Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Hi girls,

Well, what a tiring week ! I caught a horrible cold last week and have passed it on to Patrick :( That combined with moving overseas next week, means that we are staying up late, have NO routine and life is a bit tough. Patrick is very happy to be in bed with us, doesnt' settle well at night if he's not. He also loves sleeping on his side or tummy.

2 days ago I noticed a blister on his penis, right on the circ site. So we went to the paed yesterday and it's not a blister, she thinks he may have had (of course its already gone) a hive type thing, a reaction to the antibiotics I'm taking for my laryngitis. We talked about the grunting and straining and she recommended a lot of tummy time, to help the muscles push the air out. Patricks a fast piggy eater, he gulps and i can't really stop him, so he does take in a lot of air. I also use gas drops, simethicone, which kind of helps.

Smiler, we've had a bit of baby acne too, it comes and goes. Does Imogens sort of flare up and then look like it s getting better ?

So my little wriggly 5 week old (!) has a horrid cough and he won't let me put him down, my house looks like we've been robbed there's so much crap everywhere, the movers get here on Monday, and did I mention we're having a combined bday party for our daughters and 30 of their friends on Saturday ? ..just typing that made me tired...:sleep:
Im going CRAZY....Mimi will not sleep for longer then an hour at a time and she is sucking my nips RAW! To make it worse she has been taking to these screaming fits if I put her down....Im going batty!
Smudge it sounds like you're really going through it! :hugs: I hope things start to settle down asap. At least the party, cold and moving will be over with soon. Good luck with the party tomorrow.

Bree doesn't sleep well on her back or in her crib either. On her tummy on my front is her prefered place and sometimes is the only way I can get any sleep.

I might try the tummy time idea, as Bree is a gobbler too, especially on my right side. I needn't have worried about my supply on the left side though - she was weighed on Sunday and was 9lb 8 oz, then on Thursday she weighed 10lb!!! That's half a pound in 4 days!! Little porker! :haha:

I'm sorry Imogen's been poorly too Smiler. It's nice it doesn't seem to be bothering her too much though, so she's still sleeping etc. Thrush is such a nuisance - fx it clears up soon. Have you been treated too, so she's not getting reinfected when she feeds?

Perhaps Mimi's hitting a growth spurt V and is getting your milk supply up for it? I think there's one around 3 weeks.

Thanks for your birth story Bean. I'm glad it was relatively uncomplicated, if a bit drawn out for you. Well done you!

Vonz - like mommyd, I don't know much about D&Cs but you can definitely ovulate before your AF, although it is hard to tell when that might be which is one reason they advise you wait until after your first AF. If you don't mind not knowing your precise dates though then there's no medical reason for waiting and as we all found, you're more fertile after an mc. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope you go on to have a healthy pg very soon after like we all did x
heys ladies :) im wondering if any of u had irregular periods before ur mc before this pregnancy? i had an mc on monday and find this thread v encouraging for me. thanks for coming tgt and bringing me hope...
Vonz, the only time in my life I have had regular periods is when I was on the pill ! I get maybe 2 a year ?

Girls, the last 2 days have been hell. As I type, Patrick is in hospital. He's ok, but it was scary as hell. I mentioned the other day that he had cold...well I took him to the urgent care clinic on Saturday because I was a little worried that it may be infected. Dr said he sounded congested and gave him antibiotics. So, raced home, had the girls bday party, exhausted frazzled etc.. Patrick slept a long time Saturday night about 5 hours which was scary, but I put it down to being sick. So Sunday morning, I'm running aorund doing errands, Patricks not feeding that well, I keep needing to suction his nose because he can't latch properly. Finally at about midday I notice that he's really working hard to breathe ie his chest is pulling a lot and you can see the muscles straining. We race down to the clinic where he has a chest xray and it's fine, no pneumonia but the dr says he needs to go to the childrens hospital because he's breathing too fast and his oxygen level is down (93%).

At the ED, they admit him straight away, but the only room they have availbale is the trauma unit - the horrid one, where the serious stuff happens. There is my little baby in this huge room surrounded by stuff, having trouble breathing. To cut a long story short, I got very upset when they told me they wanted to admit him. It was like reliving Connors death over again....the horrible sense of loss of control, helpless to stop what was happening, certain that this wasn't going to end well..:cry: After about 5 hours they found us a bed on a ward (a cot with an armchair next to it) and thats where I've been for the last 24 hours.

They've had him on oxygen, and doing deep suctioning to get the mucus and stuff out. He has bronchiolitis - too long to explain but Google it, because it's very common in babies. Last night was bad, but he's doing a lot better today and they've taken him off oxygen to see if he can do ok and he is, he's been off for a few hours now. The respiratory therapist and the paediatrician think he could probably go home tomorrow, maybe even tonight !!

So thats my little bit of news. Did I mention our removal was supposed to start today ?? And I wasn't packed or anything ?? Talk about stress.. but we managed to delay everything and we'll start tomorrow. I'm at home atm to pack my suitcase and then I'm going back to the hospital. Dh has a long night ahead doing everything else to get ready.
OH my god smudge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so scary....its good he is doing better but I wouldve had a heart attack....what happens if he gets sick in Aus? Do they have good health care there?
What a nightmare for you Smudge!!! :hugs: I'm so glad he's ok and can go home soon. How awful for you, especially with all the associations with Connor :( My friend's LO had the same thing, so I know that it's relatively common as you say, but anything that involves hospitals and breathing difficulties is just SO scary. I hope he's home asap and you can relax and get on with enjoying him again. Thinking of you xxx
I followed gibby and kitty in here, but am scared of birth stories. i am only just holding together the fact i have a bfp

i like the idea of haunted computers though, that really turned my head

i will come back when i am more brave about giving birth and someone has shown me how to actually hold a baby.

Once more for the cheap seats in the back: Bree and Marie-Eve are heart skippingly gorgeous.
Smudge, am very glad that your baby has been treated and is well, how terrifying that mustve been for you
Is all good now, though it was bloody hell in hospital. we got out yesterday, straight home to removal hell. I'm so disorganised, you'd think someone who's moved 16 times in the last 17 years would be better at this shit.

Patrick is loads better, still have to suction him and I'm completely paranoid about his breathing but they let us out. I've spent hours in the last 3 days googling bronchiolitis, doesn't seem THAT scary...

Anyway, thanks and welcome NatoPmt ! We've all gone a bit quiet in this thread since the babies arrived, but I'm still here....... And I love giving advice, whether you want it or not..
Ooh hi NatoBFP! You need to start at the other end of the thread, so that all our mares in early preg coincide with yours. We were all at the HCG stresses point around now. Then you just need to remember that for all of us it turned out fine! :D

I'm so glad you're home and P is on the mend Smudge. Good luck with the move. I think you have more than enough excuse for being a bit disorganised this time - I can barely manage getting dressed in the morning!!!

Bree is doing super-well :) She was weighed on Tuesday and had put on another 8 ounces since the Thursday before, so that's a whole pound in 8 days - little porker!! :haha: I started to watch this documentary on Abortion this morning. Mainly because it seemed interesting because I thought it dealt with the pro-life/pro-choice issue in the United States. In the description it said nothing about how graphic it would be. Well about 10 minutes into it, it actually showed a woman in the stirups having an abortion performed. I was a little bothered by this but then it zoomed in on the actual baby that had been removed....I lost my mind. I shut it off immediately and called my OH sobbing. I had never seen anything so upsetting in my whole life...I wont go into details because I am pretty sure it will haunt my dreams forever but it showed the actual parts of the little baby. And here I am sitting nursing my baby....I just cant stop crying. I know everyone has their own opinions about abortion but just that five seconds of video has changed how I thought completely. I am home alone with the baby and all I can think about is having both of my kids home and holding them to me and sitting curled up in my OH's arms. I feel as though someone just stole my innocence....
oh V that sounds awful i think i would be really upset too if i saw that.

Sorry i have not been around much. IMogen had been a really chilled and relaxed baby for the first two weeks but hten fot reflux week three and now has colic so we have two hours of screaming every evenig. However she does then go back to sleep for about four hour intrvals after the screaming session.

Smudge - i had not even thought about getting htrush treatment for me butstarted getting pains in nipples so went to doctors to get cream as ooks like i have caught it from imogen. No wonder hers has not cleared up!!

I was also worried about Imogens feeding as she had goe from having a nice longfeed every three hours to having 5 min feeds wheneve she felt like it so was not sure if she was getting enough. however i need nothave worried. SHe was 6lb 9oz at birth, 7lb5.5 at 2wks 2 days and is now 8lb 14oz at 4 wks 2 days!!!!!! a right little porker!! HOwever she still ooks really tiny and still fits into most of her tiny baby clothes which should only go up to 7 lb!!

Smudge - hopethe move goes ok

everyone else - hope all mums and babies are well xxxxxxxxxxxxx
V - I watched something like that about an abortion clinic in Florida. Actually it wabout an abortion clinic and the pro life place across the road from it. They were so radical and they LIED constantly (the pro lifers) Actually, I was quite sympathetic to the abortionists, but it sparked my interest.

I spent a few days looking up stuff on the internet and learning about abortion and trying to see both sides of the argument. Learnt some horrific stuff and saw some things I know I'll never forget. I think my opinion has changed. I always thought I was completely pro abortion, but deep down, I now know I'm not. At the same time, I can't agree with the radicalism and the tactics of these pro life groups that picket clinics. There's more to it than that...

We're in a gorgeous hotel right now, been here for a couple of nights now. In 2 more sleeps, I'm getting on the plane and going home...can't imagine and the thought makes me sad:cry: I'm not worried about Patrick on the flight...should I be ? A 15 hour flight with a 6 week old ? Naaah, he'll be fine (fx!) We're going to the paediatrician tomorrow for one last check up jsut to be sure he's good to go.
Oh I envy must be so warm in Aus right now. I have a lot of family in Perth and a few weeks ago we had a wind chill of - 28 so I called my cousin and asked her to put the phone out the window LOL
Hello cautious mommies..
I've had to some serious catching up to do on our thread.
Smudge, I was freaked to read about your trip to the hospital with patrick. I'm glad to hear he's on the mend. must have been super scary - i would have TOTALLY freaked out. as for being disorganised - atleast you're disorganised with moving from continents on the horizon - i 'm disorganised just trying to get through the day!

Mika is keeping me extra busy. she's not at all like a new born baby (who's supposed to sleep most ofthe time during the day) she has like a 3 hour stint during the day where she's wide awake and wants to attention. she wants me to speak to her. and wants to be taken around to see things.

I've started a project management class the week after Mika's birth, so i can do a position change when i go back to work. so mum comes round to look after the kids for 2 hours twice a week. Hubby also has classes on the same nights (Just he actually lectures the Masters Degree class). Anyway, got a call last thursday to come home urgently because DS smeared handwash all over DD's pacifier in an attempt to clean it for her, and then promptly stuck it in her mouth! so hlaf a bottle of Glycerine and a doctors tel call later, Mika seems to have survived that ordeal! shame, DS was trying and is trying to be so helpful with bubs. I couldn't help but giggle a little at that incident.

I hope everyone else is doing well and adjusting to sleep deprived life!
Oh I envy must be so warm in Aus right now. I have a lot of family in Perth and a few weeks ago we had a wind chill of - 28 so I called my cousin and asked her to put the phone out the window LOL
:haha: Thats one thing I'm looking forward to at least.

Hey MommyD, according to your ticker, you're 44 weeks preggo...getting a little uncomfortable yet ?! silly, i know.

Last night in the US..sad and anxious:cry:
haha to 44 weeks preggo!

Ok ladies....who has attempted to have sex yet? Im TOO SCARED! I soooo wanna but I am TERRIFIED I am gonna tear something or damage something! YIKES! Plus the added ick factor of using a friggin condom! I dont wanna use birth control because it always makes me very very very depressed and the hormones can affect your milk. The past few days I have stopped bleeding entirely and have been having kind of menstrual kind of cramps. I wonder if that means I am "due" or my cervix is finally closing up? I am also kind of on this kick where I feel like crapola. Like I look 100 years old and my skin on my face especially is very very dry and awful and my body is so not in the shape it used to be and not even my jogging pants are fitting me proper. Is anyone else finding this???
Hi V

we have actually dtd a few times already and it was fine, although i didnthave stitches or anything. We are having t use condoms too ( i am not keen on them either) as for he last months that i was on the pill it was having a very bad affect on my eczema and have not had a chance to speak to doc about other contraceptin yet.

I stopped bleeding completley about a week ago but still gettin quite a bit of discharge(sorry tmi!)

Smudge hope the move goes well and that patrick is 100% better

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