Ok I'm about to go on my soapbox so be warned
I am not about to be taken for a mug anymore - what I want I will get I am feeling a lot stronger now and realise that in the past I have been taken for granted
The decisions I have made are I am not putting up with incompetent Doctors anymore (unfortunately I can't change mine easily) but how long have I been trying for a baby? - a good few years and what have they done so far? some blood tests at my insistance and I don't think I would have got them if I hadn't have been so pro-active

Finally they refer me (yes I know it's the NHS way) but it took three lots of heartbreak for them to probably say "unexplained fertility problems". My second pregnancy was not closely monitored at all (you may remember me saying this at the time, especially after a m/c) it was only when things went wrong that they seemed to take an interest I was told to just relax and basically well done on getting pregnant at your age! I have had no medical intervention and it makes me soooo mad when some ladies get all the help so when I go for my results on the 22 the FS is getting it!
Another one is my exhusband do you know ladies he hasn't seen his children since summer last year - yes he lives in Scotland but come on it's not the other side of the world is it? He is supposed to pay a small amount for their upkeep (ha don't make me laugh) but the worst bit was he put some money in my account on Xmas eve and said to me get the boys something from me WHAT! so I had a spare selection box which I wrapped up for them each and put from their dad (my boys are growing up and they are beginning to realise stuff) such as it wasn't mums fault we split up but the fact that dad was a bully etc! I used to hide things from the boys but not anymore, it's part of growing up facts have to be faced. The boys have Face Book and they saw their dad had put up a message for one of his daughters saying he missed her and wished her a Happy New Year sorry they couldn't be together - where was the happy New Year for the boys? So yesterday I got in touch with the CSA lets see how much he can afford to go out and enjoy himself once they get hold of him I wouldn't care but I've let him off not paying for years in the hope he would be fair to the boys, but no he seems to spend the money I allow him off with on his other women and his other children.

Nope not anymore, he lead me a dogs life when I was with him I'm sure as hell not letting him carry on in 2013.
I have made a few other smaller decisions about some of my so called friendships as well but nothing to do with TTC (except the incompetent doctors)
Tink - Sorry the Clomid is treating you crap - but it will all be worth it once you get that BFP
Briss - Sorry hubby is not pulling his weight - pleased to hear you have stopped some of your herbs - personally I'm not sure they were doing you any good, but doesn't hubby realise you need to try and keep calm so the stress of him not playing ball is no good at all
AFM - I only put my temps into FF - but if I put in fluid

and also when I got my POS OPK - after O

it puts me at anywhere between 3 - 7 DPO not much difference