CBFM Buddy

Ohh I thought you were on your first month, oh it must have been a dodgy batch of sticks, never known that happen though
When are you planning to test?
Lots and lots of :dust: to you :)
Hi Pixie! I read on another thread that if you pee too long on the stick it may not work and that's what I was doing! I thought maybe i'd oversaturate the sticks and get a clearer result but the opposite happened so I feel a bit better now. 10dpo and bbs on fire today and some dull cramps that really feel like AF coming. So hard not to hope and wish at this stage. Plus I had both those symptoms last month and af came. Toilet paper game will start in two days since I always start spotting on day 12.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
garfie chart still looking good FXed
Lots and lots of :dust:

Lynny when are you going to test, lots of :dust:
:) can feel myself getting all excited for you both :happydance:
Both my monitor and test sticks have arrived but I am STILL waiting on AF to arrive. I'm normally a 28 day cycle girl and I'm now on CD32 following my loss. Getting irritated over it!
Thanks ladies :blush:

I'm impressed with my chart too - now if only it would turn green:haha:

Chicky - I couldn't have said it all better myself my what a good student you were:winkwink:

Lynny - Any news yet hun - where is your chart so we can stalk:shrug:

Pink - Is this your first cycle after your loss hun - if so sorry to say our bodies do weird things after a loss:cry: you may be waiting a while longer - did you test out with a HPT? :hugs:

Pixie - How are you feeling - excited for this cyle:happydance:

AFM - Tested today Negative :growlmad: so I will test again tomorrow (unless she comes:wacko:)


Hi everyone wondering if I can join in. I used cbfm for my first DD who is now 18 months I used it for 4 cycles feel pregnant twice 1st ended in mc at 6 weeks but the 2nd time we went on to have DD. I am in my 1st month ttc #2 and am currently CD14 and medium on my monitor (have been for 3 days) no high as of yet. I am 27 and my OH is 41. x
It is my first cycle yeah. I'm just impatient now want to get started with this monitor. I've tested a few times and all BFN! I'm confused!
Welcome taylorboo,
Are you charting via fertility friend, would love to stalk another chart

Your chart is looking really good, have you tested again yet? Or have you got the willpower to hold off?

Afm, right girls, no excitement gonna happen this month as donor has let me down so just cancelled hotel, lucky I didn't book train tickets as wouldn't have been able to cancel them,
his mum has had a fall and waiting for an op on her hip, so all his spare time will be taken up by that, not sure if I can believe him but he seemed alright so maybe I will give home the benefit of the doubt this time but if he lets me down next month then will be time to find a new donor so bring on next month
AF came today! Never thought I would be so happy to say that!! Time to get started :happydance:
:happydance: Pink that's great news - time to get your little friend out of its box:winkwink:

Pixie - Aw hun that's a shame - but talking from experience if a man's not focused on the job in hand - it could have been a waste of time anyway:winkwink: so pleased you never booked your train ticket:hugs:

Taylor - Welcome Hun:hugs:

AFM - Pixie you are talking to a POAS addict :haha: of course I have tested - Negative again:cry: so just waiting for her now:cry: which is a shame as I was feeling fairly confident this month:dohh:


Pixie, I am sorry things did not work out this cycle, I hope your donor will do his bit next cycle. Can you find a different donor this cycle?

can I ask you how you go about finding and choosing a donor? Do you meet them on line? Do you ask the donor to sign any documents to relinquish all parental rights? Do you pay for STD tests? Any particular STDs that are on your list? Also, apparently it's illegal to pay for sperm but I wonder why would any donor do that for free?

sorry for all the questions I hope I am not being intrusive. things with DH are not going that well and I am getting really concerned that there may be no children in my future if I stay with DH so I am seriously looking into single mother/donor sperm route and would be grateful for any information.

I talked to sperm banks but they will only give you a frozen sample if you are registered with a clinic for a IUI/IVF procedure which is additional cost. besides I do not really want to do any more IVF, I am quite sure that with good sperm I can get pregnant naturally. Also fresh samples are better than frozen anyway.
AFM - Pixie you are talking to a POAS addict :haha: of course I have tested - Negative again:cry: so just waiting for her now:cry: which is a shame as I was feeling fairly confident this month:dohh:



your not out until she shows her ugly face, and I POAS today as well lol even though AF showed i still dont feel right as AF over now and bloating, getting twinges, sniffles are back and boobs feel heavy but obviously came back BFN, but as i said before my sis had AF for 3 months before she found out she was pregnant and if u have seen us, we are exactly the same, get mistaken for twins even though we are 7 years apart or the signs could be imaginary, but since AF i haven't really been symptom watching

Pixie, I am sorry things did not work out this cycle, I hope your donor will do his bit next cycle. Can you find a different donor this cycle?

can I ask you how you go about finding and choosing a donor? Do you meet them on line? Do you ask the donor to sign any documents to relinquish all parental rights? Do you pay for STD tests? Any particular STDs that are on your list? Also, apparently it's illegal to pay for sperm but I wonder why would any donor do that for free?

sorry for all the questions I hope I am not being intrusive. things with DH are not going that well and I am getting really concerned that there may be no children in my future if I stay with DH so I am seriously looking into single mother/donor sperm route and would be grateful for any information.

I talked to sperm banks but they will only give you a frozen sample if you are registered with a clinic for a IUI/IVF procedure which is additional cost. besides I do not really want to do any more IVF, I am quite sure that with good sperm I can get pregnant naturally. Also fresh samples are better than frozen anyway.

Briss, not being intrusive at all, am happy to answer any questions on the subject, I would go so faar to say I have done enough research to answer them correctly too lol, I will answer one by one so i dont get confused :haha:

I will start by saying that the clinics take the bloody piss, the first lot for would have cost £2000, then £600 thereafter! and plus they would want us to have conselling and all sorts of tests pre insertion, which all would have to be paid for!

can I ask you how you go about finding and choosing a donor?

I use a site called https://www.coparents.co.uk/ have to pay to see messages but its ok if you find a donor in a month

Do you meet them on line?

as above

Do you ask the donor to sign any documents to relinquish all parental rights?

No, because I make sure they don't want contact post birth by asking lots of questions pre meet up, lots of emails, and b/c I travel to them they don't know where i live or my full name and vice versa, but when pregnancy is confirmed I will take their details for when the child hits 18 I will give child details as being brought up in a lesbian relationship there will be questions asked and me or my GF will not lie when they are :happydance:

Do you pay for STD tests?

most men on website that are serious about donating usually would have these done already and have certificates, don't get me wrong, you do get men on there just looking for a shag but that's like most sites you look on, but I will only look for the ones that are willing to do AI.

Any particular STDs that are on your list?

all of them lol

Also, apparently it's illegal to pay for sperm but I wonder why would any donor do that for free?

again there is some men on there that will want to charge, I just by pass by them, My first donor was donating b/c his wife had to use egg donations, so he was just passing on the good deed that they had received, wanting to help others who couldnt have naturally, he was in Leicester,
My new donor is near ipswich, and he doing it for free too, he just wants to help people have babies :happydance:

anymore questions, please feel free to ask :)

I have got a back up donor that lives near me but it means he would be coming to my house to do donations but I really don't want that so i think i will skip this month, I really didnt have the money anyway after xmas lol
oh quick question,

Not sure if I should waste OV sticks this month or should I just do them to check I ovulate this month or not bother?
Pixie, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I have tonnes of questions actually cos this is completely new grounds for me.

just to answer your question, i'd still totally do OPK cos I find it important to record my cycles and observe what's normal for me and when things go slightly astray.

I so agree about the clinics abusing donor sperm situation and cashing in on this. it should really be an affordable service. I was very upset when the sperm banks refused to deal with me directly without being registered with a clinic for a treatment. But going rogue is slightly scary so I want to equip myself with knowledge.

Thanks for the link. I will definitely check this site and register.

When you get pregnant you will tell the donor then and ask for his contact details for the future? would you take a picture of the donor to show your child?

also, do you ask about the donor's family tree, any genetic issues, things like race, colour etc of his grandparents so you can have some expectation as what the child will look like? it's sp hard for me to get around this cos when you chose your partner you would know his parents/grandparents etc so in a way unconsciously you are choosing your future child's genes I suppose and with donor it's a totally different process and I just do not know how to approach this.

I actually did not realise that donors are not there for the money but just want to help others who couldnt have naturally. What a lovely thing to do!

in terms of logistic, do you warn them a few days in advance and book hotel? I mean when we BD, I obviously never know the exact days for sure and we BD 2-3 times around O. Is this the same with donor?

most importantly, do you ask for a copy of their SA? what sperm count are you looking for?
Pixie, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I have tonnes of questions actually cos this is completely new grounds for me.

no probs will be happy to answer any questions you may have :)

just to answer your question, i'd still totally do OPK cos I find it important to record my cycles and observe what's normal for me and when things go slightly astray.

yes I was thinking that too

I so agree about the clinics abusing donor sperm situation and cashing in on this. it should really be an affordable service. I was very upset when the sperm banks refused to deal with me directly without being registered with a clinic for a treatment. But going rogue is slightly scary so I want to equip myself with knowledge.

yes and they only pay the donors £15 quid a time

When you get pregnant you will tell the donor then and ask for his contact details for the future? would you take a picture of the donor to show your child?

No photos, just confirmation of safe birth
Will take donors details as soon as 3 months has passed

also, do you ask about the donor's family tree, any genetic issues, things like race, colour etc of his grandparents so you can have some expectation as what the child will look like? it's sp hard for me to get around this cos when you chose your partner you would know his parents/grandparents etc so in a way unconsciously you are choosing your future child's genes I suppose and with donor it's a totally different process and I just do not know how to approach this.

yes we met up in hotel bar for drinks pre first donation, as far as genes go, it would be like having a one night stand and getting pregnant from it i.e you wouldn't know then

in terms of logistic, do you warn them a few days in advance and book hotel? I mean when we BD, I obviously never know the exact days for sure and we BD 2-3 times around O. Is this the same with donor?

well from my first donor my cycles were so irregular i had to give only a days notice, but more recently my cycles have miraculously regulated so i have a general idea of when now fingers crossed FF has been right the last 2 cycles and I never BD I go to hotel meet then go to room (first donor) done his stuff in a cup in bathroom, (new donor) does business @ home then i pick up from car outside hotel (he lives 5/10 mins away from hotel) then i insert with syringe TMI i know.. but couldn't put it any other way lol
I have been going up for 2 nights, 1 donation each day but last cycle, one donation was a day late so will go up a day earlier in cycle this cycle then last one

most importantly, do you ask for a copy of their SA? what sperm count are you looking for?

whats SA?
and as for sperm count both my donors have been over 45 but it only takes 1 little one to meet egg :)
a one night stand sounds a bit too romantic for me :) I do not think I ever had a one night stand... but obviously anything goes to have a child.

SA is semen analysis. I mean cos our situation is due to poor sperm count I just know you cant get pregnant if there is not enough good quality sperm. "it only takes one" sounds great but it does not work like that, so that one could make it all the way to the egg there will have to be around 50-100 million starting the journey and there will only be around 10 that would make it to the fallopian tubes. it's just so tricky sometimes I wonder how anyone ever gets pregnant. Anyway, my DH has between 1-12 million but morphology is on the lower side so I would really want smb with fantastic sperm like 80-100 million per ml with over 5% morphology and excellent motility to make it successful. Is this at all something you can ask for or discuss with a donor?
a one night stand sounds a bit too romantic for me :) I do not think I ever had a one night stand... but obviously anything goes to have a child.

SA is semen analysis. I mean cos our situation is due to poor sperm count I just know you cant get pregnant if there is not enough good quality sperm. "it only takes one" sounds great but it does not work like that, so that one could make it all the way to the egg there will have to be around 50-100 million starting the journey and there will only be around 10 that would make it to the fallopian tubes. it's just so tricky sometimes I wonder how anyone ever gets pregnant. Anyway, my DH has between 1-12 million but morphology is on the lower side so I would really want smb with fantastic sperm like 80-100 million per ml with over 5% morphology and excellent motility to make it successful. Is this at all something you can ask for or discuss with a donor?

ovbiously you should be able to ask ur potential donor anything u need to know and if they ain't comfortable with you asking them questions then it isn't the right donor for you :)

as for the one night stand thing lol i was using it as an example to say if anyone had a ONS and happened to turn into a pregnancy then genes wouldnt come into it lol
I haven't really talked to either donor about sperm counts as both had kids so i wasn't really worried until now lol

I think my body is gearing up for ovulation as my cervix is now high soft and open, so a bit confused as only on CD8!

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