CD 5, 1st round clomid on days 3-7

Don't worry Lolo!! You're only 9 DPO, so its still SUPER early! Don't count yourself out yet!
Girl, you know my fool self is gonna test at 9 and 10 DPO even though I just got told by a doctor that no sperm were making it past my cervix!
Ya Lolo don't count yourself out yet, I am 5 weeks pregnant and finally first the first time this morning got a positive on a pee stick! ( haha I had to try it again to see) HAHA But this baby of mine is gonna drive me crazy already I have been up at 5-6am everymorning with nausea..... blah! I do love my mom loves for getign me a 2L jar of pickles last night! OMG heaven haha
Ya Lolo don't count yourself out yet, I am 5 weeks pregnant and finally first the first time this morning got a positive on a pee stick! ( haha I had to try it again to see) HAHA But this baby of mine is gonna drive me crazy already I have been up at 5-6am everymorning with nausea..... blah! I do love my mom loves for getign me a 2L jar of pickles last night! OMG heaven haha

I think I got it out of my system. I won't test again til at least Sunday.
Is this your first baby?
i think were all becoing pos addicts! now that im not opk testing i feel lost in the afternoon LOL silly i know! im gonna do my best to not test till at least 10 or even 12 dpo... but doubt ill make it. i called the doc today and they said no need for a second progesterone test. said my numbers were so good last month that there shouldnt be a problem. also said no problem from Ovulating so late either. So i guess ill just hope for the best. im counting today as 3 dpo. this is gonna be one LONG cycle!
Well, my husband's semen analysis came back and it was excellent: 131 million with greater than 50% motility. The mmorphology isn't back yet but she saI'd she's pretty sure it will be fine. She said it looked great, but they apparently just don't like my cervical fluid for some reason. She wasn't very happy about me not wanting to take the progesterone (I told her I wasn't taking it because I don't want her to know I am stopping it early to start early) because she said "you never know! You could still be pregnant! Never say never!" and I said "I'm just thinking it's highly unlikely" and she just laughed, which tells me she thinks the same thing. She said to stay on the same dose of clomid and call her when I start my period. She said I'll have to do an HCG trigger to bring on ovulation instead of O'ing on my own because they want "optimal conditions". I also have to be monitored by ultrasound so that they can pick the perfect time for the trigger. SO I'm starting to get kinda excited, but I know it's awhile still. And it may not work (hopefully it will!) my hubby acted today like he is probably going to be cool with it, so that makes me happy. He still says he needs to think though. Also, the dr said I won't have to do the hysteroscopy. He said the polyp is small and out of the way, so he doesn't think it will interfere at all. Fingers crossed ladies!!!
Yay I knew he'd come around :)

I've decided I'm not pregnant. I do believe I have a kidney/bladder infection though. There's just too much umcomfortableness in my bladder/uterus area. My kidney also hurts today, so I put 2and 2 together.(I've had kidney stones since I was 16 so I'm well acquainted with kidney pain)
Becky, you know those home pee sticks that tell you if you have a uti? Do you know if it would show positive for a bladder infection, or a kidney infection? Or is it strictly uti?
Hey Lolo! Sorry it took me so long to reply. We're on our way to the beach for a much needed vacation!! As far as your question goes, I believe it depends on the type of test you use. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that if the test says that it tests for leukocytes as well as the regular UTI part, then it should pick up a bladder or kidney infection as well because you'd have them in your urine for those as well. Let me know how it goes! Just make sure that even if it is negative, if you still feel that there's something wrong, you go get checked out to make sure. Remember that sometimes UTI and kidney infections can interfere with conception. If I'm not mistaken, they will usually test for UTIs throughout pregnancy because they can cause so many complications. So get checked out if you're not sure!
I took the test and it was negative. The feeling down below is completely gone. I just went to the bathroom and think I saw a spot of blood when I wiped. It was really tiny and I couldn't find anymore. Weird.

Thanks for your input, hope you have a relaxing vacay!
Eh I don't know... I feel like af is coming. Maybe early? She's not supposed to show til Tuesday.
hows it going ladies? lolo.. im keeping my fingers crossed for you that that was implantion! Becky, thats great that your husband seems to be coming around a bit. Nat, how ya feeling these past few days? hope not any worse.

As for me. i been trying to not stress bout things much. Trying to make this two weeks not seem as long as last months two weeks wait. The past two days tho and especially today its been hard to not think about it tho cause ive had alotta uncomfortable pains. Im worrying about this coming week. Ill only be 7 dpo tomorrow so i know way too early to test but i so wish it wasnt. We are gonna have some EXTREME heat this coming week and im affraid that if i am pregnant that the heat will harm the baby. Theyre calling for 117 with heat index. Where i work not only do we not have air conditioning but also its between 10-20 degrees HOTTER. My doctor has already said that once we know i am preggo that i can not work on the days where its hot like this because it can effect develepment. but what about early on before i know? Anyone know anything about this? Wish i could get outta work just in case but i know thats not hapening.
Hey Greenie - we're only a day apart again! Although I am not really having a 2ww this time since I know there's no way I am pregnant. I'm just waiting to start my period so o can start all over again:(
Greenie if you have to be in the heat try a cold pack around your neck, it should help keep your body cool. Our bodies are built to regulate heat anyways, like by sweating, but the pack will help out.
Ok girls I just read all 30 pages of this post! I just picked up my first prescription of clomid to start on cd 3. My progesterone test came back very low (.07) this month and I'm currently cd 28 with no sign of O so who know when AF will arrive. I'm really nervous about side effects, so your posts have helped me know what to expect. I have major anxiety about medicine so I probably would've been freaking out about the cramps etc. I'm also excited and I hope it works very soon for all of us!
Welcome Lenet! wow musta taken forever to read thru all 30 pages lol I too have a fear of taking meds of pretty much anykind. Just remember what youre taking the meds for , the end result will be sooo totally worth it. thats what i have done and it hasnt been too bad. I do worry bout every lil pain and side effect too but i just bear with it. im sure you already ready but most ladies suggest taking the pills at night before bed. so thatway you sleep thru some of the worst. good luck and stick around :) these ladies are great to talk to. i think just knowing i can come here and chat with them and know they are going thru alot of the same stuff as i am helps ALOT!

I got a cold pack thing for around my neck. i hope it helps. ill hafta be srue to take ib profien tho cause it wil give me a headach having it there. but if it keeps me cool then ill risk the headache. i know im a worry wart lol but well.. i just dont want to hafta say "what if" ya know...

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