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Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

I luuuurrrrve contractions ! Dumb eh ? But I do because I'm always hopeful they'll turn into something. I have some good ones and TMI think I'm losing a small amount of plug. I know that essentially means nothing, but I still wish it could happen right this second.

I'm a bit worried atm. My parents were supposed to come from Australia tomorrow to help look after the girls so my dh can be with me in hospital. Because of the floods, they cancelled their tickets. I spoke to my Mum tonight and she said maybe in a week :( Even though I don't hae the greatest relationship with them, I still appreciated that they would be able to look after things at home while I'm in hospital and recovering. Also, because my section is booked for 5pm, it's a really awkward time kidswise. I HATE asking for help, but I'm going to have to ask my kids friends parents if they can look after the girls while we go in. Most people are always offering to help, but I can't describe how uncomfortable accepting help makes me ! I don't know why, it's weird. I guess because I am very used to being by myself and being independent. I feel like i have to pay them back somehow and I dont' know what to do..

Come on girls, one of you has to have a baby this week (before Friday) !! I want to see squishy delicious newborness !
Holy crap my ticker says 11 days....now Im starting to get nervous about pushing this baby out. EEK its gonna hurt!
I don't know how you restrained yourself Bean ! I've bought more for this baby than I have ever before. I know I was worried, but it felt like a positive thing to do. That said, it took a lot to actually remove tags and washa few things in preparation. I've only done it for the newborn stuff, I won't touch anything else..

I'm just hanging around now..waiting...waiting. I wish something would happen ! even Friday seems a life time away.

Smudge Im pregnant but im still not having a baby iykwim. the fact that there is a bundle in approx 3 weeks is only dawning on me now. I think at the start I distanced myself so much from the fact that I was pregnant that it has never really sunk in. So really it was easy not to buy. The catalyst was when my brother in laws girlfriend told me they had bought us a steriliser and bath and I cried my heart out cos I was pissed off that I hadn't got to buy them. And also cos everyone else was excited about the baby coming when Im just terrified of something going wrong.

I am getting loads of braxton hicks and tmi but my digestive system is in bits. Heartburn one side and diarrhoea the other. It has me wrecked but no doubt I will be the last one in this thread to deliver. No chance of me getting there before friday smudge so any other takers feel free lol.

Smudge dont feel bad about taking help. People love helping out at times like this - it makes them feel important :thumbup:
I know what you mean about others being excited..I was annoyed in the beginning when people would gush and ask all the usual questions ie 'when are you due?' 'what names do you like ?' blah blah. All I wanted to say was 'WAIT ! Don't you realise this could go wrong at any second?' 'Don't be so damn positive when all I can think about is whether or not I'l actually get to have this baby'.

I feel better than that now though, but the anxiety is rising the closer to Dday I get. I keep checking and checking for movements and I've been on the doppler more in the last week than I have the whole 3rd trimester. I couldn't bear to get this close...

anyway, good news ! My Mum is coming on Friday morning so she'll be here when baby is born !
awesome smudge! despite the issues - it'll be great having mum there to lend a hand!

i'm feeling like i'll be preggers FOREVER this morning. Olive has no intention of coming! it doesn't matter how much i will him/her to come. doesn't matter how many or how intense contractions are. today i'm convinced olive is going to stay put until the due date - or longer!!!

I'm working from home this week - so things are a little easier in terms of logictics. I miss my 3 year old terribly during the day while he's at day care/creche. he gave me a big hug and a kiss this morning and shouted love you mum over his shoulder as he and dad headed for the car - i was gutted. I spent about 30mins balling my eyes out. as much as i desperately want olive - how am i going to split myself btwn 2 kids and love them the same?? i know this sounds crazy and totally selfish and maybe a little - ok a lot - like i'm losing it, but i can't quite imagine having to love 2 kids as much as i love the 3 year old right now??? i'm so worried that no matter what i do, he's going to feel like i've traded him. i terrified that he's going to end up resenting me for having another baby, when it's just been him for 3 years. and we have been doing EVERYTHING to include him in the pregnancy. he even helped me rinse olives clothes. and he talks to olive at night - tells her 3 little pigs stories. He's asked if he can help change olives nappy when "it" comes. and of course i'll let him do all of the above and more. but i still feel like he's going to hate me when he realises that olive will be taking up some of my time he would have otherwise occupied... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

i think i'm having a melt down - just a teeny one. wish it were a sign of impending labour...:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
TMI alert....looks like I am starting to loose my mucus plug. Yesterday everytime I went loo I had bits of clear mucus that was thicker then discharge. Looks like things are starting to get going down there! I am going to ask my midwife if she can do an internal today but I am sure I rmember her telling me that they prefer to wait until after due date and then kind of like to take it naturally instead of poking around down there.
I'm really pleased for you that your Mum will be here by Fri Smudge :) I hate not being independent too and find it really hard to ask for or accept favours. Sometimes though, there's just no choice and you just have to think how little you would mind if you were doing the same favour for someone else.

That's good news for you V - fx it won't be too long now. I hope you see some similarly good progress soon too MommyD. You don't sound like you're losing it at all! I think lots of people feel like that - I certainly have. I'm doing the same as you and trying to involve DD as much as possible in everything. I want her to feel like the three of us are having Button, if you see what I mean. Like it's something great for her too, not something just for me and OH. I'm sure once they get here everything will slot in to place and be ok :hugs:

I'm going through a weird thing about my OH instead at the moment. I think it's because things went so wrong with DD's father. I'm just scared I guess. Bit late to be getting cold feet I know, but I'm back to feeling trapped and vulnerable. I can't afford another screw-up! I'm pretty fed up really, which isn't very fair on him because aside from the odd bit of man-type behaviour he's been pretty good :( It's almost like I'm expecting things to go wrong, so I'm making them head that way myself! Hopefully it's hormones.
Kit - I am having the same issues with OH. I resent my daughters father for taking off and not being around for most of her life and am taking it out on my OH mainly because I dont want the same thing to happen again. It seems like I am doing it on pirpose but Im really not...just very bad coping mechanism.

So ladies guess what???? I went to the midwife today and next week when I go she is going to sweep my membranes for me! Mainly because she is leaving three days after that and says she really wants to be the one to help me give birth haha If I don't go by February 9th they will induce me! Feels good to have a date to peg things on ya know?
I remember that feeling MommyD. There's nothing I can say other than 'TRUST ME' that you will have more than enough love for two and your son will be fine with a sibling. I remember looking at my oldest duaghter and thinking secretly and deep down, I-won't-tell-anyone, that I would always love her more because it would be impossible not to. I was very wrong.

I'm losing my plug too V. Just mucousy yuck, it really is quite gross. I've never seen mine before. I was certain this morning that I was in labour, I've been in pain ALL day, feels like my cervix is being scratched and punched and incredible lower back pain and cramps. Even had the lovely 'clear out' a few times. But I went to my NST (last one!) and no contractions at that time, so I got sent home :( But hows this ?

I'm having a csection in 65 hours !!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Oh my God Smudge I am sooooooooooooooo jealous!!!! Not of the c section but that you know how soon you will be meetin your little one! looks like you wil probably be first too!

I am hoping my midwife will give me a sweep on monday when I see her but I am not too sure as I wont be 40 weeks til the wednesday.

I did not have a good day yesterday. I am doing an nvq for work which I rerally want to get done before Bob arrives. I have been really focused and was doing really well with it. But yesterday I went to open up the file on my computer and it wouldn't let me. I have lost the whole assignment i did on monday which took me all day to do :-(

Instead of then thinking i had better get on and redo it i didnt do anything so now I am even more behind!!

Then to top it off i went about 8 hours without BOb moving which is reallly unusual as despite not having much room he/she is still normally really active! However he/she woke me up at about 2am and has been active ever since!!!!!!!!!!!!
How mad that smudge has a matter of hours to go and we're talking about sweeps and plugs etc!! We're nearly there!!!

I'm having lots of pains and tightenings today, but nothing else as yet. I've also had my appraisal at work and all is well, so that's a LOAD off my mind. Just got to get the last stuff done over the next few days and then I'm free for AGES :) :) :)

Are you sure your assignment isn't recoverable Smiler? Is the file lost or corrupted? You might be able to find it. Let me know if I can help at all (I work in IT).
Thanks kit kat but think file is completely lost and have spent allday redoing the work. Have finally caught up with myself. Hubby looked at it for me as he knows quite a bit about computers and sais it loked corrupt.

Bob has reassured me today as has not stopped moving all day! must have just been having a sleepy day yesterday.
This is getting exciting now. Keep poping in to see if anyone has beaten Smudge lol. Since its her thread we should let her win the race - only fair !!!
Cannot believe there is going to be a baby this week.

I hope that when I go to see my doc on monday she will give me a plan of action. I know that she will induce early or at term if she thinks its in the interest of the mothers mental state and my state is pretty mental atm lol.

Mommyd - do not worry about either loving this baby or your son resenting it. I think its a pretty normal feeling but once the baby is born and you have it home it'll seem like there was never a time when he/she wasn't there. There is only 16 months between my ds and dd and tbh when I found out I was pregnant I felt like I wasn't giving my ds enough time as my only child. Now I cant imagine having done it any other way.
Well done on getitng the work done again Smiler. You're doing better than me - I've been very slack all day!! I'm glad Bob has been nice and active too. Button has too, but all the movement is getting mixed up with all the BH so feeling a bit ropey.
Nooo don't make me go first ! I want someone else to ! It feels completely surreal that I'm going to have a baby, can't get my head around it.

Still having lots of contractions and a lot of pain. For the first time, I don't want it to turn into anything ! I've only jsut realised that I have so much to because I'm going to be hospital and home bound for a while. Actually, I think I'm trying to avoid thinking about it, it's all too weird.
Hi girls do any of you know anythng about obstetric cholistis(sp!) the liver thing you can get in pregnancy.

Its just that i normally suffer from eczema but never get it on my hands and feet yet the last couple of days they have boht been really really itchy!!!! I have phoned midwife as i know this is a symptom of cholitis but am waiting to here back from her
Smiler there is a sticky thread on this in third trimester. Cant be more help than that sorry - know nothing about it.

smudge its the last minute jitters. Totally understandable. Spending nine months working up to something then realising its here can be a bit nerve wrecking. Im jittery and still have three weeks to go.
GOD AWFUL CONTRACTIONS - 15 - 17 minutes apart lasting about 1-2mins - 6 of them in total so far. TMI - loose stools. fingers crossed it turns into something...

Smudge - i think it's only right you go first - this is your thread after all :)
How exciting MommyD, keep us posted !!

Have spoken to midwife and need go up to hospital for blood test and heart trace fo baby at 3pm. Blood test results wont come back til monday but if it is the liver thing then they may induce me at 40 weeks which is wednesday!

I am in two minds about that as I am desperate fo rlittle one to be here but also am really hoping for a water birth which I wont be able to have if i am induced. Guess i will just have to wait and see.

Cant believe the race for the first of us to have our little ones is really on!! Who would have though it whne smudge started this thread all those months ago!!!!
Ooh how exciting!!! Are your contractions still going strong MommyD? Maybe you'll pip Smudge at the post after all??!! It was a full moon yesterday, which is meant to induce labour in lots of cases!

No wonder you feel weird about things Smudge - it must be very odd having a definite date when you're going to have your baby. You are ready really though :hugs:

Any news Smiler - have you heard from your MW?

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