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CBFM Buddy

QUOTE]I don't have much CM anyways, I could use some help in that dept![/QUOTE]

Me neither - I thought I'd try evening primrose oil next month. I sort of used it this month, but not consistently, I only really noticed fertile CM on 1-2 days, which I think is pretty normal?

I don't know if you gals are using preseed, but DH and I used it this cycle and we both really like it. Just stocked up on it. It apparently is great for ladies with scant CM and provides a very sperm friendly environment (correct pH, etc). I also feel like a lot of ladies seem to get their BFP after using it, but it could just be coincidence?
Jgirl, I think that if the amount of B6 in your vitamins is fairly high (~50mg or more), that could be why you might be ovulating early? Or maybe you'll just have a very long pre-fertile period this time around.

The journal I'm addicted to is Vestirse's: https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-journals/68513-mission-baby-yes-its-journal.html
It's so good! So well written, and funny and touching. And it obviously ends well because according to her sig, her DS is 2 years old!

OK, call me crazy (it's OK if you do, because I am), but I think I might have had some sort of a pinching type of cramp just now, on the front/left hand side of where I think my uterus is! I've also been having some mild crampy feelings in general, also back cramps, but trying not to read too much into it, as my stomach's not feeling all that great today as it is, so maybe it's more abdominal cramping than uterine cramping. Not sure. Eeeek!

Hmmm, The vitamins have 2mg of B6 and 6MCG of B12 plus all this other stuff, LOL. I think that may be it! Who knows? I am not too concerned though, I know that O dates can move, and my periods are pretty standard. I mean, they vary, but not by more than 3 days. Thats not irregular is it? For example:
August I had a 26-27 day cycle, September I had a 27 day cycle, October I had a 30 day cycle. They average at 27 though pretty consistently though...
I have read that if you periods are between 24-35ish days thats considered normal.
I def think you may be prego Daisy!!! WOOHOOOO!
I am using Preseed too! I LOVE IT!

Cre8tive - so B complex can extend my LP and move up my O? WOOHOO!
I hope so Jchic! For some reason, getting pregnant seems like this challenge that I MUST succeed at, and not only because I desperately want to be a mom, but also because it seems so elusive. Pregnancy is playing hard to get, and I must woo her harder! I guess I didn't realize that it might actually take some time, and unlike most other things, a lot of it is out of our hands. I keep adding new things to the mix, hoping that it will help.
The journal I'm addicted to is Vestirse's: https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-journals/68513-mission-baby-yes-its-journal.html
It's so good! So well written, and funny and touching. And it obviously ends well because according to her sig, her DS is 2 years old!

:shock: I know her! :rofl: She was around when I was on bnb ttc my daughter :rofl: She was quite popular on here.

I think your symptoms sound VERY positive this month hun!! FX!!!!

FX indeed! :winkwink: That's so funny that you know her - she is a fabulous writer and so knowledgable on so many topics. Really a pleasure reading her journal.
I am using Preseed too! I LOVE IT!

Cre8tive - so B complex can extend my LP and move up my O? WOOHOO!

Yes! Though I think it does one of the other, some girls say their o stayed in the same place but it lengthened their LP, while other's say the opposite, so it looks like it may be moving your o up! I am taking B complex but not the B-50 one, I think mine has very low levels of B6 and B12, a little higher than what's in my prenatal but still low. I thought about getting the B Super complex but it had 400g of folic acid in it and my prenatal already had 800 in it so I didn't want to overdose on that...lol If I'm not pregnant this month I am going to find something new to try out. I want to try preseed too, I hear lots of success storys on here with that. I too think your prego DaisyQ!!! :happydance:
The journal I'm addicted to is Vestirse's: https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-journals/68513-mission-baby-yes-its-journal.html
It's so good! So well written, and funny and touching. And it obviously ends well because according to her sig, her DS is 2 years old!

:shock: I know her! :rofl: She was around when I was on bnb ttc my daughter :rofl: She was quite popular on here.

I think your symptoms sound VERY positive this month hun!! FX!!!!

FX indeed! :winkwink: That's so funny that you know her - she is a fabulous writer and so knowledgable on so many topics. Really a pleasure reading her journal.

Well I don't "know" her personally, lol I know of her in bnb world, lol. We had a lot of bnb friends in common. I wrote in her journal somewhere, I was trying to find it a bit ago :haha:
I hope so Jchic! For some reason, getting pregnant seems like this challenge that I MUST succeed at, and not only because I desperately want to be a mom, but also because it seems so elusive. Pregnancy is playing hard to get, and I must woo her harder! I guess I didn't realize that it might actually take some time, and unlike most other things, a lot of it is out of our hands. I keep adding new things to the mix, hoping that it will help.

HAHAHA! I know exactly what you mean. She is playing very hard to get here, I mean, come on now!!
If you couldn't tell, I'm trying to figure out how to shorten the quotes! :wacko: I hope that worked!

I hope so too, but I gotta tell you, I think I am preggo EVERY month. Seriously. First month trying I was very crampy for about a day smack in the middle of my luteal phase and was convinced it was implantation, to the point I wouldn't go on any amusement park rides when we took my step daughters to the park I grew up going to. Lied and said I threw my back out in my sleep. Then last month I had all this excessive saliva which I thought was really weird, I was burping nonstop, and had all these little twinges - and NADA. I think I'm very psychosomatic, which is why I need to stop with the symptom spotting. So hard to do though!
[QUOTE=1cre8tivgrl;14048767I <---this part you don't need..

"If you couldn't tell, I'm trying to figure out how to shorten the quotes! :wacko: I hope that worked!"


:rofl: you did good, you just forgot to delete this part (see above)

Your not alone. I always am convinced I'm prego every month too. When will I learn?? :dohh: I got cramps on 7dpo last month and just KNEW I was pregnant, I was so excited, you couldn't wipe the smile off my face that day. Obviously it meant nothing! :nope: I am trying not to get my hopes up "too much" this month, but who am I kidding... :rofl:
I am trying not to get my hopes up "too much" this month, but who am I kidding... :rofl:[/QUOTE]

I hear you sister!

(Did it work??)

I know what you mean - I literally PONDER over every cringe and every twinge and headache. Honestly, its going to be the month where we have NO symptoms that all of a sudden we are going to be like "WE ARE PREGO!!!". We can talk each other off the ledge if we get any BFNs LOL
i'm out this month :af: arrived a day late, but then again a day late is good - at least my luteal phase is lengthening (14 day's now).... will try again next month
i'm out this month :af: arrived a day late, but then again a day late is good - at least my luteal phase is lengthening (14 day's now).... will try again next month

Hi Dawnlouise - sorry to hear that. :hugs: 14 day luteal phase is awesome! Are you taking B6?? I'm fixated on B6 at the moment.

Better luck next time!
i'm out this month :af: arrived a day late, but then again a day late is good - at least my luteal phase is lengthening (14 day's now).... will try again next month

aww I'm sorry to hear that hun. :hugs2: Good that your LP has lengthened though!! :thumbup:

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