CBFM Buddy

garfie, sorry about missing the bloods this cycle. quite often I am not even sure what is CD1 cos everyone has different theories. what is the next step for you?
CD1 is red flow - not spotting or any other colour - red for me:wacko:

I have a full abdo scan on the 3 December as my cycle has become longer and O is further away - think they are just being cautious.

I have also been referred back to the Fertility Specialist as I don't Ovulate - how have I got 2 living children (at school:haha:) and 5 angel babies?:wacko:

I don't think that appointment will come until the New Year:cry: we were meant to be stopping this month - but have had to tell hubby a little white lie (sort of) told them the abdo scan is to check for retained products (the doc did mention that could cause cycles to change) so not really a lie:blush:

I have my journal in my sig if you want to stalk and see (what normal) things I have been up to:haha:

Good luck for tomorrow - let me know how it goes:happydance:

Fingers crossed for you hun


Hello girls,

I'm new here and I'd like to join you :happydance:
I'm on my 2nd cycle (my cycle is usually 28 or 29 days long), 1st with the CBFM...
Today is CD6 for me and it shows low fertility.
For those who've been using the CBFM before, when did you get your first high?
Also..anyone else on CD6 today?

My Ovulation Chart
Hi Loveandterror - It's so exciting when you first get the CBFM - sadly it didn't work for me as my cycles were to short at the time - now they have gone the other way:wacko:

A lot of the original ladies from this thread have had their BFPs and moved on - some it worked for some it didn't:wacko:

If you have regular cycles of normal length then there is no reason for it not to work for you:happydance:

I also see you are backing it up with temping that's good :flower:

Also the CBFM may take a few months to recognise your cycles - although some women have got pregnant on it the first month:happydance:

So good luck hun - keep us informed how you are getting on we learned not to feed the greedy bugger any more sticks after your first PEAK as it is pre programmed (just a little tip for you) :winkwink:

I am on CD4 so not far behind you:happydance:


Hello girls,

I'm new here and I'd like to join you :happydance:
I'm on my 2nd cycle (my cycle is usually 28 or 29 days long), 1st with the CBFM...
Today is CD6 for me and it shows low fertility.
For those who've been using the CBFM before, when did you get your first high?
Also..anyone else on CD6 today?

Welcome Lovelandterror

When I first starting using cbfm on my first cycle it gave me 12 high days and no peak and that started from CD 7/8, in my second cycle it shortened it a little bit and gave me 7 days of high then 2 peaks so please don't get disheartened if it doesn't get a peak first time using it but wishing luck with it anyway :)

no longer using it as I had to take a break from trying and pretty sure I know my cycles well enough by now, and just using opk's and tmi sorry cervical mucus

I am currently on CD23 but my cycles are irregular so we will prob come across to the same tww sometime or another

I agree with garfie though on the not using sticks after first peak I made that mistake until I came here, I think they tell u to do it because they wanna make more money!!
Thanks for having me, ladies :)
Today, on CD8 I had my first 'high' (I expect my peak on the 3rd or 4th of Dec.), this might be a bit tmi, but I figure even with the CBFM, we'll do the,uhhhhmmm... 'baby dance' every 2 days now (just to make sure, also I heard it's better to do it every 2 days for the quality of the sperm..thoughts on that?) and on the peak day itself.
How do you guys keep it with that?
Every day sure seems a bit stressful and maybe a bit too much?!
I'll definitely stop feeding the CBFM after the first peak, thanks for the advice, that's gonna save me a couple £'s for sure :thumbup:
my only egg did not fertilise. they told me it was not good quality. I was very suspicious when they did not give me meds for the entire 2 weeks just for a few days. I guess they already knew that the chances of fertilisation were slim but did not tell me. strange after all this talk on how great my blood flow was and that I am to expect good quality eggs. The embryologist mentioned that the meds might have affected egg quality because my egg was of good quality on the previous natural cycle. maybe the one they missed was the only good one this cycle. My husband blames the clinic, 6K down the drain + me having to go through the stims and the result is worse than in a natural cycle. It's the end of the road for this cycle. this is going to be the hardest TWW ever with no hope whatsoever. I am in pieces and cant even think clearly where we go from here. totally devastating...

after 2 failed cycles, DH does not want any more IVF until next summer. he said it's his turn to take the drags (he struggled to see me going through stims) so finally agreed to see a urologist. I just cannot stop crying
Aw Briss hun I don't know what to say - I guess nothing I say will make you feel any better - so sending MASSIVE :hugs: your way.

As I said before I don't really understand what you are going through - but seeing that your egg didn't fertilise that can't be good.:nope:

Are they taking your egg his sperm mixing it together and then putting it back in? - sorry for my ignorance:cry:

What are drags? - does he mean tests? or is it something else?:hugs:

BIG :hugs:

Garfie, sorry I meant drugs not drags! I do not even know what I write anymore… they did ICSI which is taking my egg and injecting it with a single sperm. they say that this cycle the quality of the egg was poor so it did not fertilise but they said I had excellent blood flow to my follicles which meant the quality was supposed to be good. I do not understand it but the embryologist said the stim meds I was taking might have affected the quality of the egg. Then what was the point of getting me through stim cycle in the first place?

I am still in shock, constantly crying and in disbelief. At the moment I do not even know what to think and what to hope for. years of very intensive TTC and 2 failed IVF which cost us about 11K. I think I am going to take a break for a while I never thought I'd say it but I am reaching my limits on how much misfortune I can take before I break and want to give up and end it all. I am sure it will pass and I will carry on fighting but not the next few weeks. I might stay away from B&B for a bit because it's getting hard for me and I am literally exhausted and my TTC efforts are not bringing me any closer to a baby.

You should start checking your CM too as it's the best predictor there is when ttcing, well that's what they say :)

Aww so sorry hopefully you will conceive naturally now that the stress will be decreased a little bit, I have known many people to conceive naturally when they have given up all hope as it does decrease the stress of it all :)
Big :hugs:

How are you getting on with testing ?
Hope all is well :)
Briss I am so sorry Hun, take a break if you feel that's what you need to re charge your batteries. I'm confident your journey isn't over and we will all be here waiting for you as always x

Sending massive :hugs:

I know, we don't know each other, but I'm very sorry to hear that.
Better luck next time. I'm sending lots of baby dust in your direction!!!


Yeah, I am checking the CM as well, but I'm still new to it.
I'd say at the moment it's still not the best quality CM..'will probably take a couple more days.

Also, I bought some OV test strips, just in case that my CBFM doesn't pick up the change yet, as it's only my first cycle with it.
That can't hurt, right? :happydance:
I got confused at first with checking CM at first too, I didn't know what was what lol but you will get used to it,

also i find using midstream OV tests work better for me as wasn't getting positive result from the dip ones

my cycles used to be all over the place though too, like one month would be 50 odd days and the next one could have been like 23/24 days i didn't know from one cycle to the next but when i took a break from it, all the stress went away and my cycles regulated themselves to anything between 28 - 34 days so i roughly know when OVing now thank god,

Cant wait until next OV as would be the first time trying again with new donor, every time i tried last time i was either wayyy too early or wayyy to late but really didn't understand CM then and have studied a hell of a lot on CM now so hopefully will work in the first few cycles

cant wait to get that BFP
that i have been waiting for so long like many women on here
oh pixie, it's good to have you and the other girls to talk about this.
i'm on day CD11 today, cbfm shows high fertility ('has been doing it since CD8)
only a couple days til OV now.
what CD are you on?
oh pixie, it's good to have you and the other girls to talk about this.
i'm on day CD11 today, cbfm shows high fertility ('has been doing it since CD8)
only a couple days til OV now.
what CD are you on?

I am on CD 29, 11 DPO atm but my cycles vary between 26 - 33 days so am sure in the future we would have the same CD's lol

but not waiting to test as didn't see donor this month so waiting on AF, and can't wait to count down the days until OV :)

have you been on fertility friend where you can track your temps, CM, lows, highs and peaks, and you could put a link on your signature so everybody can track your progress :)

Pixie, yes, I am on fertility friend, but I dont know how to add a signature on here, so I'm pasting the link to my chart

My Ovulation Chart

Also, my CBFM showed me peak days on my CD12 and 13.. What do you think of the chart? It does seem possible, I did expect my Ovulation a little bit later though hehe
love - How long is your cycle normally? - I would say the temp rise and getting Peak on your machine is all correlating wonderfully:haha:

Remember no more sticks now - if it asks use old ones:winkwink:


Briss - How are things with you - your chart is looking good:hugs:

Pixie - Did you have a donor this month - or are you waiting for AF - your temps also look nice and high:hugs:

AFM - Just plodding along - I went for my scan on Monday she said left hand ovary and tube she could see but right hand ovary and tube not so clear:cry: but she would send the findings to the Drs in the next week or so - great I guess I will get the results in the new year again:dohh:

So for now just carrying on as normal - whatever that is:haha:

Good luck ladies - Christmas BFPs all round :happydance:


Ladies , thank you very much for your support. I have been lurking but not posting much. Just feel completely destroyed by the entire experience. what's so wrong with DH and I that we cant make it happen not naturally not via IVf in almost 4 years! I do not even know what to hope for. I am sure we will carry on with IVF next year, there is no other way but I find it harder and harder to find a reason to get up in the morning…

Garfie, was it just an ordinary scan or HSG? sometimes ovaries are "hiding" and they cant see one of them on scans. it's nothing to worry about just a shame she could not say how many follicles it had.

I guess stim meds are affecting my temp and making it higher. strange cos I am not even taking progesterone but I did develop terrible acne while I was on stims.

loveandterror, according to your chart you most likely ovulated on CD13 (your second peak) so it does look like CBFM works very well for you. This is my 27th cycle with CBFM and I can totally recommend it. I had only 3 cycles when it missed my LH surge but overall I fount it far more reliable than OPK. As girls mentioned already I also stop using sticks after I get my first peak, it will automatically give you your second peak followed by high.

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