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Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

:hugs: MommyD ! You're so going to win the babyrace !!

Good news that olive's handling it all well. I wonder why they don't know what the bleeding is ? I bled when i went into premature labour and they said it was from the cervix. LIke Kit said, I'm surprised they stopped the labour. I hope everything goes well and olive gets here soon, safe and sound.

oh and we'll need photos asap.
my cervix was shut - tightly shut - and olive wasn't making any move to come... so the contractions were a bit of a surprise really. OB says numerous things could have been triggering contractions - infection being one of them. and leaving the contractions in place forcing olive to come when she wasn't ready to - would lead to further complications bla bla bla. anyway - my bloods came back fine urine tests we're still waiting for - it's being cultured! should be in later today. But he says if it happens again - or the contractions get stronger they won't stop it. It may lead to a c-section or natural birth - either way, if it happens a 2nd time he's not prepared to take chances. contractions have simmered down quite a bit. I can still feel them - but it's not painful, more uncomfortable. sunday and mondays lot was horribly painfull. as for the baby race - i'll probably end up being the last to pop LOL... murphy and his laws!
Oh I am not even close to winning the baby race! My cervix is very high and very tight. Which is uncomfy because babys head is pushing down on it :(
I have no idea how close I am. Some days it feel slike Bob is on the way but hten other days nothing. I went ot see my midwife monday but she was off sick and the midwife i saw was useless. She couldnt even seem to work out which way Bob was lying!!

I am getting really fed up now.

I am really tearful too. I really want my mum at the hospital during the birth as well as hubby but hubby is not keen. I know he wants it to just be the two of us but i feel that i need my mum there. I dont know if i have told you guys this before but i have an 11 year old daughter who i put up for adoption at birth due tobeing 18 and not in a position to look after her.

When she was born mum was with me and i feel like i need her to be near by this time in case the birth brings up emotions from last time. she says she is happy to stay in the waiting room and only come in if neede but hubby really isnt keen.

It has been really hard to talk to him as he is working really hard at the moment, being out of the house for 18 hours a day so not much time for talking but i want to get the issue sorted before Bob decides to make an appearance.

My midwife phoned today to see how I am now she is back from sick leave and Ijust burst into tears. She is going ot do a home visit on sunday so that simon and i can talk to her about our anxieties and concerns. Hopefully then Simon will realise why i want mum there.

Do you guys think i am being silly and should be happy that hubbyjust wants it to be the two of us?
oh smiler! hugs honey.
no - you're not being silly. if ever there was a reason to have mum there - this is it. and i'm sure that once you explain to OH why you would like your mum there - he'll fully understand. this is an emotional experience for you - and your hubby no doubt. and so i've found that men need things explained to them in detail - extreme detail.

OH and I had a blazing row last week over a watermelon. i asked him to cut up one for me and threw his toys out of the cot because he "doesn't like cutting up watermelons" i don't like cleaning chicken - but you don't see me moaining. needless to say my horns came out in spades and i never spoke to him for 2 days. but in the end - i had to explain why i was so peeved - it wasn't the watermelon - it was the principle behind it. we all have to at some point in time do things for our significant others that we don't necessarily like, but we do it. a relationship is about giving selflessly and receiving endlessly. whether we like it or not. and so often we get caught up in what makes us as individuals happy - we forget about the things that make our partners happy. listen to me preaching - my point is smiler, if i had been in your shoes - i'd want exactly the same thing - my mum with me. and i firmly believe that once you have that sit down info session with OH - he'll understand where you're coming from.
I understand about wanting your Mom there completely. I feel the same way about NOT wanting people at the birth. My SIL seemed to think she was invited to view the birth! Then she had a breakdown when I told her she could wait in the waiting room. Then she seemed to think that her FATHER should view the birth! I told her I didnt want my Dad in there let alone her dad! Who wants their FIL to see their hooch??? NOT ME! Your OH should really try to be more understanding. If you feel you need your Mom there then by all means he should just accept that he is not the one who needs it and it is you that matters right now.
:hugs::hugs: Smiler. I really can't add much more than the other girls have said. Hopefully he will just understand why you need your Mum. Birth is a life changing event regardless and I think you should have exactly who you want and noone else ! (and FIL are OUT, wtf is she thinking ?)

I'm off to have my maternity photos done tomorrow. First I'm going to the hairdresser to try and improve the situation. I'm not optimistic, but i want to do it anyway !
Oh man am I crying right now....I am having such a hard time sleeping and so I bought some fancy satin jammies to help me trun over in bed...I bought them three sizes bigger then everything else I own and they dont fit :( I cant get the pants over my giant ass and the shirt is too tight across my boobs and arms. I just can not stop bawling my head off.
Hate it when that happens. Remember, you are 9 months pregnant and it's TEMPORARY..

I had my piccies done today. Loved my hair, but dreading seeing my bloated carcass 'posed' like it was.. Oh well, it's not like I have to show anyone !
Ok I am over my breakdown now....man I was a total mess yesterday. I cried in Wal Mart because my ex's Mom who passed away in June, well we saw her aunt and it was just super emotional. This morning marks the last day that I am not allowed to have the baby. As it is my niece's 2nd birthday today. I got her a lovely new Dora toothbrush and a Dora plate and bowl set. She is a big big big Dora fan haha I had something very very weird happen to me last night whilst sleeping. I always drink these huge glasses of ice water and have for years. Well I normally take one to bed with me because its Canada and houses are notoriously dry in the winter. Last night in the middle of the night I was sleeping on my back and I just threw up. I managed to get my head turned in time to have it not fly all over the bed but hit the towel that was beside my bed. I was so freaked out. I thought what if I hadnt been able to wake up fully??? I could have died in ym sleep or something! It was really really weird!
Are you throwing up often ? Is it pg related ? That sounds so weird ! I don' think you should worry about not waking up though. Short of being in a coma or very very drunk, your body always has the instinct of self preservation and won't let you choke.

Had my Dr appt today and an US. Baby is measuring ahead in some parts, pretty much at 40 weeks ! he weighs 7lbs. So it's all go so far for next week. Seeing my doc again on Thurs, he;s going to do the amnio then. Then if the results are good, I'M HAVING A BABY NEXT WEEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This time next week I will be holding my boy !!! I can't get my head around it, it's so amazingly, wonderfully awesome !!!
Smudge I am so jealous that you know exactly when you are going to meet your little one. I hate waiting and not knowing!!

Thank you for all your advice on the hubby/mum issue girls. We had a long talk and have come to. a compromise. I do have a tendency to get myself worked u about things n advance, often unnecessarily and that is what hubby is concerned about.

I dont want to spoil the birht experience for him as it is his first baby and our first together and I am hoping it wil be a wonderful expereince. The compromise we have come to is that as my mum lives 45mins from us, we will ring her when we headd to the hospital and she will drive to our flat and wait there rather than waiting in the waiting room at the hospital. Tehn if i need her she is only 10 mins away rather thannearly an hour.

I feel happy with this as i only really want her there just in case and this way i do not upset hubby amd mum does ot have to sit around in the hospital waiting room for hours
I do throw up often. I was accicdentally poisioned when I was a kid and it has screwed up my stomach and esophgus ever since then. My parents own a small horse operation and one of the medications we give the horses is flavored like apples so they ingest it more readily. Well being five years old it looked like candy to me and I ingested it and it completely depleted the natural acids in my digestive system up to approximately my large bowel. So I had to be re-acidified which was a horrible experience, they gave me a million different kinds of medication and I was in the hospital for almost 6 months. I had to be tube fed for a lonmg time. It was a nightmare. But ever since then I have had to take enzymes for proper nutriton and a steroid almost my entire life. It gives me very bad reflux, but because I have areas in my system that do not produce digestive acids it doesnt give me a heartburn type reflux, its more of a "Food is being sent back because it is not digested fully" reflux. Funny enough though...morning sickness actually helped some of the non functioning pockets in my esophogus to produce acids.

Im totally jealous about you knowing when your baby is coming too! I wish I had some idea when my lil lady is making her debut!
Just found out that today is my doggy`s last day with us :( My dad has been keeping her in the office in the barn because she cant even lift her head anymore and he has refused to let anyone see her in her condition. We were hoping she would drift away peacefully, but she keeps clinging on and Dad cant watch her suffer anymore.
Well my mom went out to give her water and she passed during the night :( my poor doggy
I'm so so sorry V :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I was inconsolable when my cat died and dogs are perhaps even more like part of the family. I'm glad she went peacefully in the night xxx
Smiler Im glad you got things worked out. that sounds like a great plan. I hope that having this baby does not bring too many negative feelings although Im sure some feelings are sure to surface. I think being prepared for that tho can often eliminate the worst. :hugs:

V - sorry about your little friend. :hugs:

Smudge - Im green with envy. I feel like im not even in this baby race. :dohh: love the ticker btw

As for me Im off baby shopping 2moro. Can you believe i've bought nothing except a packet of nappies yet. 36+5 and I never bought any maternity clothes or baby stuff. I always felt like I would jinx things if I bought stuff but I cant hold out much longer. kinda excited but afraid as well. think im a bit :wacko:
I'm so sorry V, pets are part of the family. :hugs::hugs:

Can't figure out why my new ticker is skipping ahead so fast.. My c section isn't until Friday ! I put the 21st as the end date, but it's going too fast.

I don't know how you restrained yourself Bean ! I've bought more for this baby than I have ever before. I know I was worried, but it felt like a positive thing to do. That said, it took a lot to actually remove tags and washa few things in preparation. I've only done it for the newborn stuff, I won't touch anything else..

I'm just hanging around now..waiting...waiting. I wish something would happen ! even Friday seems a life time away.
Don't you kind of feel like a jumbo jet in a holding pattern? Ugh I'm hoping to hold out until next weekend at least so we can get moved in to our new house and get that done at least
Smudge - I'm soooo jealous - and then some. What I'd give to know exactly when olive is coming!!!

V - sorry about your little dog.

Smiler - I am SUPER glad you and hubby were able to sort out the birthing partner/s issue.

Bean - i feel /felt exactly like you do about jinxing it.

Kit - how are you doing? or did i just miss your update post?

anyhow - olive has still not made an appearance - contractions come and go. had 2 massive ones early hours of saturday morning - thought for sure this is it. then it lessened in intensity but was about 17 -20mins apart. but it was not to be. Been walking TONS willing olive to come. eating pineapple - although i'm sure thats a myth.
Had a "not a baby shower" party on saturday. my closest friends came round - all 4 of them in total - they came with baby stuff. but it was so awesome. nothing even remotely suggested baby shower (as i didn't want one). we sat up until about 1am chatting and having drinks - well they were drinking. and so now - i at least have baby clothes, a bath, nappies, and a baby bag.

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