CBFM Buddy

Aww Exil could it be the combination of you both that's the problem? That's my other concern with hubby too. Like my CM may hate his sperm and kill them? Xx
Exil, keep focusing on the possibility of IUI being a success, at least you have a plan B :) :hugs:
Tink, yeah that could be an issue, but they won't test for it here because iui bypasses that, except they wot do iui until it's obvious that the drugs won't work (thus throwing away several thousands of dollar instead of doing a test for a couple of hundred)
My oh my, plese pray for me as metformin are not helping me at the moment, i feel sick, i'm feeling drowsy and energy-less, in fact i think i'm leaving work today. Will call doctor tonight, i already sent him a message.
Exilius, it's a relief that your hubby's number are great! :thumbup: One thing less to worry about.

Piano, I hope you will feel better soon :hugs:

I got my 4th HIGH this morning on CD9, very pleased because I am hoping to ovulate later and also we did not BD at all so need this one extra day. I had acupuncture yesterday and it was really great I felt so good after that. That might be another reason why I did not get a PEAK today. Although acupuncturist said my hubby needs to take herbs otherwise there is no point in me doing anything :( she also examined me and said I am all stressed inside. I decided to go with Chinese medicine for the next couple of months even if it wont help with BFP it will get me in a better shape for IVF
Bad news from the fs. They totally changed their tune. Went from "we'll take the slow route" to "we don't have time for more testing. I recommend ivf ASAP"

My amh is low. It's the level of a woman of 35, but because I've reached it much earlier than normal women it's likely that it'll drop faster than with an older lady with the same levels. She's hoping that the eggs are good quality, and has suggest 40% success per cycle with ivf.
Piano, I hope you will feel better soon :hugs:

Tks Briss, i'm a little better now but i burst into tears about 3 times this morning. I hope i'll adjust soon or i will have to get off them. I don't want to risk depression.
Bad news from the fs. They totally changed their tune. Went from "we'll take the slow route" to "we don't have time for more testing. I recommend ivf ASAP"

My amh is low. It's the level of a woman of 35, but because I've reached it much earlier than normal women it's likely that it'll drop faster than with an older lady with the same levels. She's hoping that the eggs are good quality, and has suggest 40% success per cycle with ivf.

No time for testing??!! Seriously? I hope that the eggies are good quality as well, so that IVF can be successful. :hugs:

My eggies apparently are not v good either. i've been reading on google that immature eggs are anovulatory cycles :( why didn't anyone notice it before? I wish someone (doctors) could answer my 1000000000000 questions! and i thought that since i am regular i was healthy enough to conceive!
Piano - every cycle a bunch of immature eggs are wasted. The only difference between a cycle with ovulation and without is that a mature ovum was released, and a corpus leutum is left to do the progesterone levels.

If you're not ovulating it means that none of the folocules are becoming dominate and developing a mature egg. No additional eggs are lost or saved than on a standard cycle. The drugs you're on now are to help the eggs develop so that there will be one or more mature eggs. It still uses the same number of potential eggs.
Piano - every cycle a bunch of immature eggs are wasted. The only difference between a cycle with ovulation and without is that a mature ovum was released, and a corpus leutum is left to do the progesterone levels.

If you're not ovulating it means that none of the folocules are becoming dominate and developing a mature egg. No additional eggs are lost or saved than on a standard cycle. The drugs you're on now are to help the eggs develop so that there will be one or more mature eggs. It still uses the same number of potential eggs.

The doctor has seen a sign of ovulation from my left ovary, it looked like a burst bubble at one end. but my right ovary looked "resistant" and he thinks that the eggs released might be immature. But i have regular highs and peaks and periods? Could you explain that? i'm confused now and very much losing any hope:cry::cry:. I know i'm at the beginning of the treatment but the side-effects of Metformin are really bothering me right now. I'm too drowsy and i'm at work where i should keep up with the usual rhythm when i just feel slow and want to go home. Any input is welcome.
Piano, have you tried temp charting? this could be a good indication of whether you ovulate.

Exilius, sorry about unsatisfactory results. I am actually quite shocked that you have to deal with this issue so early in life. do you know when your mum had her menopause? I understand that this might be related if your mum had hers earlier than usual the chances are that you will do as well. but if she had hers in 40-50 than it is surprising that you are running out of eggs so early. Did they suggest any possible reason? I find it so hard to accept that somebody so young as yourselves is being rushed for IVF

We are planning to see a new James bond movie tonight with hubby, hopefully this will set a scene for some long awaited BD :) my hormones are driving me crazy, I actually do not even need to do CBFM, OPK and temping I can just rely on having sex when I feel horny which is right now, 1-3 days before ovulation :)
Piano - I'm with Briss on temping.

There are several possibilities - either you always ovulate and from the left, or the left is more active (as in my case) and the right isn't q complete failure, just not likely to release an egg, or your body gears up to release an egg (getting your high and peak - determined by chemicals released in the brain) but ovulation doesn't actually occur (no thermal shift), another is a weak ovulation (what I have without soy) where there is a thermal shift, but a short lp and less obvious chart.

Bare in mind that the drugs will cause you to get early highs this cycle.

Briss - my mum started being perimenopause in her mid-late 30s, I don't think she's fully menopausal yet, but I'm not sure. I know her cycles are very unpredictable nowadays (once every few months) and she's 44. All my female relatives have been very fertile at a young age. No one has tried once they reached my age. It could be that I lose more eggs per cycle, or that I was born with less, who knows.

The fs isn't worried about quality, but I am as my lp is quite short. Although it could be that the drugs helping them mature makes them better.

But yeah, I feel validated for having pressed the issue and not listened to the gp
Oh, hope its good Briss! Both the movie and the sex :D
Briss and Exil, tks for all the info. i'm feeling like a rug tonight. i cried a lot today. just got in touch with my doc, and he told me to take them on alternate days. he won't even give me some days sick to recover or rest!!

with regards to charting, i did chart but yrs ago, maybe things have changed since then. i used to see the shift in temp and everything seemed normal. i really don't know what's wrong!! how could he determine that i need meds from an ultrasound? shouldn't he do any blood tests or anything?
I guess he checked the size and number of follicles during the scan but I agree they need to do bloods as well.
Piano, not sure about what is normal where you live, but over here if you are concerned about fertility and they find nothing obviously wrong they put you on the drugs as it increases your chances anyway. Then if that doesn't work they do a couple more checks then recommend iui.
I don't know what's normal here Exil! lol!! never been here before!!

Briss maybe he did but he was very quick on the monitor. i hope i'm not taking them for nothing! the good thing is that if i take them on alternate days, i'll not take it today, so i'll feel better tomorrow!
Tella, welcome! sorry about your unsuccessful IUI/IVF. I have also been TTC for a while but we have a male factor. I am trying to prepare my DH for IVF, he rejected the idea initially but now it looks like we may not have a choice. What's your impression of IVF? was it hard?

Hopeful, good to know that everything is going well, praying for your sticky bean

Piano, good luck with your visit to the Gynaecologist, let us know how it goes.

afm, CD 6 and immediately got a HIGH, not good. seems to be yet another short cycle and early ovulation. why EPO is not working this cycle I have no idea have been taking 500 x 3 times a day, how very disappointing

The procedure it self was not bad at all, actually alot less stress than i thought innitially but the tww is a killer and the beta days for me obviously. But will do it again if it comes to that again in the new year.

Have you tried Vitex to regulate your hormones? it has done wonders for post IVF. last btwo cyles has been +-50 days :( but this cycle with vitex has brought it down to 37 days which is awesome. it also helps to keep the LP decent which is critical for implantation!

Morning ladies

Sorry I have been MIA - due to children being off and a family bereavement.

Anyway I'm back, I have been stalking so tried to keep up with you all:flower:

Briss - So sorry your O is still early - I have problems with short cycles at the moment (19 days) still I guess it is my age (as every doc tells me):cry:

Tink - Hi hun hope you are feeling more positive - did you get the job you was after and have you started it yet? - what CD are you on - any further news from the FS?:hugs:

Chicky - Well what can I say :happydance::happydance: go mama how's the sickness coming on and the sore boobies? when do you go for another scan - a blueberry eh:happydance:

Hopeful - Hi to you mama :happydance: how are you feeling?:hugs:

Piano - Good luck at the gynae - mine just examined me called in the big wig and then looked at my three options and transcribed a letter for the FS - hope you get some answers soon:flower:

Tella - :hi: and welcome hun - don't feed your CBFM anymore sticks it is pre programmed:flower: so sorry for all the problems you have experienced you have been on a journey already:hugs:

Exil - The month I got my BFP I was drinking gfj and I no Chicky swears by it now:haha:

Hi to any lady I have missed - not intentional.:hugs:

AFM - I feel a bit of a fraud I've not used my CBFM this month as cycles have been to short:cry: Have been using OPKs and got a pos on Mon but have not put it in FF - just letting it go by my temp - if I do put the POS in it doesn't give me any cross hairs - how can that be?:flower:



Ah, wish i came on here earlier. i would have saved 2 sticks atleast as i continued testing as he asked. but will know better next time :)

Its really strange about your opk taking away your cross hairs...

Tella welcome and good luck x

Thank you so much :kiss:

I have some news from my doc he's putting me on metformin as he's suspecting that the eggs are not mature enough when i ovulate :( he said that one ovary looked resistant. i'll go to another visit on the 18 Dec, if nothing changes i'll have to undergo a small surgery whereby the doc will investigate my uterus and ovaries through my belly button and 2 side holes, one on each side. How exciting!! (not). :wacko:

Did any of you ladies experience any side effects on these tablets? anything i should know about please? Tks. I hope they'll work enough to avoid the operation, small or not i'd still have 3 holes in my belly!!!!!

I know quite a few ladies that has been put on it and their bfp's follow not to long after. the side effects is only whilst your body adjusts to the pill, thereafter you wont even know about it. GL, fxd it passes quickly and you get your bfp!

Exilius, it's a relief that your hubby's number are great! :thumbup: One thing less to worry about.

Piano, I hope you will feel better soon :hugs:

I got my 4th HIGH this morning on CD9, very pleased because I am hoping to ovulate later and also we did not BD at all so need this one extra day. I had acupuncture yesterday and it was really great I felt so good after that. That might be another reason why I did not get a PEAK today. Although acupuncturist said my hubby needs to take herbs otherwise there is no point in me doing anything :( she also examined me and said I am all stressed inside. I decided to go with Chinese medicine for the next couple of months even if it wont help with BFP it will get me in a better shape for IVF

Ive been on chinese herbs for about 8 months and i can feel O a lot stronger naturally than without. Acu also assists with quality and growth of follies.

Bad news from the fs. They totally changed their tune. Went from "we'll take the slow route" to "we don't have time for more testing. I recommend ivf ASAP"

My amh is low. It's the level of a woman of 35, but because I've reached it much earlier than normal women it's likely that it'll drop faster than with an older lady with the same levels. She's hoping that the eggs are good quality, and has suggest 40% success per cycle with ivf.

Sorry to hear you must resort to IVF. GL with the journey but it will be worth it forsure when u have a bfp in hand. Its not that bad at all.

AFM > 3dpo so i can relax and just bd for fun yay!!!!!! Very busy this week so atleast before i know it i will be 10dpo and then its not to long till AF or hopefully no AF.

Gl girls, fx'd for strong o's and lots of bfp's
Wow ladies, so much going on here I'm battling to know where to start!
Briss, thanks for the mention hun. This is SUPER stressful - am so grateful and excited but I have ZERO symptoms besides some (pretty bad at times) cramping so I wait for beta results with bated breath!! I'm sorry about the short cycle, fx'd that you get a sticky bean despite a shorter cycle. I heard EPO takes a few months to kick in. I was looking into using it too before my bfp.

Garfie, as you can see above, feel great! No symptoms yet and hoping they come so I can reassure myself that there is indeed a bean in there! DH is great at reassuring me but in the midst of cramps I panic like crazy!!! Short cycles? I'm so sorry hun... have you looked into EPO like Briss? Hugs my friend!

Exililus, I am so sorry :( That sounds like hard news to take... Love to you. How does DH feel about IVF?

Tella, have a happy and stress free 2ww. Keep us all posted with news :)

Everyone else, lots of hugs to you

Hopeful - your bean is in there growing, he's just being quite because he knows what a hard time mummy's had :p
H2b is awesome, as usual. Reassuring me that his love isn't conditional on my being able to bare a child. However we both have a life dream of a family with children. He's said he'll do it if it's what I want, but not till the new year.

Tella - Fx for your bfp :D and I'm (selfishly) glad to hear that ivf isn't as bad as it sounds from the info packs

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