Morning ladies
Sorry I have been MIA - due to children being off and a family bereavement.
Anyway I'm back, I have been stalking so tried to keep up with you all
Briss - So sorry your O is still early - I have problems with short cycles at the moment (19 days) still I guess it is my age (as every doc tells me)
Tink - Hi hun hope you are feeling more positive - did you get the job you was after and have you started it yet? - what CD are you on - any further news from the FS?
Chicky - Well what can I say

go mama how's the sickness coming on and the sore boobies? when do you go for another scan - a blueberry eh
Hopeful - Hi to you mama

how are you feeling?
Piano - Good luck at the gynae - mine just examined me called in the big wig and then looked at my three options and transcribed a letter for the FS - hope you get some answers soon
Tella -

and welcome hun - don't feed your CBFM anymore sticks it is pre programmed

so sorry for all the problems you have experienced you have been on a journey already
Exil - The month I got my BFP I was drinking gfj and I no Chicky swears by it now
Hi to any lady I have missed - not intentional.
AFM - I feel a bit of a fraud I've not used my CBFM this month as cycles have been to short

Have been using OPKs and got a pos on Mon but have not put it in FF - just letting it go by my temp - if I do put the POS in it doesn't give me any cross hairs - how can that be?