CBFM Buddy

I was wondering the same thing as I am not using it this cycle...hmm. I would give it a break and just use the OPKs. Not sure I will go back to the monitor...opks work fine and are MUCH less expensive!!

Welcome to our little abode NatalyiasMom :hi:
Thanks 1cre8tivgrl I am excited to learn my way around the sight...btw your children are adorable, did you have trouble conceiving either of them?
Thanks 1cre8tivgrl I am excited to learn my way around the sight...btw your children are adorable, did you have trouble conceiving either of them?

Thanks!! Actually no, they both only took us 2 months to conceive...which I am finding incredibly lucky as I am on month 5 ttc #3....not so easy this go around!
Hi There!

Nice! I am sure he is a superstar in the kitchen which must have its perks, right?:pizza:

I am currently in cycle 7 and I used the CBFM for 4 cycles. I decided to give the cbfm a break this cycle. It really is great though! Are you temping as well? How long have you been ttc now for #2?
Hello Again!
I definitely get spoiled with lots of yummy food...could come in handy if I ever get a BFP.

I have always struggled with tempting. I have a glass basal thermometer and it is extremely hard to read. I have basically been trying sense my daughter was born in 2008, although the last year we kind of put it on the back burner because we just got so dissappointed each month we got a BFN. We feel the CBFM will allow us to better indentify bd days and are excited to start trying again!!

Do you use any medications like clomid or metformin? I have not recently but I contemplate it a lot. I think it might be a smart idea to just first use the CBFM for a couple cycles and see where it gets me...btw your furbaby Lexi is absolutely adorable!!!

Aw Thanks :)

I am on Femara now. Try the CBFM and see how you like it! What cd are you on?
Thanks for the welcome!! So I'm all sorts of stumped - this should probably go in the HSG and/or B6 forums, but I did 100MG of BComplex this cycle, which did in fact lengthen my luteal phase (possibly too long - usually its about 9 days, today is 12 DPO, which is crazy long for me). So anyway - I scheduled my HSG for next Tuesday b/c I was seeing some brown in my CM early this week, but still no period for me (and yes, I'm doing pregnancy tests every morning, which continue to show up blindingly white where there should be a second line). So it looks like HSG will need to be rescheduled once AF does show her face.

To top all that off - my husband gave me a nice massage for valentines day, we left the massage oil on the nightstand and it must have gotten knocked over last night because my iphone is now soaked in massage oil (trying to revive it now), as is my thermometer (which is just gross) and my car keys (annoying). So that's my rant this AM.

This will be my second cycle using the CBFM, I used OPKs prior to CBFM and I'm not totally sold on the advantages of the monitor over the OPKs (cheaper). I do like that the monitor told me about my estrogen as well as my LH surge though. And I love talking to the ladies on this board, so those are good things about the CBFM. Has anyone tried to "trick" their monitor/reduce the cost by using old sticks from a previous month on days they know will be low?
Smythdm :rofl: about the massage oil mishap! Oh well! Hope you can revive your phone!

You can trick the monitor, but be careful because you might not have the same readings month to month. My first month, I didn't get a high until CD 15, and I peaked on CD 17, the following month I started getting highs on CD 13, and peaked on CD 16 I think, then the third month I got highs on CD 10, peaked on CD 15, then this month, highs on CD 10, peaked on CD 19!

Also, in your second month, if you tend not to get highs until later in the cycle, it won't ask for a stick on CD6 - it will wait until CD 9 or so. Then as soon as I get my first peak, I stop using sticks. So I usually go through less than 10 a cycle.

12 DPO is GREAT! Glad the B complex is working for you. The brown CM sounds promising - when was that exactly??? Could be implantation, and if so, you might not get a BFP for 4-5 days after...
Hi everyone,
I am so sad/confused! I was ecstatic for my high yesterday -CD21!! Today is obviously CD22 and the feint line I was excited about yesterday is gone! CBFM still said high but I wonder if I might just have lost it! I am going to my doc today to request referrals for scans etc at a proper OBGYN. Still, I hoped to peak this morning or tomorrow and now I just feel blue :(

Smyth-Urgh! About the massage oil!! Especially re iphone! I would be feeling a little grumpy too...

Daisy, your little summary of highs and peak days has encouraged me-I am all over the place too :)

Hi ladies hop everyone's well? I had my results back for progesterone levels at 7DPO. Mine were 28.4 and I can't get in to see my doctor until Monday to discuss, so I've resorted to googling (I know, bad move :dohh:) and getting myself all worried that this is too low of a level to ovulate :wacko:
Smythdm :rofl: about the massage oil mishap! Oh well! Hope you can revive your phone!

12 DPO is GREAT! Glad the B complex is working for you. The brown CM sounds promising - when was that exactly??? Could be implantation, and if so, you might not get a BFP for 4-5 days after...

Good news - the Apple store gave me a free new iPhone. I just think they thought what happened to my phone was hilarious and they had never seen a phone literally dripping with oil (out of the headphone socket). Oh well, new phone!! :happydance:

I guess I've sort of given up on it being implantation bleeding b/c every month I try to convince myself of that. But - I've noticed some brown cm when I check, none of it has actually been discharge or noticeable even on the TP (thats gross, sorry) since Tuesday. But yeah I forgot that BFP may take a few days after to show up, so I'll keep waiting/testing. I've sort of written off this month and have been drinking more than usual and definitely lots more caffeine than usual, I'll feel bad (for a nanosecond) if this month is it. Will keep you all posted though!
Well, OK, since Tuesday, which must have been 10 DPO, and implantation often happens around 9-10 DPO... so figure you might get a positive on Saturday or Sunday. Which would put you at 14 or 15 DPO - if you make it that far without AF showing up, you are prego. It's amazing that your LP is so much longer already. Mine extended only by a day from the B6.
Well, OK, since Tuesday, which must have been 10 DPO, and implantation often happens around 9-10 DPO... so figure you might get a positive on Saturday or Sunday. Which would put you at 14 or 15 DPO - if you make it that far without AF showing up, you are prego. It's amazing that your LP is so much longer already. Mine extended only by a day from the B6.

Oh good to know; that makes me happy!!! But I'm still cautious - our timing this month was not great, missed 3 of 4 high days and the first peak. Yes, I was really surprised at the major fast impact of the B6; it sort of scared me, you forget how powerful vitamins can be.
Smythdm - are you also temping to confirm your O date? Or just going by the CBFM? Just curious. I wonder if you are not as many days DPO as you think?

TCC, I don't know about the progesterone levels in the UK because they measure it differently there - but even if it's low, it's a correctable problem and you are on your way to getting it sorted out.

Hopeful, once the monitor detects a high, it will keep giving you highs until it detects a peak. When you say the line went away - which line is it? The one closest to the wick, or the one closest to the end you put in the monitor? Because the estrogen line, the one closest to the end you put in the monitor fades OUT before the LH line fades in, so if that's the line thats fading, that is a really good sign.
Smy - YAY for the new phone! That is awesome. The iphone is great! I was a Blackberry girl for a LONG time and I refused to give into the cult of Apple, and now...well, lets just saw I have whole heartdly switched teams! GO IPHONE! I am addicted to Words with Friends :) Thats great news about your LP. Mine also has extended. I used to have 11 day LP and 2 cycles ago it was 12, and now it is 13....I think mine is from the Synthroid for my thyroid though! WOOHOO for regulated LPS! Hang in there. Hopefully its a BFP but if not, dont worry. I am a strong believe that wine fixes everything :)

How is everyone today?
Smythdm - are you also temping to confirm your O date? Or just going by the CBFM? Just curious. I wonder if you are not as many days DPO as you think?

Possibly. I've been a little lax with the recording of my temps. There has definitely been a shift since the first part of my cycle, but the last temp I have recorded was on CD13 (97.7) and then I did do remember it being at least .5 higher on CD15, and its still pretty high (98.4ish)...not helpful, I know!
Smy - YAY for the new phone! That is awesome. The iphone is great! I was a Blackberry girl for a LONG time and I refused to give into the cult of Apple, and now...well, lets just saw I have whole heartdly switched teams! GO IPHONE! I am addicted to Words with Friends :) Thats great news about your LP. Mine also has extended. I used to have 11 day LP and 2 cycles ago it was 12, and now it is 13....I think mine is from the Synthroid for my thyroid though! WOOHOO for regulated LPS! Hang in there. Hopefully its a BFP but if not, dont worry. I am a strong believe that wine fixes everything :)

How is everyone today?

I was the same way, I LOOOVED my blackberry and resisted changing, but I couldn't live without the iphone these days. Haven't gotten into words with friends b/c I already have enough distractions (case in point right here ;)). Wine really does make everything all better!!
Hi gals,
So, I went to the doctor and he has asked me to go for an HSG. I am SO bummed as I'm guessing AF will show 2-3 weeks time (no peak yet!) and then 8-12 days after that I will be away :( which means I guess I'll have to wait another cycle before going for the HSG...

I called the hospital where I will be having the test done and they said even so, it could take 2-3 months to get an appointment. I cried :cry:

So, I guess I'll just keep trusting my CBFM and hope for a peak and a BFP so that the HSG isn't necessary...

I am so sorry for not popping by and dating hello more often!
Hope you are all ok?

I am day 23 of a regular 28/29 day cycle, I've had high days, peaked and bd'd a lot, but today I just feel odd, I have the worst AF style cramps and lower back ache but no AF. Making me feel really uncomfortable and will be whipping out ny hot water bottle as soon as I get to work! Last night I also felt sick! Think I'm symptom spotting.... Lol

Hopeful - Dont worry! Once you have the HSG I bet it will make you more fertile! WOOHOO! 2-3 months may seem like such a long time, but its really not in the grand scheme of things. Dont stress too much, ok? :) xx

How is everyone today?

Well I am 4dpo and went to the RE this AM for my lining check. He said my lining looks awesome BUT 2 things:

My cyst didnt go away! Its still there, LOL. He thought it was a follicle at first, but its a cyst. He says its rather small and wont interfere with anything so it should go away in about 2 months, if not, then he says we will have it removed. Right now he said hes just going to note it and monitor it.
Also, as he was doing my u/s, he noticed a mass in my uterus. Said it was very small and he thinks in may be a polyp or it may be nothing. He couldnt really tell by the image. Says if I get my period, he will schedule me for a saline test so he can get a better image, and then if thats what it is, he will have it removed. I freaked out and when I left I called back for the nurse to ask questions and the RE got on the phone and said "WHY are you crying? Jessica, I never said it was DEFINITELY a polyp. I said it could be a polyp and if it is, we will find out and remove it. They are extremely common anyway. I saw nothing today that I am in the slightest bit concerned with. If I am not concerned, you shouldnt be." I told him I really dont want to do more cycles of IUI and he told me he doesnt like to jump to IVF because he feels thats what alot of clinics do and its like a factory. He really likes to explore other options first. He did say that if I am adamant about it, we can discuss if I get my period and perhaps we will do an IUI with injectables and then IVF the following cycle, so April. I told him my insurance covers all meds and unlimited ivfs and iui's at 100% so I just want to get pregnant, however its going to happen! UGH, just discouraged today and I tend to whip myself into a frenzy thinking the worst of things. For example, when he saw that cyst a few weeks back he said it may be a chocolate cyst (endometriosis) or it may not be. I IMMEDIATELY lost my shit and told myself I had endo. Low and behold, its just a regular cyst. Now I am SWEARING I have a polyp! But all my other u/s showed nothing of the sort. I do this all the time! I get all worked up. From what I have researched this AM, if it is a polyp it is very normal and safe to remove. No biggie.

Thanks for letting me vent :(
Aww, Jchic! :hugs: honey! I bet you it's nothing, and in any case you'll get it sorted out soon. And it's very, very normal to do 3-4 iuis before IVF, the odds iui will work keeps going up with each attempt up to the 3rd or 4th. I think at least one more attempt is a good idea. The one last time might not have been perfectly timed, but this one sounds like it was. Also, I think you should try your next iui with Clomid or injectables, where the goal is to develop more than one follie. The pregnancy rate per iui attempt is generally 10-20%, each attempt and closer to 20% with Clomid. It's closer to 30% with injectables. The risk of multiples goes way up with injectables though, so if you develop TOO many follies, you might ask to see if your doc will allow you to convert to IVF. You might also look at your docs success rates with IVF vs other fertility clinics in the area. They are published on the CDC website.
I also meant to say that the pregnancy rate after 3 or 4 iuis is about the same as 1 IVF.

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