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Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Hi girlies.

Just a quick update.



Eoin Jamie Matthew was born on Tuesday 15th Feb at 9.23am. He weighed 9lb 3oz and is totally smashing.

We are all totally in love with him and Im so so so happy.
OH YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at all his hair! Oh my goodness! Im so pleased its a boy! Now Patrick isnt crazily outnumbered by girls! hahahaha
Congratualtions Bean he is absolutely gorgeous. How was the birth?

I am doing good. Had our first 2 unsettled nights with Imogen as she has a cold and is struggling to sleep on her back but apart from that everything is good. She will be three weeks tomorrow but i still cannot believe that she is really mine!!!

She was weighed on tuesday and now weighs 7lb 5.5oz!! so i dont need ot worry that she is not feeding well enough!!

HOpe everyone else is doing well. Who would have though that we would be here at the start when we were all worried about bleeds and hcg levels etc!!!
Woohoo Bean !! He's a knockout !! What a handsome lad. I completely love his name, would you believe Eoin was in our top five ? Along with Malcolm, Hamish, Patrick and Neil. I'm so happy for you !

Well cautious girls, we did it !! Can you believe how far we've come ? It feels like a million years ago that we were worrying over HCG levels, ultrasounds, gender scans etc.... even waiting for our babies to be born feels like a-g-e-s ago. We're so blessed to be here, with our happy healthy babies after losing their siblings...:cry:

I'm going to change the name of the thread... Do you think I should ? We WERE all cautiously pregnant and now we're not...hmmm.


Smudge - Neill was in our list too. How weird is that. The two boys could have ended up with the same name. Seems they have the same temperment tho cos my man is a super snuggler as well. Spends hours on my knee feeding and dozing but put him down and he's awake like a shot.

V - you will get jiggy again. Had stitches with both my first two and have been pregnant 3 times since so ..... :blush:
I had internal stitches the first time around V. It wasn't too bad though after about 4 weeks I had to have some of them removed because they didn't dissolve properly. Lube will be your friend and it will be fine.

Wouldn't that have been weird if we'd named them the same Bean ? We never really talked about names much, I like keeping that part quiet, esepcially with my MIL. If Patrick had been a girl he would have been Maeve Catherine. I had loads of girls names, but it was a battle to come up with the 5 boys names we liked. Connor (his middle name) is the name of my oldest son who died...I noticed you did the same with Matthews name:hugs:

We're moving back to Australia in 2 weeks..man, I am NOT ready. Barely done a thing.
yay bean!!!! congrats on the birth of you extremely handsome son!!! Can't believe we did it ....

V - lub will be your best friend for a few sessions after birth!!! i won't lie - it feels like losing your virginity from scratch again! all i cansay is lub lub and more lub!

little mika has been keeping me Extremely busy. our first 2 nites home were hair raising!!! but i think she's settled now.

how's everyone else doing?
CONGRATULATIONS BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's lovely and what a lovely name!!! :) :) :) I'm SO relieved everything was ok - I was worried when we didn't hear from you for a bit. I think my hair-raising experience put the wind up me a bit.

Wow, so we've all done it! It's actually made me feel really emotional. Thank goodness it's been ok for all of us. What a rollercoaster ride the past year has been! I'm so happy for all of us :)

I need to post pics and update my signature etc, but I feel too tired to be bothered right now. Button is very happy most of the time, but unfortunately also very awake at night. I'm also having some feeding issues now, so I'm online to google things and see if I can get back on track.

I hope all Mummys and littlies are well and happy xxx
Hey Kit

what kind of feeding issues you having - if you don't mind me asking?

I can't believe we've all made it to here - actually having babies! i'm soooo relieved as well. I've started walking in the morning - to help shed the weight and to get some fresh air. Little Mika loves her sling so she's quite content tagging along for a walk in the morning.
Love to talk about feeding stuff..... Patrick spits up a LOT, which always worries me. I know spitting up is normal but I panic that somethings wrong. He's very happy though and constantly needs his nappy changed.

Do any of your babies groan ? Like a straining type groan ? It sounds like he's constipated even though I know he's not. But he carries on and goes red in the face, especially in the early hours of the morning ! He's really unsettled between about 2 and 5am. I pretty much have to keep him in bed with me, he WON"T go back to his crib.

Hows it going for you girls ? I haven't started exciting or anything, I just don't have time right now. When we get home and get settled, I'll get stuck in ! I need to, I don't think BF is going to take off weight as much as I want.
I have a baby here who eats non stop but only poops every other day! Its frustrtaing because everyone keeps telling me she should be pooping more but she eats really good so I dont know what to think!
I don't mind at all mommyd - I'd appreciate any advice anyone's got too :) Feeding went really well when my milk first came in, because I had lots of it. Now I'm having the problems I had with DD, because I have such a fast let down and flow on the right and such a slow one on the left. The fast let down on the right leads to wind problems. With DD this ended up with LOTS of being sick (spitting up for the US people) and with Button it's causing tummy aches and periods where she's in pain and won't settle. I try winding her for AGES, but she's not so good at burping yet, so lots of the air is getting in to her system and causing pains and explosive noises at the other end!

The slow let down on the left is also causing problems because Brianna gets impatient and won't feed very well on that side, which then affects my supply. I've tried starting her on that side each time, so that she's more determined, but she just gets cross and fusses and won't stay latched on. I've also tried various relaxation techniques etc to speed up the let down, but it doesn't help much.

Hopefully both problems will resolve themself as she gets older, like they did with DD, but it's a worry in the mean time and is stopping her sleeping at night.

Re. the spitting/throwing up Smudge, as I said, DD did this LOADS and our health visitor kept making me worry about it, but she still put on weight and was absolutely fine, so I stopped worrying eventually. It was all down to my fast let down and her getting air trapped underneath the milk (trapped wind might explain why Patrick is straining and unsettled at night too?). Frequent winding helped a bit, but she still did it a LOT. Sometimes it was so much it seemed like the whole feed had come up, but she still gained weight, so it either wasn't as much as it looked, or she was eating far more than she needed so could afford to lose lots.

I'm still in too much pain from the c-section to exercise, but I can't wait to get going. I think my spd is better, although it's hard to tell as I can't walk far to test it. If it is though I'm going to walk and walk and walk once my scar feels better!! I've been trying out the Moby wrap in preparation and I love it!

Sorry for the essay this post has turned in to! Here are some pics of Bree to make it worth reading this far! ;)


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Ah Kit she is beautifull.

Eoin is a non stop day feeder and I know I will jinx this but he slept well at night for the past three nights. I had to wake him at 5am this morning to feed and he fed for about 5mins and then went back to sleep. This was from 11pm. He feeds non stop and poops non stop but Im concerned about the wees. He poops so much I never just get a wet nappy and I have to tear them all to check if any wees in them. New mummy syndrome - have to find something to worry about.

Kit if you thought you posted an essay wait to you see my next post. Got my birth story outlined. I tried to make it short but ......... Feel free to skip lol.

Unfortunately the cautious baby quick labour did not happen for me. Damm you lot for quick deliveries - I had to do your time for you lol. I was given the gel to induce at 2.30pm on Monday afternoon. I started getting pains straight away which were put down to gel pains. Was told "oh they will stop and you will get to sleep tonight and get another dose tomorrow". ehh wrong.

7.30pm got some panadol and a birth ball and told again "gel pains - they will stop".

11.30pm - I asked for exam to see if anything was happening. 4cm. fully effaced and baby was at minus 2. Started at prosterior cervix, no dilation and baby at minus 4. Was delighted and got to go to labour ward for gas and air.

Reexamined in labour ward and told baby not -2 still -4 and not fully effaced - damm. Pain was savage but had my g&a and was happy enough and coping.

1am – Got my waters broke.

3am - Was told I was 6cm - Yippee

4.30am - Was told sorry there has been no change since you came to labour ward - OMG that was 4 1/2 hours ago. I cried and remember saying to my hubby “I’m going to kill this child trying to give birth”. Doctor advised me to have an epidural because baby was in a very bad position and was surrounded by a lot of fluid which meant he could not move down. Cried again at mention of epidural. I felt I had no choice but get it because they said baby may not be able to be born naturally due to bad position and the fact that I was getting very strong but short contractions which were not doing anything.

5.30am – Got the epidural on attempt number 3 and it worked. When it was working they done up all the paperwork for a c-section. At this stage I was fully convinced that it was definitely going to end up in theatre and tried to prepare myself for that.
I went for a snooze and then contractions evened out.

8.30am - Examined by midwife because I was feeling a lot of pressure and the magic phrase was uttered “you are fully dilated”. She gave me back the gas and air to help relieve the pressure pain and basically said just go with your instinct.

9.23am – Baby Eoin is finally born. :happydance:
V - breast babies don't poop much because their tiny little bodies absorb most of the milk which is not true for formula babies. I had the same concern with my son and a the speciaslist bf nurse/lady had shed light on this matter since it drove me mad! every other day is just fine. as long as she's weeing, gaining weight and not screaming constantly everything is good.

kit - i have a similar issue. I've been trying bicycling Mika to help break her winds. Also - i've been using telement drops and gripe water mixed with cooled boiled water. and then to help her latch and stay latched - i let her suck on a pacifier for like 10 seconds before putting her on my breast. the nursing sister also advised me to use the dummy after a feed. because sometimes they're fully fed and will moan and we feed more and they just suck more but instead they need to be winded or is struggling to break a wind. so sucking the dummy after a full feed helps with the winding and prevents over feeding which leads to cramps and a crabby baby. I've been trying all these little things and it's helped TONS with Mika and her feeding patterns as well as sleep patterns.

She had a little bit of sours and was spitting up regularly - i got some stuff for it - and it helps A LOT. she doesn't spit up often anymore. But as you mentioned - it could very well be that she drinks on top of a wind and then hurls it back up.
I cant seem to get Marie-Eve to take a soother...it makes me crazy because I know when she eats soemtimes at night its because she wants to suck
Hi ladies :) I stumbled across your thread while trying to find some hope and people to answer my questions about TTC after a miscarriage. I had a mc on 21st Feb 2011, only recent.. first pregnancy and first mc. and my cycles are usually very irregular, lasting from 5 weeks to 6/7 weeks. im not sure if its even possible for me to ovulate after the mc without the AF. and would like to ask any ladies who went thru the same boat as me before and advice me on what i shud do... should i go on trying once i stop bleeding from the D&C? im still spotting from the D&C.. so quite lost. And how do u know when is your ovulation after the mc? thanks..
V - i dropped some wind and colic stuff on Mika's soother to get her to take it. just a drop - and it's sweet. and i must say - the soother HELPS TONS especially at night when she just wants to suck!

Vonz - I got preggers immediatley after my MC - no AF in between. I would however advise you to wait until all the bleeding and spotting has stopped. I'm not sure what the protocol is for after a D&C as i didn't need one. so maybe check with your doctor first. Good luck - and don't lose hope or be disheartened. Look at the lot of us on this thread - 9 months of constant fretting and now we all have healthy babies keeping us awake at night!
Hi ladies

sounds like we are all having similar problems as Imogen has een really sicky to. In fact she is having a really rough time at the moment. She has had a cold which has made it hard for her to sleep , she has got baby acne which looks quite sore, shehas had thrush in her mouth for nearly 2 weeks (which medication does not seem to be helping) and now has reflux so has to have gaviscon after eery feed which she does not like very much!!

However despite all this she is still being an absolute angel, even going 5 hours between feeds last night!!!!
wow..definitely didn't mean to post that here! I think my computer's haunted!

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