 months I was in bed and out of nowhere I started saying to oh dont let them give me an epidural and got my self into a real panic about it. He totally gets it and should I get to deliver naturally he will hold my corner about not getting one.

I think baby moved yesterday but i think it just moved into a more comfortable breech position cos Im still feeling movements really low down. KKB I get how your feeling about baby's position cos im there with you. I just keep reminding myself there is still time.

Off now to my sisters for the baby's homecoming. Feels a bit weird that she is not pregnant now and I am.
An epidural gives me the willies too! Im just terrified of them!

On another note...I actually just googled "how to induce labor". Ya Im starting to get pretty desperate.
An epidural gives me the willies too! Im just terrified of them!

On another note...I actually just googled "how to induce labor". Ya Im starting to get pretty desperate.

Did you see the tip on taking the :spermy: down the hatch lol

Just how desperate are you ????:rofl: :rofl:
Hahahaha no I didn't see that one! Did a man write it? Lol
Crap, crap, crap ! I just posted a really long reply and it disappeared !

I saw the bit about swallowing spermies and I"M NOT DOING THAT ! I'm desperate, but not that desperate yet. I did ask DH for a cup of 'it' last night...I offered to use the turkey baster because he was really tired but he got there in the end:winkwink:

Girls, I'm worried about MommyD. She hasn't been on in almost 3 weeks. If you're reading MommyD, I hope you and Olive are ok ! :hugs::hugs:

Nothing new here. i've been googling induction methods and i've tried a lot of them so far: curry, hot chilis, pineapple, walking, sex etc and still no baby :growlmad: I woke up NY Day with pretty strong cramps/contractions but they faded. I've got my csection booked for the 21st, so 18 days maximum to wait, but I don't want to go that long !
Hello there lovely ladies of the world!
You ladies have certainly been busy with all the contractions and excitement going on!
Compliments of the season to you all. Hope you had a good one.

Olive and I are doing just fine - had a bit of issues with her/him moving onto nerves in my back and hip. saw OB today - and olive has turned head-down again and looks set to come!! says we're looking at a smallish baby but a good size for my build - 2.9kgs.

I've been on annual leave for 3 weeks now - am scheduled to go back next monday for a week then on maternity leave until end of June. Had a VERY busy holiday - been site seeing like a lunatic (in my hometown - the one i've been living in for 22 years!!) we decided to be like tourists this year. the weather if FABULOUS! blistering heat. 32 degrees celsius! been going to the beach, BBQing poolside. For some strange reason my emotional and physical coping capabilites has MORE than improved in the past 2 weeks. I'm actually feeling so great!

I've started nesting BIG TIME. I can't stop cleaning. my domestic has asked me if i'm unhappy with her work :)! laundry, vacuming, polishing, rearranging cupboards OMG - i'm driving OH MAD! and making everyone else very very nervous.
You sound so relaxed MommyD ! What town do you live in if you don't mind me asking ? My husband has a friend who lives in Johannesburg.

I've had the desire to clean, but haven't done much about it. My husband has been amazing...mostly because he's incredibly anal about that sort of stuff and our housekeeper has been really slack lately. I actually fired her this morning which was awkward - I HATE doing things like that, but at the same time, I'm paying her to clean and if she doesn't do it..well. I've a new one starting on Friday, hopefully better. I'm not demanding at all, and i'm flexible with days and stuff, so fingers crossed.

I think I ate something 'bad' yesterday. My stomach is icky and sore. My DH feels the same, not vomitty but somethings definitely off. That sort of thing isn't harmful to baby is it ? have to google.

Anyway, off to do things while I have a bit of energy. So glad everythings ok MommyD !

Anyone edging ahead in the babyrace ??:winkwink:
Not me for sure .... I'm currently squatting on my giant pilates ball because it is the only thing that seems to make me comfortable. I am hoping to get my cervix checked next week so I will have a better idea of how far along in the race I am
wooooooooooo I am having such incredibly strong BH right now. I'm assuming they're BH because they don't really hurt, but wow they are S_T_R_O_N_G !
Hi all and a belated happy New Year!!

I'm glad everyone's doing well and things seem to be thinking about happening for some of you :) I'm feeling like I'm still at the start line of the baby race - no BH or promising pains, nothing. MW appt on Fri and then scan next week, so I'll know more then at least. I do have rather a lot of work to get done before my mat leave, so maybe fate is helping me out. I am rather sick of being preg though!
Well this baby has happily placed herself into the right side of my ribs and no matter how much moving around I do she is NOT budging! I cant sleep and now I can barely breath! ERGH I started sobbing last night to my OH because I just want it to be over. I just want my baby! Im so uncomfortable and it seems like I will be pregnant forever! Anyone else feeling like this?
Smudge - I was born in JOhannesburg and lived there for 7 years - but then moved to Cape Town with my parents and have been living here ever since. JHB has crappy weather. they get summer rain and extremely cold during winter. Down here in CPT at the coast - we have decent summers - NO RAIN - just sun sun and more sun! Winter is a b!tch though. Very cold - but not snow cold - and rainy. I've been living here for so long i've adopted it as my hometown :) People from JHB dubbed Cape Town - Sleep city. this is because we switch off weekends. everyone is in party mode. JHB is busy busy busy over weekends - working. it's like the New York of SA.

anyway - Kit - i feel like you. like I'm in limbo again - just waiting - still at the starting line.
I want to go to South Africa one day, it's gorgeous.

Yeah, I was hoping the BH would turn into something last night but of course it didn't:growlmad: I was just incredibly uncomfortable all night. I am beyond fed up, I want this baby out. I keep saying that to my husband like a mantra 'get the baby out, get the baby out'. He doesn't even respond any more....but I get :sex: whenever I want !

Had a dr appt today. I'm booked in for my amnio and then csection on the 21st of Jan !! 17 more days !! Thats all thats left... still hoping I go into labour again because if I do they won't stop it, they'll just do the csection.

Come on girls, someone have a baby ! I want to see the light at the end of the tunnel !

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