Morning Ladies
How are we all?
Piano - sorry the

got you - hope she's not to much of a bitch
Charlie - We all become crazy ladies when ttc - it's a mad world in ttc world and only us lot understand - not bff, not hubbys, parents - only us so don't feel so crazy we understand
Briss - How are things between you and hubby - did you say he was drinking again? - hope he's managed to cut down
Hopeful - You are still not out yet hun - keep going, how are you feeling today
Little - How are you today - any signs yet? - Is the doc aware your periods are so far apart hun?
Exil - I hope you finally remembered to set the monitor
Tink - How's things with you? any news on the job front.
Chicky - Hi hun hope you and hubby are fine - what CD are you on now, did you say you were using the CBFM this cycle or not?
AFM - CD9 nothing to report except sore boobs

this seems to be the norm give me a break a full month of them? - anyway time to collect my Avon brochures in (it is chucking it down here) oh well lets hope there is some juicy orders in and then I won't mind getting wet