CD 5, 1st round clomid on days 3-7

So the bleeding and pain got worse overnight and early this morning. So we went to the hospital now I should be happy about this next part but i test POSTIVE!!!:bfp: but my HCG levels are extremly low and may be having an early miscarriage.... I go back on MOnday and they will do more test to be sure.... So please everyone say a little prayer that my level goes up and this baby stays with me... I am having a horrible time trying to deal with this. I have been sommed to bedrest until monday... <3 you girls

Nat xo
Nat - already said a prayer for you and the little one! Did they put you on any kind of progesterone or are they just waiting until Monday? I hope everything is OK! I miscarried in between my two boys, and I bled with my second little boy for the first 22 weeks of my pregnancy! I had lots of tests done and every other day hcg levels drawn for awhile - but it does go to show that you can have bleeding and still not lose the baby! So good luck Nat!! PLEASE keep us posted!! And congratulations!!
Alright - super + opk at 6:30pm and it DEFINITELY would have been my peak today. Bless my mom for taking my boys and letting me sleep today. Hubby went to Charlotte with his dad so we missed BD this morning but finally got it in at 6pm. So yeah!! I also have an appointment for the post coital test at 10 am. So she said we have to BD sometime between midnight and lubricants allowed. I hope I didn't mess anything up by using one at 6, but I'm thinking that 16 hours later, none of it will be left! I think I am gonna try and see if my hubby will get up at 5:30 and BD so that it will be closer to ovulation and 12 hours after this time.
Good luck Beck!!!!! <3 My bleeding has slowed down, but there is a lot of clotting so I am trying to stay positive but I have a feeling it's not going to be good :( This sucks to finally get my :bfp: and now this .... I always knew this was somethign that could happen adn "prepared" myself for it but now that its here you can't prepare for this :(
I hope everything is ok Nat.

Becky let us know what they find in your test!

I was crampy all evening and once I laid down in bed at about 1 am the cramping got really intense then had this sharp pain in my lower back (basically right where the cramping in the front was) I had to grit my teeth and curl my toes it hurt so bad... but then it was gone. Never felt anything like it. Implantation? Perhaps!
Lolo - keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! I hope that's what it was!

Nat, I am so sorry but still keeping my hopes up for you.

As far as my appointment goes, I guess its a good news/bad news scenario. Still bad in the long run though. So we BD'd once last night and once early this morning. I used the pressed and the softcup last night, but then went au natural with the one this morning since hey said I had to. My appointment was at 10:00 am. She said just from pulling the fluid from my uterus that it looked great. Then she called me into the lab room next door and said: are you sure you had sex last night? There is absolutely NO semenal fluid whatsoever in your fluid. No sperm, no semenal fluid, nothing. I was like, what???? So, she looked at the vaginal fluid and there were still some in there, but nada in my uterine fluid. So basically, my cervix is secerting antisperm antibodies, which is not a common thing, and it is literally repelling and then expelling any sperm or semenal fluid away from and out of my uterus. The good news is - my cervical fluid was excellent. The bad news - there is no way I am going to get pregnant unless we do IUI. So this whole stupid month is a waste! She said not to give up hope this month and there is always the small possibility that one of them made it through, but she wouldn't count on it. So Brian has to have another SA done to double check everything is OK. They want to do the hysteroscopy and remove the polyp to make sure I have optimal uterine conditions, and then we will schedule IUI for next month - as long as my husband agrees. He still believes nothing is wrong because we had two children naturally. He does not understand that things have changed. Last night, he was not happy when I talked to him about the possibility of IUI, but I hope after I explain things to him today that he was understand. I just hope we can get things moving quickly enough and do the IUI next month. I seriously think I am only going to take my progesterone for about a week and then quit taking it so I can go ahead and start my period and get things going. I started crying at the doctor's office. I tried not to, but I just couldn't help it. I am just SO FRUSTRATED!!!! All the months of wasted money, wasted time, medication, etc, etc, etc...and the whole time my body isn't even letting anything get through!! I just want to yell and hit something. Now I have to wait a whole month before we can officially "try" again and I can do nothing but just sit around and twiddle my thumbs. I just don't understand what has changed!! What is wrong with my body? I don't smoke, and I quit drinking ALL caffeine 18 months ago, and I haven't drank a drop of alcohol since last March. I just don't understand! I think I'm just gonna go drink some wine and try to forget about it.
Becky I'm so sorry :( I'm sure its heartbreaking, and frustrating. try to see the positive side though... you know what's wrong. I would give anything to know why I'm not getting pregnant. At least now you can have a plan of action. I hope hubby will be openminded. It's not like youre trying to make a baby in a petri dish, your just trying to get his swimmers past your hostile cervix and let nature do the rest. Good luck babe. I say have your glass of wine if you want it.
Thanks girl - I had my glass and then some lol. The talk with my hubby went about like I expected. He wants them to repeat the test and said he didn't want to have another SA because he already had one. I told him he was going to do it anyway and I'll take it up there because I know that's why he doesn't wanna do it. I also said it'll be a whole month before they can repeat the test and I am not waiting another month when we know nothing is making it through! He said he has to think about the IUI though and he's not agreeing to it yet. I even showed him the booklet they gave me with the pictures and explained it to him. Lets just say there have been lots of tears today. I'm hoping that he'll see the light and wake tf up before it's too late!
My husband had to give his sample in a tiny bathroom at the clinic, so he's got it easy if he gets to do it at home! I do agree that you should get another pc test just in case it was a fluke. If you get the same results I hope he comes over to your side on the iui. Steal his sample and do the iui anyways... lol that's bad I'm kidding.
Lol - I told him I'd just go get a donor and he didn't think that was very funny... I told him all he had to do was give me the sperm and that was the extent of how much the procedure would affect him. Everything else is on me!! I don't know if they'll repeat it next month or not. I think we'd have to abstain a couple days to get the sample for the IUI.
I hope everything works out the way it should.

AFM- I'm really concerned about how tender I am in the baby maker area. It's too tender to lean against a counter, lay on my stomach etc. I shouldn't still be swollen from ovulation, so what the hell?
Hmmm....I don't know unless you ovulated way later than you thought you did? Or maybe it is from implantation?
NAT!!! wow what great news and scary at the same time. i been thinking bout you since last night when i read the post quick b4 bed. i know its hard, but try to stay positive! keep us posted. Sticky dust to you and the lil one!

Becky.. ughh!! The good thing here is that now you know. Good thing you called the doc to get checked. if you hadnt just think of all the wasted months you coulda had. so even tho it seems like jus one more obsticle...its also a step forward. so now the biggest task will be convincng your hubby. and im sure you can manage :)

Lolo, i was just thinking bout you LOl and how you were a lil disapointed to not know exactly when you Oed.. but i was thinking, youre already part way thru your two week wait before you even knew you hit it! and them are two super long weeks. now they are just a bit shorter for you. i always try to find the bright side of things.

OK so now for me. today is CD 17! and yesterday when i tested before going out on the river i seen a slight line. i really thought for sure i had missed the surge or would miss it because of being on the river all day . BUT!!! today i tested around noon and i got a SUPER dark line right away. So im super glad i didnt miss it but wow, that means im ovulating super late! last month i got my surge on cd15 and ovulated that night. so now this month ill be ovulation on like CD 18. i know.. still gota get that ticker for yas. i been slacking. :dohh: ill get it tho soon
I've just never read that implantation can make the whole area tender. Oh well there's nothing I can do! I did bd though in case that pain I felt last night was a super fat egg being released.

Greenie hope you get it in!
Lolo- I felt implantation big time. I was very sore and lots of cramping. That's how knew the test was wrong when i got the negatives. I knew something was different this time.

Greenie- Thanks! I am leaving for the hospital in about an half hour, I haven't slept all night, I just want it so bad and if I lost the baby I don't know if and how I can deal with it.

Becky- Thanks for all the support the last few days! <3

I will let you guys know whats up later on tonight.

Love yas,
Nat xo
Hey Nat!! I'm praying for you!!! LoLo, I am having a lot of pain today, and I think when I talk to my doctor's nurse, I'm gonna see if they'll just scan me to make sure I don't have any cysts from the clomid. But Nat is right - implantation can make you pretty tender!
That's what I'm worried about, that I got a cyst and no egg was released :( I don't wanna get my hopes up yet. I just keep telling myself that this is my first cycle on clomid so things are going to feel different.
Let us know how the scan goes!
Alright Girls here I go................

I AM PREGNANT!!!!!! *dances** I am overjoyed! OMG i feel like I am on cloud nine!!!

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