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CBFM Buddy

How is everyone today? I have dry mouth and a little sore throat today, not sure that's a sign or if I'm getting a cold :shrug:
Hey dawn! Sorry ur out hun but thats great abt ur lp!! Woohoo!
Hgh today on the monitor for me cd 8
Hi ladies, I got my letter from the hospital today, got my scans in 2 weeks time, transabdominal and transvaginal, nervous! lol. I dont think i'll be able to take hubby as he doesnt drive and work wont give me the time to drop him back out of town :( x
Hi everyone!

Nice temp today Cre8tivegirl. Hoping it's a sign! Not sure about the sore throat though. Here's hoping!

Glad you are getting those scans soon, Mrs. B. It's too bad that you can't have hubby there with you. Is there any public transportion or taxis where you are? Just trying to come up with a solution for you. Worst case, you are there on your own, but I'm sure these scans are very quick and from what I've heard, painless, so hopefully you'll be in and out in a jiffy. Will they be telling you your results then and there, or will they be calling you with them?

Happy you are still "high" today Jchic.

Not much news for me. No new signs really, just the sore nips. A little thirstier than normal, maybe. But I might be making that one up. And my temp hasn't really moved - almost the exact same temp as yesterday. As much as I want a longer luteal phase, the 2WW drags enough as it is when it's only 11 days! Can't wait for something else to happen. Went to dinner last night with a former colleague of my husband's and his wife. Had a nice time, but she was pregnant and it made me a little sad. My DH also told his brother that we are trying and mentioned all the things I am doing (charting, CBFM etc.,) and his brother was like, "um, why don't you just have sex?" This coming from someone with 3 kids. I wish it was that easy! Kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Oh well.
I googled it a bit, apparently dry mouth is a sign!! :) Our temps are doing the same thing Daisy, hee hee...wonder if we'll get our implantation dip tomorrow?
i'm doing ok today...been quite b/c nothing much has been going on.

Jchic ~ we are the same cycle day..i'm on CD8 as well...but i'm getting low's right now.

Daisy ~ this b6 vitamins intrique me as i think i might have a shorter luteal phase. Mine is about 11-12 days...does it matter that i spot about 4 days before AF is actual red flow...should i look into taking these b vitamis? Right now i'm taking prenatal chewies...
HI I am taking B50 complex which has b6 in it, i read that you should take B6 with other B vitemans - so far it has lengthened my luteal phase by three day's. my period also seems to be much lighter this month too.


Hi Dawnlouise - sorry to hear that. :hugs: 14 day luteal phase is awesome! Are you taking B6?? I'm fixated on B6 at the moment.

Better luck next time![/QUOTE]
HI I am taking B50 complex which has b6 in it, i read that you should take B6 with other B vitemans - so far it has lengthened my luteal phase by three day's. my period also seems to be much lighter this month too.

Well yay for that!!!! :happydance: I am taking B complex not the B50 complex as I couldn't find it in any stores around here. Mine didn't really lengthen my LP but it helped tons with my spotting issue...if I'm not prego this month I am going to order some online I think!
Daisy ~ this b6 vitamins intrique me as i think i might have a shorter luteal phase. Mine is about 11-12 days...does it matter that i spot about 4 days before AF is actual red flow...should i look into taking these b vitamis? Right now i'm taking prenatal chewies...[/QUOTE]

Good morning all!

From what I've read, a 11-12 day luteal phase is normal and is adequately long to achieve pregnancy, but 10 days or less is not. As mine is 11 days with some spotting typically on 9 DPO, I feel like I can only benefit from trying B6 and trying to lengthen it by a few days, and the same probably goes for you? I agree with Dawn - from what I've read, it's better to take a B complex than just B6 by itself, and I've also read that most ladies start with B50 (which has 50mg of B6), and if they don't see results after a few months, they try B100 or even B200. There is a great thread about B6 and the luteal phase you should look at. Will post the link.

The B50 also has 400 mcg of folate - I understand the concern about not taking too much folate, along with a high folate prenatal. What I'm doing is taking a regular MVI (I like NatureMade for her) which has 600 mcg of folate, which really should be enough on it's own. Combined with the B50, I'm getting 1000 mcg of folate total, which should be just fine - and a lot of prenatals have that amount. The main reason I'm not taking a prenatal, is that I was having a bit of upset stomach, constipation, nausea, etc. - and my OB/GYN said that it really isn't necessary until you become pregnant to take a prenatal, as they are so high in iron etc. She said to just take a multi with at least 400 mcg of folate, or just folate by itself. So that's all I know on the subject! Hope it helps!

Cre8tive - any new symptoms?? I woke up with a bit of a stuffy nose, but it's getting better now that I'm up. Temp is up today, but not higher than my highest temp. So no implantation dip for me just yet. Is an implantation dip pretty typical, or can you still be preggo without one?
Daisy ~ this b6 vitamins intrique me as i think i might have a shorter luteal phase. Mine is about 11-12 days...does it matter that i spot about 4 days before AF is actual red flow...should i look into taking these b vitamis? Right now i'm taking prenatal chewies...

Here is a link to the B6 thread...

Happy Sunday ladies!!! I got my 3rd high today on cd9. Can u look at my chart and reassure me its normal?! Lol. I freak out abt it but I know its normal :)
My LP is 11 days and I spot starting at 9, doc says thats totally normal so dont freak out. I take a b complex but I only take 1/2 of it because I dont want to mess too much up just in case since Im paranoid lol!
Mommy- we can be testing buddies, woohoooo!
Creativ, Dawn and Daisy- how r u all?
Question- how many highs can u get before a Peak? I normally get 2 but think I might get alot already on 3! Tell me thats normal?
i know this does not have a lot to do with CBFM but this month my period has been quite light (tmi - but when i remove a tampon after 8 hours it only has light brown blood on it and you can still see white, when normally i need to change them about every 6 hours and they are full (if you know what i mean). I have had no pains at all (which i normally get) and no little clots, which again i normally get.
I guess i am just having a light cycle - not that i am complaining, just think it's odd..... i really wonder if my body is starting to get back into the rhythm it was in before i was on the pill (here's hoping anyway!)
Dawn, my period was really light this last time too (3rd month off pill). I think the flow can vary, month to month. I was even hoping it might be implantation bleeding, but my temps had taken a dive, so I knew it was AF.

Jchic, looked at your chart, all seems fine. Could be that you just havent had your LH surge yet, or it's possible the CBFM missed it, but I think the former since your cm hasn't transitioned yet. I would keep bding, keep an eye out for watery or EWCM, and keep looking for the thermal shift. All we really know right now is that you are nearing ovulation. When in doubt, BD! My new motto.
Daisy! Thank u xxoo! I think the same- I am approaching O and will probably O I think by day 13.
The B50 also has 400 mcg of folate - I understand the concern about not taking too much folate, along with a high folate prenatal. What I'm doing is taking a regular MVI (I like NatureMade for her) which has 600 mcg of folate, which really should be enough on it's own. Combined with the B50, I'm getting 1000 mcg of folate total, which should be just fine - and a lot of prenatals have that amount. The main reason I'm not taking a prenatal, is that I was having a bit of upset stomach, constipation, nausea, etc. - and my OB/GYN said that it really isn't necessary until you become pregnant to take a prenatal, as they are so high in iron etc. She said to just take a multi with at least 400 mcg of folate, or just folate by itself. So that's all I know on the subject! Hope it helps!

Cre8tive - any new symptoms?? I woke up with a bit of a stuffy nose, but it's getting better now that I'm up. Temp is up today, but not higher than my highest temp. So no implantation dip for me just yet. Is an implantation dip pretty typical, or can you still be preggo without one?

What an awesome idea about taking a multi-vitamin so you can take the B-50 complex and not over do it on the folic acid!! Your genius!!! :thumbup: I will so be doing this next month!!

My temp went down a tiny bit...nothing exciting and definitely not enough to be a ID. But to answer your question no you don't have to get an implantation dip, you can still be pregnant. Also implantation can happen anywhere from 4dpo-12dpo (most of the time 7-10dpo). You can also get implantation cramps and no dip...so keep an eye out for cramps!!

I felt so pregnant yesterday and today...nothing! Not one symptom!! :nope:
Daisy! Thank u xxoo! I think the same- I am approaching O and will probably O I think by day 13.

I think your o is approaching too...are you using a new box of sticks? I am this month and I wonder if that's why I had so many highs? In past I only have 1 or 2 highs and this month I had 5 :shrug:
Hey Cre8tiv! How are you feeling??? When are you testing? Daisy, how are you? Testing?
Hi to Dawn, Mommy and all the other CBFM ladies too :)

I am using a new box of sticks, thats SO funny that you mention that! I got another high reading this AM and I think I should be near O as well - my CM is now a bit more watery than creamy, so its prob on the way I hope!
Good morning all!

Well, my temp is up this morning, which typically I'd be thrilled about, but unfortunately I think the reading is unreliable because I had such disturbed sleep last night. First, my husband was late coming to bed, which always makes it a little hard to get to sleep because I'm wondering what he's up to and if he's fallen asleep on the couch. Then he finally does come to bed and is snoring loudly (so I hit him, and he stops). Then, I was up to pee several times last night. Usually I have to get up one time, but last night it was at least twice, if not three times. In addition, my husband had to get up early for a flight, and the alarm was SO loud at 4am. I was able to get back to sleep, but about 45 minutes later, he knocked over this bowl of change I have in the bedroom and it made a huge crash. I was just drowsing off when he woke me up to say goodbye (I know, sweet, but I really wanted to sleep!). So now I'm pretty much UP at 5:30am but it's too early to take my temp. So I try to get back to sleep, but the window is open, and the cars are so loud it sounds like planes taking off. So I ended up getting out of bed around 5:45 to shut the window (did not take temp). I did manage to start to doze off again, but then my husband TEXTS me and wakes me up again. Ahhh!!!!! I managed about 45 minutes of sleep before my husband CALLS at 6:45. Ahhh!! Leave me alone!! So frustrating. I took my temp at the normal time, 7am, but really I was up, tossing and turning for 2-3 hours already - not good sleep - and had gotten out of bed at 4am and again around 5:30. So like I said - not putting too much weight on that higher temp today. Sorry for the rant!

OH - and to make matters WORSE, I just got into a fender bender, dropping the step kids off at school. Aye caramba - not my day. Everyone is fine - just some scratches on both cars.

So, uh... how is everyone else doing???

(not testing until Thursday, Jchic....Cre8tive and I are both going to test that day, at 11 DPO).
jchic I bet that is it!! Because your on a new box...doesn't make much sense I know! You think all boxes would be the same but they are not, this new box I have my estrogen line was so faint is was almost not there at all on my peak and my LH was only really dark on 1 side, a thin little line, nothing like my last package but oh well, I know that I did o this month so no worries :)

I'm doing well today, nothing new to report, except I'm having CRAZY dreams lately, so ridiculous they make me laugh when I wake up. Some a little scary too though. And my temp did something different this morning. You remember me saying it was doing the same exact thing as last month, it was suppose to drop down this morning and it didn't, it stay about the same as it has the last 3 days...wohoo!! :) Oh and I was super tired last night, I had put my kids in bed and I went right after them, I was in bed at 9 :shock: and sooo pooped! :dance:

DaisyQ how is your temp/symptoms today?

I am testing on Thursday!!!! 4 more days...eeeeee :D

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