CD 5, 1st round clomid on days 3-7

When I talked to the nurse yesterday she said that after the dr goes over my results shed decide if I need to come back for a second one. Is this wrong ? At first the other nurse drawing my blood was just sending in for positive or negative. Then we got to chatting and she was like oh you're one bof dr zhangs patients....we need the quanitive test done. Ughhh..ill call and bug them first thing in the am. They bhetter not be slakers.
ok, so im a lil peeved. So excuse my venting... but i call the nurse. she says.. ohh didnt i tell you the number on tuesday? umm NO! she told me she coudlnt because the dr hadnt seen it yet. just confirmed pregnancy is all she told me. my number is 34. so seems low to me but i guess i was only 3 wks 6 days along at the time so maybe thats ok. she didnt say anything so im assuming all is well. but they didnt say anything about coming back in for a second draw. So my second issue. im pretty concerned that they are not offering me an early ultrasound. i go in at 7 wks for blood work and history, this isnt even with my dr. then at 11 weeks i go see my dr for the first time and i get to hear the heartbeat. maybe i read too much online.. but why do i have to wait sooo long for the heartbeat and why no ultrasound? The scheduling lady said i wont get an ultrasound until 20 weeks! I will deff be pushing them to get one sooner when i go in for my 7 wk apt. Everyone i know gets one sooner. I actually called my mom crying after talking to the nurse :cry: I wanna see my lil bean. so any advice on what i need to do to get one? do i need to fake pains lol or if i just plain out ask will they give in? this really upsets me.

Nat... any news back from the dr apt yesterday??
Greenie I think that since you have no history of miscarriages etc, then it's standard to wait for an ultrasound. That's the way it was with my daughter. I wouldn't worry about it but definately push for whatever you feel comfortable with:)
Greenie - from what I've read, 34 sounds good for only being 3w6d! Awesome news. :)

As for me, I'm pretty sure I'm out this month. I'm 14dpo and stark white bfn's. My 21 day bloods came back as no ovulation, but based off of my temps..I don't think I ovulated until CD18. Of course now that I'm getting bfn's and no period yet, I'm doubting whether I even ovulated or not. I went ahead and picked up my next round of clomid but I think I may just hold onto it for awhile. I got so excited over ovulating this month and was feeling so positive. I'm feeling pretty down now. I'm not sure I can keep going with trying so hard right now. My hubs and I are looking into buying a house and he has an interview for a new job so there's enough up in the air stuff in my life right now without the added stress of ttc. I never knew how stressful it could be until I actually started having a chance. :( Ok, I'm done with my pity party now!! :)
Linsey I know exactly how you feel, if this isn't my month I'm not taking clomid next month. I want to relax for awhile, it's stressing me out! Im sorry you're getting bfns:(
Yeah, I went a little crazy with testing this month! I kept thinking, one more and before I knew it I was through 3 boxes, lol. I really really really hope this is your month and you won't have to worry about another round of clomid!! I'm planning on taking a few months off and just relaxing too. The clomid will be there if/when I decide to try it again. It's a bit scary how quickly I got obsessed with ttc.
Greenie, I think 34 sounds great! I just wish they would have done the quant to ease your mind. I think it depends as far as the ultrasound goes. With my first, I didn't get one until 20 weeks. With my second, since I miscarried and they were questioning dates, I got one at 7 weeks. My current doctor's office does one on all infertility patients at 6 weeks and another at 8 if there is a history of miscarriages. But hey - fake pains if you have to and see if you can get another one! I am especially amazed they don't wanna do one since you were on clomid, which always increases the risk of multiples.

Lindsay and Lanet - :hugs:
lindsey and lanet.. i hope soo much you two get your BFPs! Just remember it took me FIVE long months so hang in there just a lil bit longer... if you can.
Becky i agree, with the risk of multiples youd think itd be better to know sooner than 20 wks. Also i checked my insurance and it covers TWO ultrasounds. one between 6-10 weeks and one between 16-22 weeks. so i see absolutly NO reasn why i shouldnt get one. im gonna try not to worry to much about it right now but in Nov when i go for my 7 wk apt i will deff tell them i want one. heck.. theyre gonna get $ for it lol youd think theyd WANT me to have one.
TY to all of you for the congrats.. i cant believe i didnt thank you all sooner lol i think i was still in shock of the great news . Also ty for making me feel better abuot the number being 34. :) i really had no idea what it should have been or what not so yas put my mind at ease a bit.
Sad news! Sorry for no update I was in the hospital.. My lil bean is ectopic and I was given the shot of mexotrexate to abort on Wednesday and then early morning on Thursday my vitals dropped and I had emergency surgery they were unable to remvoe the baby as it was not in my tube but tangled in my bowels they beleive so now I just got home after 5 days of being in the hospital i go back wednesday to get my staples out and repeat blood work i may need a second shot of the drug as my HCG went up again today. and she told me if the drug doenst work i have to have a second surgery. I am crushed. Today she told me they saw the heartbeat so it kills me to have to kill my baby :( I am having a really hard time.... aand in so much pain. I just want to have my baby :( sorry to bring this sad news.
Aww... Nat - I AM SO SORRY!!!! I know there are no words to even describe how you're feeling right now. I wish I could help you in some way, but I know I can't so just know that I'm praying for you. :hugs: Please let us know how everything goes so we don't worry about you!!
Well HUGE NEWS UPDATE!!!!! They did my follow up ultrasound today to see what was going on and we got the shock of our lives! We are pregnant ( in the uterus) with wait for it.... drum roll...... TWINS!!!!!!! It's a miracle!!! How this happned we have no idea but god is looking over us we are not 100 % in the clear but lets hope for the best!! I am still in shock
Omg! I just read all the updates and was prepared to say I'm sorry nat but instead I get to say a huge congrats!!! I hope everything goes smoothly, I'm so happy for all of you!
OMG nat!!!!! congrats!!!! thats soo incredible!!!! soo soo happy for you! TwINS! fFirst Becky and now you!!!! i just told bf lol he said BUT NOT US right! lol ummm we dont know that yet. find out if i can convince them of that early ultrasound. But again.... OMG!!!!
Wow Nat! But WTF? Whoever you went to see before almost made a REALLY BIG MISTAKE!!! How in the WORLD do they make that kind of mistake? And you are really lucky they didn't work after all! Congratulations!
well it may have its the waiting game now... we can only pray is didnt... i had blood wor done today just waiting to hear back
Hello Ladies. Hows everyone doing? Nat? any news back yet? Imkeeping my fingers toes and everything else i can cross crossed for you.
As for me, im feeling pretty good :) cant really complain much. I was super busy at work the other night and even tho the nurse told me i could do anythign i was used to i was worried all night i was gonna over due it. I tried to take it as easy as much as i could and was completly exhausted when i got home. i think i may have had my first dose of nausea last night. BF was cooking something in the oven and ughhhh i felt so sick i couldnt even eat. other than that not feeling too bad tho.. knock on wood lol
Well my HCG levlels arent doubling but they keep going up a little bit. My doctor told me today that really at this point only the ultrasoujd nd maybe a CGT Scan will show us what is going on. Ultrasound is tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see what's going on. I am feeling ok.... Nausious ALLL the time. Doctor gave me diclectin to help with that. The hardest thing right now is waiting!!!!! I will keep you all up to date!
Nat - how did the ultrasound go???

Lanet, Greenie, Lindsay - how goes it ladies?

I am officially off of my progesterone for a week now and still so far so good! 15 week check-up is next Thursday and my 16 week ultrasound is November 17!!! We'll find out what we're having then too.
Becky im sooo happy for you. As for me I had to abort :( the drug they gave me for the ectopic stopped my twins for developping. I took the med to abort yesterday it was awful it put me into labor and the pain was awful. I am having a very hard time dealing with all of this. I was so excited :( So right now I am taking it one day at a time and we will see how things go from here.


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