Piano - Aw hun have you tried peppermint tea - that helps mine calm a bit it does sound a lot like IBS and stress does not help

The doc will probably put you on medication I am supposed to take mine 3 x a day, watch what I eat, drink blah blah. Try the peppermint first though hun until you get your appointment will help with the cramping

good luck for your interview today hun, what time is it? will be thinking of you - remember this is just a formality and the job is in the bag
Chicky - Er did I mention they also come with two big dogs, a cat, and a hamster? - hmmmm now I'm dreaming about that penthouse me and hubby could have
Lulu - Any news yet hun - has the witch knocked?
Hopeful - How are you hun today
Exil - I agree with Chicky just ask lots of questions, maybe write some down - where is Briss when you need her? Briss come out wherever you are
Briss - Hope everything is okay in your camp and hubby is behaving himself
AFM - CD 15 - monitor still on HIGH - FF still saying no O

Looks like I will be using all 20 sticks