Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Hopefully you'll go any day and won't need the sweep anyway. xx
The dumb cow. I hope you pee, poop and srom all over her when you are in labour :haha:
Thats shocking V. I would've slapped the bitch.

I came in here all excited to see some baby news and there's none ! Come on girls, Patrick needs some friends !

aahh, no pressure though eh ? I know it sucks to be waiting, almost as bad as the 2ww or the HCG, that was a long time ago.
I've just seen the mw and she said Button's head is really high and completely free. She wouldn't do a sweep as she says it wouldn't work with Button being so high anyway, as things obviously aren't ready. I thought that it was quite common for the head not to engage until labour if it isn't your first, but she seems adamant that it means labour is miles away. I hate going to see her now, it's always so disheartening :(
Kit - ya I hear ya on that one. You just want someone to tell you your getting close and they never do ugh

I cant believe I am 5 days overdue...I'm pretty sure this kid is picking out what wallpaper to put up in there
don't be disheartened Kit - baby can drop within a day. Olive turned and dropped within 3 days of me seeing my OB. although olive is SUPER freakin lazy now. in position at the right spot - bouncing like he/she is on a water balloon or something.
Thanks everyone. I'm going to basically LIVE on my gym ball for a few days and see if that makes a difference. I don't think the spd has helped, because I can't do much walking and have been sat with my legs up a lot.
Ya I have been sitting on my ball non stop. When the midwife told me yesterday to be walking as much as possible I just glared at her. She asked me what the problem was I said "have you even looked in my file? I have a back injury and SPD, I can barely walk to the bathroom"
hi girls sorry i have not been on. been too busy enjoying imogen when we dont have visitors.

she is totally amazing!! she has taken to bfeast feeding brilliantly although my nipples are really sore. my milk came in todsy so she has been permanently attached!! she also goes 4 hours between feeds at night!! my only problem is that she prefers to sleep in someones arms rayher than her moses basket. any advice?

sorry to see there are no more babies. hope they all arrve asoon xxxxx
Honestly smiler I have no advice because I let my daughter sleep with me for 8 months and plan on co sleeping for a few months with this baby until she feeds less during the night. I sure wish she would hurry up and make an appeRence though. Mind you right now a super hot cable guy is at my house so I'm enjoying his company...meow
Hi Smiler, good to hear everything is being lovely :)

Re the sleep thing, have you tried swaddling? Babies who like to be held often respond well to it. I've also been sleeping with a little comfort toy to make it smell like me, so that I can leave it in the crib with Button for reassurance. Oh and I've got a wrap (the Moby one) so I can at least get on with things if Button turns out to be a constant cuddler.

V, you sound as fed up of midwives as I am. It hardly fills you with confidence when they all say different things and obviously don't reasd your notes at all!!
Hey smiler - good hear you're enjoying Imogen!!
with DS i co-slept as well for 8 or so months. but he also liked to be held and fall asleep in someones arms. i plan to do the same with olive as well - until he/she starts sleeping through the night.
Ummmmm scary....I was eating supper and my toe felt funny so I looked at my tootsies which were happy inside their slippers and one of my feet has swelled to three times its normal size! Im pretty freaked daughter wants to "squish" it back to size so I might let her give it a try.
Go to the hospital V ! Swelling is a sign of pre e, especially if it comes up fast !!

Smiler, thats what happens when the milk arrives ! I have days where I have my boob in his mouth almost constantly, he's a little pig and guzzles so much milk, he can't hold it all. Swaddling is an excellent thing. I really only tightly swaddle at nighttime though, when I put him into the crib in the dark, to try and establish a night vs day thing. 4 hours between feeds is phenomenal ! I'm jealous ! I've had 4 hours only a couple of times, its' mostly 2-3 hours between.

Patrick has really dry skin at the moment, I'm so tempted to douse him in olive oil...,probably should just let it be.

:( I have to go to the dentist tomorrow morning, I have what I think is a massive hole in my tooth..I've been avoiding going for ages but I think it's starting to hurt. I'm dreading it almost as much as a c section..weird. Hate the anticipation but I know I'll probably be fine as soon as I get there.

Have some babies while I'm gone, damnit !!
Well the swelling is mainly because I have been sitting on my butt all day and have not been drinking my water like I normally do. I have poor lymph drainage from my years as a stylist and it always creeps up on me. I knew I was swelling this afternoon but neglected to raise my feet because they were cold and I wanted to keep them under my kitty who was sleeping so nice under the blanket hehe I have been told by three doctors to not worry about swollen feet unless I see swelling in my hands and face which are unaffected by the lymphedema thank god. Its really nothing to worry about...just looks awful!
Smiler my sisters little boy who is 5 weeks now is the same. He doesnt sleep well on his own. One way she gets around it is to put him into a bouncer chair with vibration. He sleeps much better in there. She will only use it during the day tho and you need to make sure baby can lie flat in it. Im a fan of co-sleeping. So handy when you are breastfeeding.

I had a horrible night girls. Savage back pain and cramping. Virtually no sleep between pain and peeing. had to send hubby down at 3am to get a heat pack for my back. Had a small pink show yesterday and doc told me Tues that baby head is well down. This pre - labour lark aint no fun - Dont know how you other girls have put up with it for weeks now. hats off to you.

Smudge - good luck at dentist. Dont envy you.
I can not believe I am 6 days overdue....I feel like crying
I don't blame you V - it is a horrible feeling. I went 14 days over with DD - I so hope that doesn't happen again. I hate waking up every morning and realising everything's STILL the same and the constant worry that they're ok in there. I'm sure everything's fine really though and your LO will be here any day now. :hugs: Ours obviously just need a bit longer cooking time xx

Good luck at the dentist Smudge!

That's very exciting Bean - I hope things are happening for you!!!
I am sure I am having some kind of mental break or something...I just cried for an hour because I am absolutly sure my baby hates me. I am posistive this baby hates me and is staying in there to be mean to me. Im pretty sure I am going crazy. I keep having these horrible delusions about the baby screaming everytime I hold her and refusing to be breastfed and just hating me. I dont know why that is in my head but it is all I can think about. I really think Im loosing it....

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