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Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

I don't think you're crazy at all - it does all sound a bit weird! It completely proves your point about her only buying expensive stuff so she can show off. I personally don't think there's much point spending too much on baby clothes, especially not for the basics. Not just because I'm not into names like you say, but also because they're never in them for long enough for it to matter if they don't last ages.
you're not crazy. If things are bought for baby - they should give them to baby. i.e to you. so in the event that they need to baby sit - you can pack a bag. I don't believe a kid should be made to think that he or she has 2 homes - mom and dads where i have my things AND nana's where i have another set of things. it begs the question - are they going to adhere to your rules and regulations in how you choose to bring up your daughter?
as for brand name things - i have a low tolerance level for that as well. Kit is right - they're never in it for long. DS is 3 now - and sure he has clothes and toys at both GP's houses - but only because the clothes went into the ;laundry when he left. but it's clothes that I packed for him. The toys story - i sent toys to both GPs because they clearly have nothing for him to play with. But once again - it came from me.

I have a rocky relationship with my outlaws - purely because their actions - similar to yours V - to me was indicative of them wanting to drive a wedge or influence the type of relationship i have with DS. It's as though they were not prepared to recognise and respect me as DS' mother. When my parents buy my son anything - they usually leave it up to me to decide whether it stays there or comes home.

I'm not sure if I'm making any sense here. But this is a VERY VERY emotional and irky topic for me. My kids are mine - they have ONE home and ONE set of rules to follow. And i personally think - it's insensitive and disrespectful to you as a mother and grown woman to be treated this way by your inlaws. If i were you - i would still pack a bag for my kid when she goes to nana's just to provoke her into picking up the topic with me. And yes - i get that GPs are excited about babies - but then take what you bought and GIVE it to the baby.
Well I'm glad I'm not crazy. The problem is that it is driving a wedge in between me and oh because he doesn't really understand normal human relationships and sees nothing wrong with it. He thinks I'm being difficult and that I'm not trying enough to get to know them.
jhi ladies just thought i would give you an update. 1 day overdue now and just got bsck from scary trip to hospital. got back from trip to town witb a friend ans went to the loo to find loads of blood!(sorry if tmi) Rang hospital straight away and they said it was probably a show but to monitor it for an hour and call back. well in one hour i soaked a pad so they told me to head up there. bleeding slowed and when they looked at my notes from my bled at 28 weeks it said i had a small growth like an ulcer on the outside of my utetus which probably bleed when my plug came loose. i was not told about tbis at 28 weeks, in fact tbe doctor said they could not see a reason for the bleed. anyway they also did a trace today and no sign of any contractuons even though i have lower back pain and what feels like period cramps. i am now back at home feeling very sorry for myself!!!!
oh smiler. i'm so sorry all this is being dumped on you like this. Feel sorry for yourself all you want honey - lord knows you've been through an enormous amount lately.
That's rough Smiler and must be quite unnerving for you finding out that they didn't tell you everything after your bleed at 28 weeks. I wonder why they didn't? I really hope labour starts soon for you and you can start enjoying your LO.

I've got period pains, back ache and loads of BH too, but still no sign of actual labour.
Me either. I'm hapPy to wait until Sunday now because we are moving for the next few days
AAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDD........it's my due date! Alas, I am still pregnant though. Where is everyone else??? Contractions? Show??? How is everyone else getting on?
I'm not sure whether to say happy due day or not V? fx you hang on in there until early next week now, so you can get moving house out of the way. I hope it all goes well.

Still nothing happening here either. I'd quite like Button to come on time now, so sometime next week would be fine for me too. I could definitely do without another 2WW though!!!

Any news from Smiler and MommyD?
I'm happy it's my due date but hoping bubs will wait for one more day so I can get moved in good and proper

Where is everyone? Are you all in labor but me ?
not me v. Im here with you - nothing happening

Good luck with the move and huge congrats on due date!!!!!

Little Patrick is a week old now and still he doesn't have a cautious baby buddy.
It's 5:50 am here and I've been up for hours already. My sleep patterns are so all over the place now that I might as well be doing night feeds etc! Come on LO, surely you're baked to perfection by now!!! xx
still here. still in early labour.... contractions still coming every 15mins.
I've decided to just ignore them now. and to shop. and should my water break while i'm at the malls - tough sh!t. i'm miserable today. in a foul mood actually. I WANT IT OUT!!!
LOL :)
C`mon you babies! Lets get this show on the road!
li am still here. 3 days over due and still no sign since my show. getting the odd niggle but nothing regular. getting really fed up now especially with all my friends texting despite me asking them not to. also my stupid mother in law rang yesterday and told me to hurry up and have the baby as they are getting impatient to find out what sex it is!! i am deliberately going over due obiviously just to annoy them!!!! also spoke to mjdwife yesetday and she said she might not be abke to give me a sweep on tuesday because of the growths :(
:hugs: for everyone. Hang on in there. Whatever happens it can't be much longer now. Come on LOs - give us a break!!!
just when i thought things couldnt get any worse. it is 3am and i am wide awake and suffering from diahroea and vomitting. i feel awful and bob is not happy either
COuld be the start of something Smiler.

I'm so anxious for you girls ! Come on, someone have a BABY !!!! I seriously didn't think I would even be first let alone by over a week !!

Patrick is now almost 9 days old and he is BEAUTIFUL ! I've taken him lots of places - out to dinner, shopping etc and everywhere we go someone comments on how little and gorgeous he is. 9 days old and he's growing up too fast for me....

I should go to sleep while I can, it's 11.50pm here and he will wake up soon. One thing thats a bit hard....this boy EATS almost nonstop..

I want to wake up to baby news.
just when i thought things couldnt get any worse. it is 3am and i am wide awake and suffering from diahroea and vomitting. i feel awful and bob is not happy either

That is a huge sign of labor! Well it's 3:49 am here and I am in my new house finally. I woke up because I was way to busy today and my back is really hurting. Hoping to get another sweep on Tuesday because it seems like this little girl is way to cozy

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