down regging meds are the first of a few medications I'll need to take. What the DR meds do is shut down my ovaries so I don't produce any follies and risk early ovulation/ovulation which could mess with my lining and hormones and thus the transfer. The next set of meds I'll start is the esterase, it's the medication that thickens my lining once my ovaries are "quiet" they thicken till it's good enough to support an implanting embryo, then I start progesterone suppositories which help sustain the lining then I have transfer! There is a lot less to A FET then a fresh cycle.
Many all sounds good! I hope the sac has grown accordingly, please let us know.
SOrry Klemon but hey I've gained a possible pregnancy buddy closer in dates to mine so I'll take ya with open arms. You'd be testing 2 weeks before me but thats still close.
Kat I do a test every 7 days till something happens.
My body feels all out of whack cause my period should have come the other day but the bcp's are stopping it so I feel like I would have her, i.e. backache etc but no bleeding. It's odd.
It's my and DH's 9th year since we started dating today, where has the time gone.
Many, what part of my journal were you reading? There have been lots of heartbreaking things in there.