• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

CBFM Buddy

We crossed posted! :haha:

I'm so sorry about accident hun :( I got in one over the summer, I know how awful they are to deal with. Glad everyone is ok though!!! :hugs:

4 more days sweetie!!!! :D :D
jchic I bet that is it!! Because your on a new box...doesn't make much sense I know! You think all boxes would be the same but they are not, this new box I have my estrogen line was so faint is was almost not there at all on my peak and my LH was only really dark on 1 side, a thin little line, nothing like my last package but oh well, I know that I did o this month so no worries :)

I'm doing well today, nothing new to report, except I'm having CRAZY dreams lately, so ridiculous they make me laugh when I wake up. Some a little scary too though. And my temp did something different this morning. You remember me saying it was doing the same exact thing as last month, it was suppose to drop down this morning and it didn't, it stay about the same as it has the last 3 days...wohoo!! :) Oh and I was super tired last night, I had put my kids in bed and I went right after them, I was in bed at 9 :shock: and sooo pooped! :dance:

DaisyQ how is your temp/symptoms today?

I am testing on Thursday!!!! 4 more days...eeeeee :D

Ahhhh, so all boxes are not created equal :wacko: thats why! My estrogen line is REALLY faint, literally non existent so I bet O is coming soon. Thanks for the clarification!

Daisy - I am SO sorry about your accident hun. How are you doing?
Thanks for your concern you guys! I'm fine, really. My car (and the other car) have dome scratches, but that is about it. Very minor. I'm blaming sleep deprivation!!
Some, not dome. Hate typing on my phone!
Hope your car gets fixed DaisyQ and glad you ok.

CD38 for me today!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:
I have no idea? I guess not as im waiting for it to start so I can have blood work, but if it doesnt happen soon chances are it will come when im due my scan! so will have to postpone
I have no idea? I guess not as im waiting for it to start so I can have blood work, but if it doesnt happen soon chances are it will come when im due my scan! so will have to postpone

There is something you can take, but it's prescription only I think - prevera. It makes your period start... something to talk to your MD about??
But I think they ususally wait a much longer time before prescribing it. Like months and months with no AF.
Daisy ~ i'm sorry you got into a fender bender...boo. I hate disrupted sleep...i got that today. grrr.

AFM ~ i'm cd10 today. still getting lows....getting worried as i tend to ov on cd16. Last month i had no positive opks....hoping the cbfm works for me. Do you think it's ok i haven't started to get a high yet??
Mamma Ur fine! When I O on cd 16 I didnt get a high in sept until cd 12 or so. :)
Mama, I didn't hit a high until CD 15. I was freaking out! I only had 2 highs before the peak. All will be Ok. I've never heard of anyone having all lows. All highs, yes, but not all lows. It will happen!
Daisy ~ i'm sorry you got into a fender bender...boo. I hate disrupted sleep...i got that today. grrr.

AFM ~ i'm cd10 today. still getting lows....getting worried as i tend to ov on cd16. Last month i had no positive opks....hoping the cbfm works for me. Do you think it's ok i haven't started to get a high yet??

I also only got 2 highs my 1st month using it, my first high wasn't until CD14...I know how you feel right now, but you will see a high soon!!

Is your dog a boxer? Its hard to see in that little pic but I think it looks like one. I have a boxer too!! They are just the best dogs!!! and great with kids too :)
thanks everyone. i was starting to get worried i might not see a high...i think we are gonna start bding in the next day or so to get and early start! lol. :haha:
i'll keep you updated.

Yes...1cre8tivgrl, i actually have 2 boxers. One boy in the pic about 4 years old and my baby girl is about 2. They are such loves and gonna be great with kids....when i have them. :happydance:
So another day of highs for me on cd 11 wtf?! I went to my doc bc i had an appt and he did a follicular study through ultrasound. Said im going to O from my right side because that has the largest most dominant egg this month. Its measuring 17mm at cd10 which is good. It usually releases at 20-23mm and ot grows 1-2mm a day so I should O on abt thurs or fri. I better get my peaks then! Someone calm me down lol
Good morning everyone! How is everyone doing?

Jchic and mamma, what are you monitors saying today?

Can't believe cre8tive and I are testing in 2 days. Really not feeling optimistic anymore, not sure why. No major symptoms, and months of bfns behind me. Really hopeful, but don't want to be too disappointed, so trying to mentally prepare for a bfn. Really hope my temp stays up tomorrow, which will give me a little more to hang onto. If I do get a bfn, just so happens that I'm going for my annual in 2 weeks, so maybe I can see about some preliminary work up for the nearish future. Just want to make sure my hormone levels are normal and I don't have a thyroid, prolactin, fsh, or progesterone issue. I know, I know, I'm sure I'm normal, and it's just going to take some time. Just really thinknits not my month for some reason.

Creative, which type of hpt are you going to use? I recently got some Internet ones - I thought they were wondfo, which I had heard were super sensitive, but I'm not sure that is what I've got - it doesn't say Wondfo anywhere on the packaging. And apparently there are two types of wondfo - early result, and one step, and it was obviously the early result ones that I wanted. Oh well. Anyone know anything about these tests and what they look like?
Jchic, we must have cross posted! how cool that you got a study done! That must be reassuring. I'm sure you will ovulate. Even for some reason you don't get a peak, just keep bding til you get your thermal shift! It sounds like it will be and active thanksgiving holiday!
Jchic, we must have cross posted! how cool that you got a study done! That must be reassuring. I'm sure you will ovulate. Even for some reason you don't get a peak, just keep bding til you get your thermal shift! It sounds like it will be and active thanksgiving holiday!

LOL! I hope so....my chart hasnt dipped just yet, but I usually dont O until CD 15-17, so we shall see!

Only a few more days to testing for you?? Are you PSYCHED?! Stay positive!

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