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Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

We are bf champions !:baby::baby::baby: He has been the easiest baby ever. I don't think its him though, i put it down to the nurses and lactation specialists who are so laid back about it. The last time, the nurses were in my face all the time and trying to position us themselves which never works. Its best to learn it yourself, that is, with their advice. And nipple shields ! Nipple shields are fabulous, love em, can't live without em !

He's passed all his meconium now so we are onto green runny poo. Which I naturally think is completely adorable. I CANNOT stop looking at him, I don't want tobe away from him, its utterly irrational how I feel about him.... As I type he's lying on my chest sideways, asleep and huffing out little milk-scented breaths.. his arms and legs are all curled up and he's only wearing his nappy so there's all this lovely soft baby skin to kiss and cuddle. Can you tell I'm in loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee?:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
aahhh smudge! you defo sound like you're in loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeee! and that irrational feeling - i still feel like about my 3year old. i'm so pleased to read about your bf triumph!

smiler - my contractions start in my lower back and make their way around my bump sought of like someone putting their arms around me ... and then it travels low low down where they become period pains. and there they stay for while - occassionally they'll shoot down my thighs just making them all round lame! and they last for about 2-3 minutes. sometimes my belly goes rock hard. sometimes it doesn't. i know it's braxton hicks when olive moves while my bump is hard. but he/she's been moving less and less. and when i get those contractions emmanating from my back olive doesn't move at all.
Also - they start out feeling like a dull pain - but then get really sore and uncomfy. where with BH - it's just uncomfortable.

I've also decided that if olive doesn't come by the due date then i would opt for a sweep or induction. am at a private hospital so i don't have to wait the full 42 weeks - although i suspect i may meet some resistance from my OB :). but he seems confident olive is on her way.

anyway - smudge, i'm soooo super jealous that you get to hold your baby already. remember how the 2nd trimester felt - like really long and drawn out and limbo land???? well this is how this last stretch is feeling like to me. and all the symptom spotting for labour is nearly as bad as the symptom spotting for TTC.
Im going for my big membrane sweep today....Im really friggin nervous! Im scared its going to hurt!
hahaha Every morning me and my daughter watch Bringing Home Baby and this morning the couple was going on about having a baby on a schedule well Aurora looks at me and goes "You cant put a baby on a schedule! They poop when they want, they cry when they want, and they eat when you feeded them!" HAHAHA It was the funniest thing ever! I am like "Ok the 8 year old gets it"
It's great you're doing so well with the bf Smudge.

All quiet here again. I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and have a mw appt, so I'll see what she says although I bet it won't be much. I don't want an induction, but I would consider a sweep again if I go overdue. I hope your sweep went ok V?
Sweep went great! It was a little uncomfy but it didnt hurt a bit...and Im 3 cm dilated! And at -2 station! So things are moving along pretty darn good!
Ooh that's good news V!! Won't be long then hopefully!!

I've just tried to contact both my sister and my Mum, who are meant to be on standby to have DD if I go into labour and NEITHER of them answered. My Mum eventually rang me back 2 HOURS later and my sis still hasn't even done that!!! That really fills me with confidence!!!

My TENS machine has arrived - only had to pay a fiver for the pads, you get to use the machine for free if the mat unit happen to have one in - bargain!
hi girls it is 12.45am here and i cant sleep as think i might be in early labour!! not 100% sure but getting strong period like cramps at bottom of my bump every 8 minutes or so and bump goes hard. have not woken hybby yet as not too painful and worried it might all stop.

how are you progressing v?
Ooh Smiler!!!! I wonder how you're getting on??!! Come online and let us know if you can, unless you've had to go in already of course :) :) :)

I woke up really early and had a sudden feeling I should check the thread out!
Smiler !!! Oh how exciting ! I wish it was me again ! (sorry, I just loved it) It's been 7 hours since she posted, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING !!!!!!

We went home today. It's 1.47am, I should be sleeping but I'm on the puter instead. Patrick is sleeping in his crib (finally, does that boy like the boobies !) I'm finding it a little hard to pay any attention to my other children at the moment, I'm so baby focussed. Feeling guilty, but I'm sure it will sort itself out in the future.

Ok, slap me now for saying this, it's so insane but I can't wait for him to wake up...... I haven't had any sleep, but I want a cuddle ! and to kiss his little cheeks......oh my God, I've completely gone mental...:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

Now I'm going to keep checking in for Smilers update !
3cm dilated - contractions 15 minutes apart. HOW LONG DOES THIS EARLY LABOUR LAST!!!!!! Feels like all my body and olive wants to do is be in early labour.
I've just had my mw appointment and it wasn't great :( She said Button isn't engaged AT ALL and his/her heart rate was really really high. She tried several times and after waiting a further 20 mins while she saw someone else, it did go down to just below 160, which is their cut off point for what's 'normal'. Button was really active the whole time, so she's pretty well satisfied that it's because of that, but I'm still worried :( I just want him/her out and safe now, but there are no signs that that's going to be happening any time soon :cry:

I'm glad other people are at least having lots of signs of progress, even if things are taking a while still. Send me some labour vibes please girls xxx
Holy crap! Everyone is in labor but me it seems! I got SIX effin messages on Facebook this morning asking me if I was in labor. After having my sweep yesterday and then not having any contractions at all...well I am feeling very dissappointed and let down. I really thought it would start last night. I also got bad news at the midwife too. Apparently if two midwives are not able to attend the birth then one of the doctors has to step in. I was so ticked off because the midwife I have been seeing the whole time is going away today and she wont be there so that leaves the other two midwives and if one of them is with another client then Im screwed.

Smudge your not going crazy. I remember that feeling with Aurora and I wonder if I will be like that this time.
Kit - I bet baby was so busy because she was trying to get engaged! That happned to me!I had two super busy days where she was way out of the pelvis and then she quieted down so much that I ran to midwife and she told me that she was so busy because she was trying to work her way down into the pelvis!
Kit - I bet baby was so busy because she was trying to get engaged! That happned to me!I had two super busy days where she was way out of the pelvis and then she quieted down so much that I ran to midwife and she told me that she was so busy because she was trying to work her way down into the pelvis!

Thanks V - that's cheered me up a bit :) I've been asking Dr Google about the heartrate thing as well and a bpm in the 170s doesn't seem to be too much to worry about, provided the baby is active which Button DEFINITELY is. I'm starting to hate mw appointments - I seem to end up worried and disappointed after each one, rather than reassured!

I felt like that too Smudge with my DD and I'm really hoping it's the same this time. Those first few days are so magical :) I'm so glad it's being so lovely for you :)
hi girls. sorry not updated all day. can only get on here on my phone and it is very hit and miss. still no news. still getting pains but a lot less frequently:( really thought i might actually have bob on my due date but very unlikely now! Had my mum here today keeping me company today which has helped. But just been on facebook an found out that my friend who is not due til monday is being induced this evening because of her gd. i just want to meet my baby!!!
Oh girls its all kicking in now !!!

Everytime i pop in someone has something happening except me. Its getting so close for you all now. For me not so close but funnily enough Im calm about the fact that nothing is happening. I know that my doc will not let me go any more than a few days over so its going to happen the week after next regardless. Im just chilling, spending time with the kids and getting my house and the business side of things up to date so I can enjoy the baby when it comes (hubby is self employed and I do his accounts so no maternity leave for me!)

KKB - baby does not have to be engaged for labour to start when its not your first.

Its heartwarming to read smudge's posts. would make a girl broody lol :flower:
Aw, I thought the next post from Smiler would be a birth announcement! Sorry it's taking a while for you Smiler - you and MommyD are a good pair!

Nice to hear you sounding so calm and tranquil Bean. You're doing better than me! I don't want to be induced though, so unless there's a medical reason I could be here for another 3 weeks or so! DD was 2 weeks late and the mw said she thinks this one might well be the same. I've heard too that if it's not your first the baby could engage during labour, but for some reason the mw seemed to think it meant I would go over. He/she will come when they're ready I guess - I need to stop obsessing lol.
Ah I sawyou on FB today Smiler, so I know Bobs not here :nope: I'm so excited for you girls, I know how hard it is to wait.

Patrick is 5 days old today, where did time go ? He's growing up too fast !!
DAMN IT...I just wrote a huge post and lost it. Ok well here is the situation and tell me if you think its weird. So last night Oh comes in and tells me his mother has bought a ton of baby clothes but they are not for us they are for her to keep at her house. I thought "Ok thats weird. Im not going back to work for 8 months and she is not babysitting until then. I hope she bought bigger clothes" Then he made a point of telling me they were all brand name clothes. I dont give a rats who haw about brand names, but OH's family is very very well off. They have to have the best of everything and they do that just so they can tell everyone "Hey we have the best of everything" So I was kind of ticked off that she would keep the "nice" clothes for her house. Like the clothes we have are not fancy enough or something. Anywho, so for Christmas she bought us a lot of baby stuff. And last night I needed a few little odds and ends so I thought I would run to the dollar store. As I am walking around I notice most of the stuff she bought us for the baby she got at the dollar store. Now, I know how long things will last if you pay a dollar for them. Not long at all. So now I am kind of annoyed that she gave us the dollar store stuff and is keeping the quality clothes for "her house". Am I being unreasonable? When I got home I had a cry about it and OH can not fathom why I am upset. He thinks I hate his parents, which is not the case, but they are very very hard to relate to. Im the daughter of 2 full time working parents who were both the children of immigrants. And his family is old Quebec money and his mother has not had to work at a job a day in her life. They are also very racist and none of their views are anything I support. Now my OH didnt grow up with them. He has mild autistic tendencies so they shipped him off to a "school" when he was in kindergarten and he stayed there until he was in high school. Only coming home on weekends.

Am I being crazy???

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