Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

HI girls

I thought baby might have been on the way yesterday but NO!!! I was having really strong BH's all afternoon. They weren't painful but very strong but htey have stopped now.

I saw obstetrician yesterday morning and she was concerned about how small my bum,p is so scanned me htere and then. She says baby's size looks ok and estimated weight at moment is justg under 6lb! However she did say baby's head is slightly on the small side but is nothing to worry about. But of course I am worried now!!

On a good note i am sitting at home today waiting for baby's pushchair and carseat to arrive!!

I really cant wait to see which one of us has litle one first

Well it's 2:15am here and I'm wide awake. I was having pretty good cramps and backache for the last hou. But I think it's stopped now, damn it :(

it seems to be a late night thing with me...BH or cramps etc I just wish it would turn into something !
These babies are certainly keeping us on our toes aren't they!! Don't they know we want them to hurry up and get here so we can meet them and give them big cuddles!!!
Well this baby has happily placed herself into the right side of my ribs and no matter how much moving around I do she is NOT budging! I cant sleep and now I can barely breath! ERGH I started sobbing last night to my OH because I just want it to be over. I just want my baby! Im so uncomfortable and it seems like I will be pregnant forever! Anyone else feeling like this?

Me!!! Even other people are now saying that I seem to have been pregnant for ages longer than normal - tell me about it!!! I'm sure it's because I got so big so early on. It's been like being 8 months preg for about 3 months!! I WANT MY BODY BACK!! :growlmad:
I am very disappointed! Mothercare have just delivered my pushchair and the car seat bases but not the actual car seat!! How on earht am I supposed to get the baby home from the hospital.
Seems like we were all having issues yesterday! I thought something was going on because I had these awful crampy back pains and then had a few painful contractions. But like always sleeping made them go away! Grrrrrrrrrrrr
well, I've had crampy back pain, BH and this unbelievable pressure in my groin all day. The pain came back last night and I really really thought it might get going today but....:shrug: I'm about to go to bed and I'm sure it will be another painful night with NO BABY.

16 days to go......
As if! I came home tonight and some random girl I barely knew in high school wrote me a message on FB about how her sisters boyfriends best friends niece *or some other irrevelent bullshit* had a midwife and her baby died. I was like "Ok seriously its bad enough I have crazy SIL telling me every two seconds that I am X number of days away from when her baby died and that wholoe family not even allowed to say baby out loud without getting shit from her, but now I have random strangers telling me this stuff too?" LIKE........HELLO DUMBASSES! Rant rant ranty....ergh! I need one of those punching dummies with the creepy I could knock tha sucka out!
everyone thinks they know best and it's their JOB to tell you 'how' to be pregnant/give birth. Pisses me off. Actually I was having a whine with my husband this afternoon about people who assume this is my first baby. I know it's completely irrational especially when my other children aren't with me, but I HATE, HATE, HATE it when someone says something like 'oh, you'll find out what it's all about soon enough !' or 'just you wait !' like I don't know anything about pregnancy/childbirth/child rearing. I really enjoy the moment when I get to say 'actually this is my fourth baby' and they shut up. Arrgh, I'm so evil ! I loved that video you posted on my FB Virginia - that is me to a T. I'm a bitch from hell right now.

Baby has been having a very quiet day which is freaking me out a little. I've been on the doppler and everythings ok, but he just doesn't want to move today. I kinow this happens a lot, but it will forever scare me to death. I have an NST tomorrow morning thank God.

ok, I'm going to go eat some mango icecream now. That shold wake him up !
I totally know what you mean smudge! If I don't have my DD with me it really annoys me that patronising people assume this is my first. You won't BELIEVE what one couple said to me the other day. They were sat outside a restaurant I was coming out of and the man was holding their obviously very young baby. He sort of held her/him out towards me and said "This is what you'll get!". NO SH1T SHERLOCK!!! What a completely random and stupid thing to say!! I wondered if he meant that he hadn't realised that was what the bump his partner had was all about until the birth! Even if it was my first, I'd like to think I'd still know I was going to get a baby at the end of it FFS!! It was like he was showing off that they were ahead of me or something! I let the hormones take control, glared at him and said "I'm well aware of that thank you - I've already got one!" Grrr!

MW appt in a minute. Not that they're ever particularly exciting. I might get a date for my scan though and the TENS machine they're letting me borrow.
haha So glad Im not alone on this! My sister keeps telling me to "stop being a hippie" and get the epidural and FORGET breastfeeding! She thinks people who breastfeed are "molesting their children for their own gratification" and any woman who would try a natural birth should "not be reatrded and realize they cant do everything" Those are her EXCACT words! The closer I get to d day the more she goes on about it to. Like I got a nursing top in the mail yesterday and was shwoing my Mom and my sister was on the phone and she told my mother that I might as well be a topless model if I wanted people to see my boobs all the time. I keep telling myself that she is my LIL sister and doesnt know anything about anything yet.
Wow, I don't know how you bite your tongue after comments like that V! How does she think the population survived in the days before formula and drugs were invented??!! "molesting their children for their own gratification" - WHAT??!! Does she not know all the health benefits for the baby and that that's actually what breasts are for??!! At least you're setting her a great example and educating her a bit.

So, the mw appointment was as frustrating as ever. I had a different one today, which meant I had to ask again for all the tihngs I asked at my last appointment, i.e. she didn't have the TENS machine for me, didn't know I needed a scan booked and STILL couldn't confirm if I was booked in to deliver at the maternity unit I've chosen. At least she got on and did some of it though - she rang the maternity unit to check and I WASN'T booked in (so thanks to my usual mw for that - thank goodness I checked!) so she's booked me in. SHe's also booked me a scan for next Tues and said she might be able to drop a TENS machine round this afternoon. Hurrah for her!!

I'm also measuring HUGE again (39 weeks) but my cervix is softening and she thinks Button's head down, so all pretty good news really :)

I hope baby's on the move again Smudge aqnd everone else is doing ok x
She knows the health benefits alright. Her daughter is 2 years old next weekend, she always goes "Well my child isnt breastfed and she is smarter then any baby Ive ever seen" Truth be told the poor little thing has horrible gas pains and spends a lot of her time in these crazy positions to lessen the pain, and she is also the most spoiled and badly behaved child ever. She is also very underweight and has been since birth. But I dont bring it up with Miss Know it All because it would just end in a huge fight.
Breastfeeding for their own gratification ? Are you shi%%ing me ???!! If she'd tried it even ONCE she'd know that it hurts and its difficult. It takes a l-o-n-g time to get any sort of gratification, if thats even possible.

I believe you can certainly have you own opinions about pregnancy/babies but you shouldn't expect others to think the same. for instance, I have a friend who had her first baby in 09 at 40+. She had very strict ideas about how she was going to raise this child ie attachment parenting, feeding a certain way, etc lots of crunchy granola stuff. In my own head, I was thinking 'hmm, making a rod for your own back there !' but I would never have dreamed of saying anything to her. I gave her advice when she asked and that was IT. Her child is clingy as hell and fussy - whether or not thats a result of how she was parented as a newborn, I don't know, but I totally disagreed with her methods. I'm sure she would disagree with mine, but it won't come up because it's none of each others business.

I'm off to my NST now. I got my hospital times yesterday ! I've got to be there at 6.30am for the amnio and then come back and check in at 3pm for the csection !!! In exactly 2 weeks today (or less, damn it) I will have this baby !!!!!!
Ow ow ow. Been having pains all morning. I hope it doesn't turn into labour - I'm not full term yet, so couldn't have it at the maternity unit and still have loads to do at home!!
oooh, any baby yet Kit ?? I'm getting excited just logging in now, waiting for someone to finally gooooooooooooooo!!!

I'm still a moody cow. I'm currently pi$$ed off with my MIL (again). It's actually really insane but I can't help it. I'll tell you so you can laugh at me...

So we don't ever talk about baby names with anyone, not family, not friends noone. A few weeks ago when I was in premature labour, we told our girls basically which names we had decided on, with the STRICT proviso that they not tell a living soul. The other day my MIL calls and talks to both my daughters. I was having a nap, but DH was there. My oldest daughter tells her the name we have chosen. I don't know the circumstances but I can imagine that there would of been some coercing on my MIL behalf. So tonight she calls and asks my husband if we're still calling baby @@@@. He tried to blow her off with 'oh maybe, we haven't decided anything yet'. As soon as I heard she knew the name, I lost it. I'm surprised at how angry I am. AND that I'm angry at her and not so much at my daughter who told her ! I guess it's because she's a nosy bugger and because I know she will have told absolutely everybody she knows what the name is. I just wanted a little privacy/surprise...:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: I've even considered changing it, but I love it too much. I'm also mad because I know she won't like it, and I wanted baby to be here, named and done before she knew anything. She has horrid taste (remember Phoenix ?) anyway.

Thats my irrational pregnancy rant for today. It will probably keep me up tonight, seething at her....
Nope, the pains have eased now and Button has stopped sqiurming about quite so forcefully. It was all VERY odd for a few hours! At least it got me to finally pack my hospital bag and buy a couple of last minute bits and pieces.

That would annoy me too Smudge, so I'm afraid I might not be the best person to talk you down. My DD has told her Dad (my ex) and his gf, which is grating MASSIVELY!!!
I am a crazy moody bitch too...which really super sucks because my OH feeds off the neg energy and becomes a huge jackass! GRRRRRRRRRRRR Eveyrthing he does lately makes me want to rip off his balls and fry them up for supper. This morning he got all pissy because I didnt know where I wanted to put the cable for my daughters room. SERIOUSLY? I dont have her stuff in there yet! I dont have a friggin clue where I am going to put her TV why the hell would I want him installing the damn cable? He is pissed off more and more lately because I am a giant whale who cant stand up for more then 10 minutes at a time and he has to do everything. I keep reminding him however that it was HE who wanted to start the renovations before we moved in, and it was HIM who decided to do two rooms at once. I was happy with the way the house was to move into....he has also decided that he is tearing out a good part of the original woodwork which is the main reason we bought the house. I was so upset with this DUMBASS choice that we did not speak for two days. So now he comes to me with every little change he wants to make and my response is "Well I have no choice obviously, youve already ruined everything I loved about that house anyways" And that sends him off again into a pissy bitchy fit. ARGH!
Hello Ladies!

First I want to say Congratulations on all of your pregnancies! Second, I hope I'm not stepping on anyones toes posting in here but I'm afraid I may be having a very early miscarriage and just wanted to try to get some advice.
I got my bfp last Sunday. I continued to test because I'm crazy and it got darker every other day. Thursday evening it was very dark. Then late Thursday night i started spotting brown. It continued Friday. Yesterday it became lighter and even lighter today. I wouldn't be too worried because I know women have spotting in early pregnancy but what scares me is I have taken a test yesterday and this morning. Both are fainter then the one on Thursday. That isn't good right? I was just wondering when will I begin to actually bleed so I can move on? I'm just waiting in limbo right now and my emotions have been on a rollercoaster ride. I will get my hcg levels checked tomorrow but I'm pretty sure this is over.. reading all these posts, you ladies have given me hope for next month!

Sorry this is so long. I appreciate any input. Thank you very much. :flower: Again, congratulations!
Honestly honey.....wait for the HCG levels to come back. Killing yourself over tests is just not worth it.

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