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CBFM Buddy

Haha - me too! Crosshairs on CD 18. I also think it might of been CD17 - so funny Cre8tivgirl how we are on the *exact* same cycle! When is AF due for you?

Feeling good as my temps are up, up up. Now I'm obsessing over my LP length. I know 11 days is "normal" but I also spot for a day or 2 before AF, and just feeling like it would be better if my LP were longer. I've been lurking on the B6 thread, and thinking about starting taking it. Anyone else taking it?

Our cycles are EXACTLY the same!! I got AF on Oct. 27th, o'd cd17-18 and AF is due for me on the 25th on Nov!! Its too funny! I am taking B complex, started with just B6 but I read it doesn't work as well if you don't take it with the other "B" vitamins, so the B complex is better. I too spot 2-3 days before AF so my 11-12 day LP could be more like 9?? I took B complex for part of my cycle last month and it helped a lot with the spotting, it was much less and for a day less. So I'm going to be taking it the whole cycle this month. Fingers are crossed for us though, that we wont need it next month because we'll be prego!!! :D
CD 6 for me and the monitor didnt ask me to POAS!!!! When did it prompt you to test this cycle ladies?
CD 6 for me and the monitor didnt ask me to POAS!!!! When did it prompt you to test this cycle ladies?

The last 2 cycles it has asked me on CD9 but that's because I o on CD18...when do you usually o?
Hi Ladies, sorry Ive not been writing, Ive been stalking but nothing to write. I'm still waiting for af day 34! So think I will be even longer that last cycle of 35 :wacko:

Hope your all well, looks like you are :flower:
Oh Mrs.B :( I hope the witch comes soon hun, you don't need another drawn out cycle! :hugs:
HELP!!!!! I just got a high on cd 7? And my cm is creamy! Am I going to O early?? Is this normal to get a high that early? How many highs can u get before a peak?? I usually O around cd 14-16. But ur O dates can change right? Also, i started 2 new vitamins. Fertilaid and fertile cm. Maybe that? I also got my hsg done yesterday- tubes are clearrrrr plumbing is good :)
I got 5 highs before my peak this month, way more than usual for me, but I still o'd on the same day. The only new thing I am doing this cycle is taking Vitamin D. I would say the increase in cm is from the fertile cm. Let me know how you like that, if I don't have luck this month I might try it out!

Oh and i got creamy cm from my first high too...a lot sooner than usual. Maybe its the vitamins?? :shrug:
OK so its totally normal to get a high on CD7 right? Also, Can your O change from time to time? Do I have to O on the same cycle day each month?
Yes your o date can change...stress, illness, etc. can alter when it comes. Your LP however remains the same, so when girls get their period late its not their LP that changes its that they o'd later. So its possible you might o sooner....I would get busy just in case hun!
Ok thanks! I guess that O dates can flex then :) How are you feeling?
Hi all! Sorry so MIA yesterday - I was so busy at work and then got a hair cut, and didn't get home until 9pm - then crashed! I'm also obsessively reading someone's TTC journal from 2009 (it's fantastic), so I've been a little preoccupied!

Jchic, from what I've read on other boards (I love mumsnet in the UK), it's absolutely normal for your highs and peaks to vary from cycle to cycle. Your O date is flexible and can be affected by many things. Stress and illness can delay it for example. And what cre8tivegirl said about the luteal phase remaining the same is also correct. I have been reading a lot about B6 lately (it's how I came across the woman who's journal I've been stalking), and B6 can actually push up your O date and make your luteal phase longer! So I'm wondering if those vits you are taking have B6 in them??

I just started taking a B-50 complex (50mg of B6 and most other B vitamins, except 50 mcg of B12 and biotin and 400 mcg of folate). I just started this 2 days ago, so I'm not holding out too much hope that it will have an effect on this cycle, but hopefully the next one (if there is a next one!).

Also, from what I've read on FF, creamy CM is pre-fertile CM which is consistent with your "high" on the monitor. You should be transitioning to the clear stretchy and/or watery stuff right around the time you get a peak.

As for me, no major symptoms really. Just sore nipples. Boobs are probably fuller (it's hard to tell, I'm a DDD at baseline!), but that's normal for me at this point in my cycle. I am not sure if the sore nipples are new or different - wasn't paying much attention to them in previous cycles. Also burping and have reflux and some slight queasiness, but I really thing it might be attributible to my vitamins (MVI, B-50, and when I remember, fish oil). I've also had some CM (creamy) but nothing especially copious or out of the norm. Don't really feel like it happened this cycle for some reason. On the other hand, my hairdresser told me that she had a feeling that I was going to announce pregnancy today and she's convinced it'll happen by Feb. She said she often has funny feelings that "come true." Plus, a pregnant co-worker has had 2 pregancy dreams - about me! She says she also gets these weird premonitions that come true. So, here's hoping!
Thanks Daisy!!! THe vitamins I am taking are FertilAid and I am also taking the FertilCM which I LOVE so far!!! It's like a supercharged Prenatal and has B6, B50, B12, etc. I highly recommend them :)
Yes, you definitely will be prego by Feb. I hope we all are!! Whose journal is it? Is it good, LOL?
Jgirl, I think that if the amount of B6 in your vitamins is fairly high (~50mg or more), that could be why you might be ovulating early? Or maybe you'll just have a very long pre-fertile period this time around.

The journal I'm addicted to is Vestirse's: https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-journals/68513-mission-baby-yes-its-journal.html
It's so good! So well written, and funny and touching. And it obviously ends well because according to her sig, her DS is 2 years old!

OK, call me crazy (it's OK if you do, because I am), but I think I might have had some sort of a pinching type of cramp just now, on the front/left hand side of where I think my uterus is! I've also been having some mild crampy feelings in general, also back cramps, but trying not to read too much into it, as my stomach's not feeling all that great today as it is, so maybe it's more abdominal cramping than uterine cramping. Not sure. Eeeek!
Thanks Daisy!!! THe vitamins I am taking are FertilAid and I am also taking the FertilCM which I LOVE so far!!! It's like a supercharged Prenatal and has B6, B50, B12, etc. I highly recommend them :)
Yes, you definitely will be prego by Feb. I hope we all are!! Whose journal is it? Is it good, LOL?

Ooh...so Fertile CM almost doubles as a B complex then?? That must be why you are getting Highs now... B complex can either move o up or lengthen your LP at the end of your cycle. I am definitely ordering some of that stuff if I don't get my bfp this month! I don't have much CM anyways, I could use some help in that dept!
The journal I'm addicted to is Vestirse's: https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-journals/68513-mission-baby-yes-its-journal.html
It's so good! So well written, and funny and touching. And it obviously ends well because according to her sig, her DS is 2 years old!

:shock: I know her! :rofl: She was around when I was on bnb ttc my daughter :rofl: She was quite popular on here.

I think your symptoms sound VERY positive this month hun!! FX!!!!

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