Exil it's the most wonderful, exciting, joyful thing I've ever known. He is beautiful and perfect in every way. But I won't lie it's also the most exhausting, worrying, tear inducing, stressful time of my life too. I personally found the first 6 weeks horrendous. The first 2 being the worst because its all new and you are both trying to get to know each other. It was nothing like I thought it would be but unfortunately Ronnie and I were both traumatised from the whole thing, he was very very unhappy but that I think was because I was too. That whole moment when your baby enters the world, feeling that rush of love etc etc doesnt happen for everyone, and the fact I couldn't feed him also was just so sad. I think it was partly due to the fact I didn't see him for 3 hrs after he was born

whatever the situation insist you hold him/her! I didn't, but to be fair I was out of it and didn't realise it had been so long it was all a bit of a blur. It makes a huge difference. Thankfully it doesn't last and one night during his 40th feed of the night it just clicked! That's when I got the rush

there is nothing like staring into your babys eyes, and they are looking back at you like they can see strait into your soul!
Exil you will love it and I'm sure it'll be just how you've always dreamed it would be but for some sadly it isn't. Just remember not to beat yourself up about it.
Oh and watch out for those day 4-10 ish hormones!

they are something else! X
Ooh and another tip! The whole birth plan thing! Tear it up and throw I away