CBFM Buddy

I think you definitely do BOTH opks (digital is best so you don't mess up reading them) plus CBFM. Do the OPK in the afternoon.

Schedule the IUI the day after the first + OPK or first peak, whichever comes first! So if you get a + OPK in the afternoon, schedule the IUI for late the next day. If you get a peak before you get a + OPK, schedule it the morning of the next day. Then BD like crazy for insurance. :)

Ok so if I get a Peak in the AM on the monitor, schedule for the next day

What about if I get a high on the monitor in the AM and a +opk in the afternoon? Schedule for the AM anyway, right?
HI Ladies,

hope you are all well.

Good luck at the hospital tommorow Happy, will be thinking of you.

The :witch: got me today at work, i was so gutted. Don't really know why, i mean i knew i was not pregnant. the :witch: coming means we are back in the game for this month but still really emotional today. I am keeping my dr appointment for next friday, but i know i will get told to loose weight (i can do with loosing some but have just joined a slimming club so that is in hand), i also think i will get told we haven't waited long enough ( 1 year). guess i am anxious..... kind of wondering if i should get DH to come with me to the appointment, or whether that is not necessary, just think i may not get fobbed off if DH is with me. what do you think?. This month also was the month i did not take AC and seems i did not ovulate so would you ladies take AC again, or wait till i have seen the DR?

Jchic, if you get a high on the monitor in the morning, and the a +opk in the afternoon, I would make the appointment for the next day in the afternoon to give yourself 24 hours. GL! Excited for you this cycle!

Dawnlouise, I'm sorry AF got you. I would absolutely go to the doc. I would probably stay off AC until you talk to the doc about it. She really shouldn't brush you off after 1 year of trying. Take dh with you if it makes you feel better or like they will take you more seriously.

Afm, I had my re appointment today. I was so nervous. It went pretty well. Mainly, he took a history for both me and dh. It felt a little rushed, but this is NY, so maybe that's normal. Then I had a transvaginal ultrasound. He didn't say anything about it, other than my uterus looks normal. He also visualized both ovaries and tubes, but didn't say anything about either, and I was too shellshocked by the whole experience to ask about follicles or my uterine lining. Duh. Then we talked about next steps. He reassured me that at 34 and 6 months trying, it was not too early to get checked out. He reassured us that it can take a year or longer to conceive simply because us humans are just not reproductively efficient. He said many things can go wrong each cycle - failure to ovulate, failure to fertilize, failure to implant, bad egg etc and that the chance each month is more like 15%. Finally, he referred dh for a sperm analysis (we are going to wait a week or two for that since I am in my fertile zone), and I am getting the full work up. I will go for bloodwork on day 3 for fsh, tsh and prolactin, and I will go on day 21 (even though I explained I ovulate in cd 17!!) for a progesterone check. Interestingly, he said that he's not even sure luteal phase defect exists (!) and he said LUFS is really rare. He thinks I am a crazy person because if all the supplements I'm taking, and darling husband didn't help much by telling him about the time I spend on bnb. !! They had a jolly laugh. At my expense (grrr), and the doc told me to get OFF the Internet, and then he referred me to their therapist for stress management/emotional support! Well, I am still here ladies! And I don't think an interest in my body and my reproductive health means I am loony. Nor does an interest in sharing this experience with other women going through the same thing! Harumph. Lastly, I was referred for a HSG. Supposedly very painful. Can't wait! So aside from the fun made at my expense, being referred for psych services, and completely failing to ask even a third of my questions, it was a successful and hopefully fruitful visit. No plans to start any treatments yet, mainly just doing some diagnostics. He seemed to think itcwill take us another 3-6 months, which is fine! Just as long as it happens!
Daisy Dukers - So glad you went to the appt and all so far is A-OK. Just so you know, my obgyn tells me the same thing - 3-6 months from now. He also says what your doc says about timing, etc. I wouldnt stress about that too much. I have been told by him that I OBSESS over TTC and its not healthy. I walked in with my charts, etc and he said to me that I sounded like a woman who has been ttc for over 2 years, etc. In a way they are right, but in a way they are MALE and dont understand that Maternal NEED to be a mother. Its something they wont understand, you know? You definitely DO NOT have Progestrone or LPD. Doctors think sometimes only women with a REGULAR less than 10 day LP is considered a defect, so I PROMISE you that is not what you have. I think you are like me and are anxious for it to happen, but in reality, we are fine, it just hasnt happened just yet! LOL. HAHAHA! My doc also told me to STAY away from the boards too, but I dont listen to him, hahaha.
I had an HSG in Oct and its not that bad. Its a bit painful (cramping) but once the test is done you are totally fine. You may have some bleeding after, and thats ok too. Dont stress about it! Once you see the dye run easily through those tubes you will totally be relieved. I was! Make sure when he checks your TSH that you ask for a FULL Thyroid workup including your FREE T3 and FREE T4 and antibodies testing. Its not included in the TSH and its important that docs check that because that is the actual measurable of what is going on in your body. Also, when you get the results, ask for the specific test numbers and the RANGES. Alot of labs use different ranges, so you will be able to gage where you are according to that.

Excited for you!

UGH! Sucks AF got you....I would stay away from the AC until you go to the doc. I am sure the doc will get you right on track for your BFP!

Ladies - Any weekend plans?
I am glad your appt went well Daisy, and I'm sorry they made you feel so small...I personally don't think men should be in that line of work, they clearly don't get how we feel!! If he didn't see anything on the u/s than that's great news! the fact that your regular and always ovulate is reassuring that things are all working correctly down there! i know its easy to try to look for a problem when it doesn't happen right away, I do the same thing!! I don't think you need to see a pysc...give the meditation a try, I can't believe how much its helping me!!!!


Happy I have been praying for you sweetie I hope your doing ok today hun :hugs:
Hi girls,

Not posted here before but just wanted to ask you something quickly.

I stopped using my CBFM a little while back because I lost my job and couldn't afford the sticks whilst I was out of work.

Anyhoo, I still had like 5 sticks left and because I'm a POAS madwoman, I dipped one in urine when I did an OPK.

But because I haven't used my monitor in such a long time I can insert the stick to read until I start a new cycle.

So, I was wondering if I post a picture up if you can give me an idea whether it's a high or a peak?

The LH line is dark and the Estrogen line is VERY faint. (LH is on the left and Estrogen on the right)
Faythe it sounds like a peak to me!! Go get the egg!! :)

Sorry! I was looking at my test stick the wrong way around :blush:

Pic attached. The wick end is to the right when I should be reading results when it's to the left :dohh:

I think it's a 'high'? The second line is more visible IRL.


  • CBFM.jpg
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It looks like it could be a high...going by your other stats on your chart, your CP and CM I would say you're due to o any day now!
Girls where are you today??? I found this awesome book on Amazon and I'm reading through the free preview parts and it says its better to time sex in the AM when testosterone and libido levels are at their highest point. Read the free preview, this looks like an excellent book to read! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00182HLP6/ref=rdr_kindle_ext_tmb
Thanks. I'm pretty certain it's a high. I've been comparing it with other high images and it's the same :)
Hello ladies, just home from the hospital........ Brilliant news.

They found a sac in my uterus.

My bloods have gone from 2600 to 6900 in 47 hours.

The doctors are still concerned at the high levels of hormone versus the small sack with no heart beat so I have to go back on Monday for more blood tests betas and a scan.

The doctor said he is ninety percent happy but wants to double treble check. He said he will relax at a heart beat.

Ladies i'm not out of the woods yet but wanted to say thank you so so so much for the prayers and support. I couldn't have got through this without you all.I have not been able to read all of your posts as I am on my phone at my parents. I will catch up with you soon

Lots of love and thanks

X x x
That is amazing news Happy! I am so glad they were able to spot the little bean! WOOHOO!

Cre8tiv - I know, its soooo quiet on here, so unusual for us chatty cathys, haha. Nice book! DH and I are going to alternate that way too - 1day BD -am, next day BD - pm and so on and so forth.

TGIF and I hope you all have some fun weekend plans :) xxoo
awww Yay!! I am so thrilled they found a sac!!! :D You must feel so much more relieved!! I wonder if there are 2 beans in that sac and that's why your numbers are so high??? :winkwink:
wow happy, so pleased it all seemed to go well. Will be great when they see that heartbeat..... so chuffed for you :) :happydance:

AFM - Myself and DH have decided to chill out a little over the whole baby making thing...... we are still going to use the monitor but have accepted what will be will be. We are having a natural month again so that i can see what rhythm my body wants to get into. I am cancelling my DR appointment for next week as in my heart i know i need to loose some weight and this may be affecting fertility, i don't need a doctor to tell me this (nor do i want the embarassment), but i am joining a slimming club with DH on monday and i know we will do it (succesfully lost 3 stone last time, so need to do this again). If no positive by May (by which time i am hoping to have lost nearly 2 plus stone) we will go to the dr (this assumes that my cycles stay relatively regular even if they are a bit long).
We are so happy together and ttc is consuming our lives. In March we will have been married a year, a fantastic year, but i don't want to look back at the year and feel it has been a year full of anxiety over ttc. so taking a relaxed approach i think is what we need right now, still monitoring cycle, maybe not do SMEP but just :sex: for fun, of course more :sex: in fertile time, but it will be nice to just enjoy being with DH..... however much i want our own child, i want to also know that i spent precious time with DH before a child arrives...... God will give us our child when he feels it is the right time.

I am still going to be around on this thread, as it is great reading about you ladies and i want to follow your stories from trying, to bump and beyond :p I hope it's okay for me to still check in here and read about you all :winkwink:

Of course Dawn!!! We wouldn't have it any other way, your a part of our little bnb family!! :hugs: I pray that this relaxed approach does the trick and you fall prego without even trying hun. I'm all for the natural! I did conceive my other pregnancies without anything else added so I think I should stay away from all the extras. If I've done it before why should now be any different right? Other than my age :blush:
Aww Happy, Im so relieved for you, fingers crossed it keeps getting better and better x
Hi all,

Sorry so MIA!

Happy, so so happy for you. I was wondering the same thing as creative - maybe there are two beans in there!!! Secondly, I really do wonder if the tilted uterus is just making the heartbeat hard to see - apparently this is very common - and as you progress, a heartbeat will become visible but apparently it shows up later when uterus is retroverted. ?? Who knows, but in any case, really pleased for you and feel confident all is fine! If it wasn't, your hcg levels wouldn't be so high or doubling like that, right??

Dawnlouise, I completely understand about taking it easy on the TTC front, and about wanting to enjoy this time with DH. Makes perfect sense. The weight loss can only help matters, and it's great that you are focusing your efforts there. GL to you and please do check in on us!

Creative, I ordered the free sample of the book - I'll give it a look later. Do they say to go every other day or every day, but in the morning? I think ideally I'd like to try every 36 hours, but it's so tricky to schedule it that way! Also, DH leaves for work around 6am, so we'd be having to DTD around 4:30! How are you getting on otherwise?

Jchic, what's cooking sister?

Faythe - welcome. In my opinion the stick looks low or high. My high sticks look more faded that the one you posted. They start getting faded in the center of the line, then become more faded throughout. Today, I am on my 4th high day, and the estrogen line is VERY pale, and the LH line is barely visible. I will try to post a pic later. I haven't looked at your chart though - so if you are having EWCM, I would go by that and consider yourself fertile.

Mrs. B! How is it going? Excited for this new cycle?!

Creative and Jchic - thanks for your support. :hugs: It did make me feel small, to be made fun of by hubby in front of the RE, and for the RE to suggest therapy! I really don't think I'm unbalanced or unstable or unhealthy for taking an interest in my body. I want to be a mom, I'm 34, never been pregnant, and I'm concerned about it and feel that I want to do whatever's necessary to help make it happen. I'm not miserable or anything, or crying about it. It's just my "project" at the moment. I agree that maybe I should shift my attention off of it a bit, and focus on other things, but I didn't like how this issue was handled by the RE or my husband. Honestly, my husband got this way when I was planning the wedding too. He doesn't like it when I have "projects" that take me away from doting on him, or handling my domestic "responsibilities." Bah.

AFM - on CD 13, another high. No LH line yet. Still hoping to O early, but I think it might be just slightly early, like maybe on CD 16. I was having some EWCM a few days ago, but didn't have much to speak of yesterday. It was watery, but not a lot of it. Cervix is high today, so high I can't really tell whether it's soft or what - it's pretty high.

In other news, my step daughter is still sick! She is doing better so far today, but had a 101.8-102.4 fever yesterday. I took her to the doctor yesterday with Dad's permission, and her Mom was PISSED and thought we went over her head, which we did. DH got an earful about it yesterday, and I actually spoke to her too, and her hostility was barely contained. I don't really care, I did what I thought was in my stepdaughter's best interests, and took what I felt was the prudent course of action. Rapid strep was negative, and it IS probably just viral, but I wanted to make sure. She still has a bad cough, but no fever this morning. Hopefully she is on the mend.
Daisy I am glad you took her...so what if her mom was mad..how can she be mad at you for caring and loving her daughter?! I wouldn't care if she was mad...at least you have piece of mind. I was reading in a parenting magazine yesterday if a child has a temp for 6 days in a row they need to be seen by a doctor! You did the right thing hun! :hugs:

Girls you have got to try the grapefruit Juice, even if you don't like grapefruits (I hate them). Its not as bad as I thought and the results are fantastic!! It works better than the FertileCM even!! :shock: And you get instant results, just hours after drinking the 1st glass even! I had tons of EWCM this morning, nothing like I've ever had before either! My normal ewcm if I even get any is little and doesn't stretch more than an inch tops. This ewcm stretched like a mile! Ok so maybe not quite that long but I was so super impressed by it! And I also read it may move ovulation up, which I am thinking it just might as I am only CD12 and my estrogen line is very light this morning...compares to my CD15 stick last month! :happydance:

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