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Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Sorry Smiler - we crossed posts there. I'm glad you're at least getting the test quickly. I'm sure it's fine, but it's good to know for sure. Bubs might put in an appearance before then anyway, so you won't need to be induced even if it is the liver thing. xx
Ohhhh moomydeux!!!!!!! Thats exciting! I am willing to put money on me being the last to go!
mommyd - hope this is it for you :thumbup:

smiler - hope you got on well at hospital today.
MommyD !! Yay !! I bet she's at the hospital now ! Thats so exciting ! I hope she beats me !

I just had my amnio to check for lung maturity. It wasn't as bad as I expected. They didn't use any anaesthetic, just stuck the needle straight in. It was similiar to having a blood draw, not too bad at all. But, soon as she pierced the uterus, I had the most incredible pain in my cervix. I jumped because I thought she'd stuck the needle all the way down there. Turns out it was a ripper contraction ! I've never felt anything like that before, wheeeww. I had another when they pulled the needle out, but not as strong. The results should be in tonight and barring him being strangely immature, its all go tomorrow. I spoke to the hospital and I'm not allowed to eat after 11pm tonight which is going to be hard... considering the op is not til 5. I have 24 hours left !

I'm going to be on here all night waiting for news from MommyD !
Oh my goodness! Its looking great for you tomorrow! Im having a super moody weepy night. Im pretty sure this baby is never coming out
hey girls does anyone have any suggestions about what our OH's should pack for the hospital??? I lost a huge bit of my plug tonight and have decided that tomorrow morning OH is packing his bag!
:hugs: V Wish we all lived closer !

Bizarro that you mention DH hospital bag ...we were literally jsut talking about it. My hospital doesn't allow husbands to shower anywhere in the hospital, and they have to use the restrooms in the waiting area, they can't use the toilets etc in the rooms. So he doesn't need toiletries really, he has to go home to shower. So, a toothbrush, change of clothes, some snacks maybe and thats about it.

Where is MommyD ? I want to see a baby pic !
False Labour - WTF???? how can "FALSE LABOUR" contractions be so god awful?????
anyway - went in yesterday late afternoon. MOnitor picked up the contractions. Mid-wife thought it was labour - I thought it was labour. She called the OB he came in and thought it was labour. they got pretty close together 11-13minutes. was about 1cm dilated 80% effaced. and then.....and then.... everything just stopped!!! they kept me overnight, on the machine. Olive isn't in distress. contractions stopped or at least tappered off. dilation stopped. am still on the EFFING machine. :growlmad: i'm so bloody mad right now.

V - i think i'm going to be rivaling you for the last to go spot. lord knows what's so appealing in my uterus that olive is teasing us like this!

Smudge - incase i'm not able to sign on again - congrats on your bundle of joy.
Mini-smudge: Your moms a total gem and loved you the minute you were a hcg count. Words could never express her journey through this pregnancy. Take good care of your mom - she deserves it!
Aw I'm sorry MommyD :hugs: Do you know what position Olive is in? My labour with DD was very stop-starty and they said it was because she was back to back, so the contractions were turning her, rather than dilating my cervix much. I had a sweep to get things going again each time - can you have one?

Sorry you're having a down day V :hugs: Whatever happens it won't be too much longer, although I know even a day feels like forever at the moment. Hurrah for losing some of your plug though - things MUST be on the move!

I still haven't had anything besides a few pains. I keep feeling really :sick:, which added to the pains, the spd and the general lack of comfort and sleep is making me feel pretty pants (uk saying)!!!

I'm SO excited for you Smudge!! :D In only a few hours you'll be meeting your beautiful baby! We'll all be thinking of you and impatiently waiting for pics!!! xxxxxxx
oh dammn it ! I was so hopeful ! Your experience sounds so similar to mine at Christmas MommyD, all go go go then pfffffffffffffftttt. I really thought this was it ! I hope things start again:flower:

I've reached my food stopping time :growlmad: I actually feel quite ill at the moment, wonder what thats about ? Downstairs is a bit off TMI gassy, bloated and constantly feel like i need to go. Upstairs I feel just erk....

Oh well, I won't say goodbye just yet.. still got 17 hours to go:shrug:

If this is it for you MD, GOOD LUCK :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::baby::baby::baby::baby::baby: Can't wait to see olive !!
Oh girls how exciting!! I know I am going to be last have notlost any of my plug yet or had any real contractions:(

First lot of bloods cam back normal yesterday so just go to wait for second lot on monday.

Cant wait to start seeing baby pics! It is really happening girls, we are going to be mummys!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh man...Im on pins and needles now waiting for these babies!
Mommyd sorry its not the real thing this time. How disappointing

Smudge sending you all the luck I can for your big day. Cant wait to see a pic of that special little man and find out what his name is. :thumbup:

Great that your bloods are ok smiler. Bet thats a relief. Roll on the waterbirth!!

KKB - I feel the same - just pants but nothing happening.

MommyD - what a lovely message for mini smudge :thumbup:
Can't read much cause I'm on my phone. I'm here at the hospital. Checked in, just saw my doc. Nervous as HELL. See you on the other side !
I fell asleep and missed Smudge going in!!!

I don't know how long it all takes - will mini-Smudge be here by now?? It's so exciting!!!

I hope everything's going perfectly Smudge and can't wait to hear all about it and see your beautiful bubs xxxxx
HE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@ 5:51pm, Patrick Connor arrived via csection. 6lbs3oz absolutely perfection !

I'm lying here in my hospital bed, holding my beautiful, beautiful boy who is asleep making delicious little noises and looking like an angel. I don't know how to post a pic from my phone, but there's one on my FB page.

Oh I am so happy !!!
shedding a tear of sheer happiness for you! enjoy little Patrick.
Congratulations hun!!!! JUst seen the photo on facebook. He is gorgeous!!!

Who will be next!?!?!?!

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