Welcome Katejo! Good luck with your OPK testing. It sounds like you and 9babiesgone are going to be pretty close together as far as your cycle goes.
Lanet, it sounds promising for O. My whole lower abdomen hurt with O on my first month of clomid, so maybe that's what happened with you? Of course, you could give it a couple more days and see if you have any more clear signs of it.
Greenie, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time this week. It just doesn't seem fair sometimes, I know. I have a friend who's been trying for about 18 months or so and both her sister and sister-in-law have become pregnant by accident while she's ben trying. Things like that just really suck. Hang in there girl - it'll be you one day. Hopefully one day soon!
Lolo, how sure are you about your O day? I was just looking at your chart is the only reason why I'm asking. It looks like you didn't temp the days around when you would've O'd. Also, it looks like you only got that one + OPK, and usually O happens a day or 2 after the +, not the day of. Of course, I don't know how your body works and it may totally not work like that for you. But is it possible that you aren't quite as many days past O as you think and maybe that's why its negative still? Maybe you're only like 11 DPO instead? Either way, don't count yourself out until AF shows!
As for me, I'm now 8 dpo and no symptoms whatsoever except for cramping in my lower abdomen. My boobs have been super big and sore since December, which is when I started taking the progesterone during my LP. This month, not even tender or even slightly bigger boobs. Just normal ones. Kinda itchy, but nothing else noted.

I'm working the next 3 nights, and if we're as busy as we have been lately, hopefully the next 3 days will go by quickly. I'll be 12 dpo on Saturday (I have to work that night too) so I will probably just do what I did last month. If I still test negative at 12 dpo, I am going to go ahead and stop the progesterone so that AF will go ahead and show her ugly face within a normal time frame. Then maybe my hubby will go for the IUI and we can get this show on the road. Hopefully we won't have to go there though.