CBFM Buddy

hey all,

sorry been a bit quiet been struggling with nausea and stuff.

Daisy - i think acupuncture will be a good idea as its sooooo good for you psychologically. You cant beat feeling like your taking positive steps and being healthy. I think its a top idea and even if you don't stick at it at least you will know.

Jchic............i have such a good feeling for you. I really do!!! good luck and keep us posted
hey all, good morning!

How is everyone this AM?

Daisy - that is SUCH awesome news about the accupuncture! Are you going to the one in the city or in NJ? let me know how you like it because I am debating it, but still unsure, ya know? I think its an awesome investment either way...I believe alot in Eatern medicine and the whole concept of balance. Eastern + Western meds= Prego Daisy Dukers!

Dutch - How are you doing today?
Happy -Awww, I hope the morning sickness subsides for you!
Creative - whats the good word?
Mrs B and Dawn - hows the 2ww?
Hopeful - hang in there mama! You arent out yet. What DPO are you now, 15?

AFM - not much really to report. I totally lost it yesterday which was a bit unlike me, but whatever, I guess it happens. dull cramps on and off, but I have had worse cramps at 6-9DPO. Also still dizzy at night and in the AM. Hoping this is it, having faith and praying either way that we are all blessed soon!

Daisy - We totally need to have playdates! I am going to be in your town tonight! I am going to dinner with 2 girlfriends at Veggie Heaven! YUMMMM!
Hi my lovelies! :hi:

Jchic!! You are pregopants now girl!! Dizziness very good sign, very emotional...very good sign!! I'm excited for you to test hun...when are you going to?

Daisy - Good luck with your appt on Monday I hope it doesn't hurt as much for you hun. Awesome news about the accupuncture, hope your insurance will pick up some of it!

Hopeful - I am so sorry the witch got you hun :( How many months have you been ttc? Anyone know what is considered normal on average for getting pregnant...a year? Ugh I hope we don't hit that mark, though I know some of us already have :hugs:

Happy - Not glad your sick but thrilled as its a good sign that your :baby: is doing well!!!
Hi ladies!

Hopeful, hang in there - I know it's so disappointing when that witch arrives. You've just got to stay optimistic and hopeful (!) and keep trying.

Creative! Miss you girl, so good to see your sunshine-y face on here. How are you feeling? I believe the statistic is that in any given month, there is a 15-20% of conceiving, and that over 1 year, 80-90% of couples will conceive. Birth control pills and IUDs however can delay the return to fertility, so it can take longer than 1 year for us. Boo. But I think ultimately, it's the same fertility rate of 80-90% within 18 months or something like that. I did read one article Creative, not to upset you, that the IUD has a longer delay of returning to fertility than the pill. The good news though is that it does come back, so keep trying and keep hope alive, and don't panic if it takes a while. I know, easier said than done.

Jchic, I'm telling you, those are promising signs! I've actually never been to veggie heaven. There's a relatively new restaurant in upper MTC on Valley called Upstairs - so yummy. We most definitely will have to do play dates - I can't wait!! I have like no local NJ friends. All my husbands friends are older, in their 40s, and all their kids are older too. There is one couple more my age who I really like, and they have 3 girls, the youngest is less than 1 year. I have one friend from college here, but I hardly ever see her. I'm a little anxious about being home in NJ with baby, and no friends! But I'm getting WAY ahead of myself here!

Happy, sorry you are feeling sick, but at least you can rest assured that the pregnancy is progressing! What is the next step for you? For the nausea I'd recommend trying to eat small, frequent meals - the more empty your stomach, the worse the nausea. Usually salty snacks can help - saltines, pretzels, etc. Also, B6 is supposed to help. Finally, if none of that works, there are meds that help (zofran) that are safe during pregnancy.

Mrs. Dutch, I'll definitely let you know what I find out about the acupuncture points.

AFM, AF is gone now, just a tiny bit of tinged CM. Very excited about the acupuncture, my first appointment is a week from Friday - yay! Can't wait. I'm feeling really good about this. Here is my current plan, which may change after talking to the RE next week: (1) hope the HSG and acupuncture help get me pregnant in the next couple months, (2) focus on lifestyle changes (losing weight and exercising and doing more yoga) and if no BFP in the next 2 cycles, I might take advantage of that last month of improved fertility from the HSG to try meds and/or IUI.

Creative, I'm reading a book right now that you suggested, can't remember the title, but it's written by a RE, and it offers a whole "plan" (3-4 month plan) for fertility, that encourages organic and unprocessed foods, less sugar, less animal protein, moderate exercise that includes aerobic, strength training and flexibility, achievement of 5-10% weight loss if over weight (as per BMI) or weight gain if underweight, and stress management through meditation, yoga, therapy etc. These changes are all common sense and what I need to do to be healthier anyway, so why not. Also of interest, he says that if you know when you are going to ovulate (but how can you EVER really KNOW??), to abstain for 2 days before your fertile period - the fertile period being the two days before ovulation (and ovulation day itself). Then go for it - do it every day for those 2-3 days, and more than once a day if you like. It would just make me nervous to abstain for 2 days because what if I miss it??? I guess that's unlikely though with all the monitoring I do. I guess I might try to abstain on CD 11 and 12, assuming I'll ovulate on CD 15 again...? If no OPK on CD 13, we can abstain that day too perhaps. Just an idea!
Oh and hi Mrs. B and Dawnlouise!! How are the two of you today???
Daisy! We will definitely do dinner one night, lets plan it! You live so close to me. I can be your first NJ friend, haha. Tinged CM? hmmmm, that means AF is on her way out WOOHOO! I think you will ovulate early for sure

Creative - we MISS you, come back to us! xoxo
HI Ladies,

for some reason i could not post on her last night.....

anyway, the tww is boring........ no symptoms, but then only 4 days past ovulation too....

hope everyone else is doing okay xx
WHY is this thread so quiet today?! I need some action happening here ladies, come on now! I actually am having a slow day at work and am literally ready to go to bed!
Happy Thursday Ladies!
I hope you are all having a wonderful day :)

Hopeful - I was on depo for 5 years (no side effects while on it) but didn't get my period back for a year. I can totally understand how tough it is.

Jchic - Those are all verrryy good signs!! Everything is crossed for you!! When are you testing!?
Dawn - I'm also 4dpo today, when will you be testing? I agree the tww is boring.

AFM... I'm finally over the stomach bug I had earlier this week... Every month pretty much the day after O I start getting symptoms "PMS/PMDD". My FS says it's a "good sign" because it means I've ovulated and the hormones in my body are changing and gearing for implantation... these symptoms can range from bloating, constipation, breakouts, headaches... you name it. Anddd any month a new symptom happens, I'll say "oh maybe this means I'm preggers!" ha! nope!... so who really knows. I feel better though today than I have all week. I am bloated, but the difference this month is that it's only in my lower abdomen/pelvic area and my lower tummy feels firmer than usual.
Dutch - those are all good signs! I hope you this is the cycle for you :) Is the depo still in your system or is that all cleared out?
You and Dawn are cycle twins, how fun! I dont think I am going to test. AF is due on Tuesday, so maybe Tuesday AM or Wednesday. Its way too heartwrenching to see a BFN....lol
I hope this is the cycle for all of the CBFM ladies! Fx! The depo is allll out (thank god). The first year until AF returned was AWFUL... I had so many withdrawl symptoms. That stuff is the devil. BFN are tough but I get way to excited!!! How many dpo are you today?
Well good thing its OUT of your system then! I am 8DPO today :)
Your pic is so cute! I love it. Is that your flower girl?
8dpo! I'm slightly jealous only being at 4 lol
Thanks! Yep - that's my flower girl. Our ring bearer and flower girl were SOOO cute that day. My wedding pics make me miss that day!! It was so much fun. Your poochie is super cute! We have a boston terrier and we currently have a "Foxer" lol a foster boxer. We foster for two dog rescues :)
I know! I look at my wedding pics and wish I could go back and relive that day, it was so fun and special :)

Aw, thanks! Thats Lexi...she is our crazy pup. We adopted her alittle over a year ago and she totally rules the roast.
Thats amazing that you foster! Good for you :) That seriously makes me happy! I volunteer for a rescue group and do the open adoptions and help in fundraising. I absolutely love dogs. To be honest, I like dogs more than certain people I know, ha! If I could personally find them all loving homes, I would! We plan on adopting another in the summer, but we want one that is older, perhaps 3-5 years old :)
My DH and I are both dog lovers. We'd rather spend the day with our dogs than doing anything else. I actually got our boston terrier when I was 17, so he's always been MY baby. Then when I met DH the two of them formed a bond and now I get to be third wheel sometimes haha. But I am perfectly fine with that. It's like getting into a relationship with a woman who already has kids, she obviously wants the man to love her kids as much as she does. I also had another smaller female boston, but my dad really needed a new companion when his cat passed. My girl went to my parents for a visit... and now she lives there. It was pretty hard for me, I used to cry when we'd leave after visiting. But my boy didn't like that she was so dominant, so it worked out better - and my dad got a new pal. She's so loved. If I'm in the neighbourhood, even if my parents aren't home, I stop over and snuggle her.

Here are a couple pics :)


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I cannot even handle how cute they are...I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! I just want to cuddle with them all how cute!
Jchickie I totally hear you on the yuckiness of a BFN. I usually test a few times each cycle, but this past one I only tested once and only wasted one test! Progress!

Sorry I'm quiet today, been busy at work and also got myself all worked up because my HSG is Monday, and I read in my book that you should ask for this contrast dye lipiodol, to be injected at the end, as it enhances fertility (even more, beyond a regular HSG). So of course I called the radiologist where I'm having it done, and OF COURSE they do not use that dye. I then spoke to their technician about it, and didn't get anywhere. I then called my RE's office and the RN said that there is not enough conclusive evidence yet for them to recommend that I seek out a radiologist that does it that way, but that if it's something I want to do, go for it. Then I spoke to my brother in law, who IS a radiologist and performs these things and he said it really doesn't matter, and no one uses that dye any more anyway. Harumph. Frustrating. There are relatively recent studies (2004, 2008) that say it works BETTER, but unless I want to cancel my appointment and start over, and find a radiologist who uses it, I guess I'm not going to get it done that way. My bro in law did give me the name of a radiologist in NY he knows, so I guess I could call over there tomorrow and ask them about it? Or am I being CRAZY?
I think you are putting your eggs (literally, ha!) in a blue dye that may or may not do anything...I think you should just go for the HSG the way they do it....it WILL make you more fertile :)

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