Gosh how was the psych Eval? That sounds scary!! Presume they are just checking your up to all the stress of it??
kat, i normally thought i would ov a day after first strong test. I do find all the worry over if its a line or not difficult, so I switched to the digital OPKs. They do a smiley face when you are good to go, and I normally get two days of smilies (they are in 20 packs on amazon for about 20 quid, so they are quite expensive). Get going with the last of your smepping!!
Have a lovely time Manny!!! Thats long bank hols -think I need to relocate!!
I caved and did FRER today -BFN.

I def ovulated from opts, symptoms and chart. I had a 3 day dip from day 6, and was hoping it was implantation, but think AFs coming. got my usual signs

I bought an ovulator predictor thing today on a mad spur of the moment. its meant to show up 6 days before you ov, so you can BD everyday leading up. DH is gonna go MAD!!! It was super expensive!!!! Cant believe how much I'm spending-each month i get my sticks-opks/preggars and i have to them every day!!, preseed, cough syrup, vitamins for me and him, infertility books....im actually going BONKERS!!!! Does anyone else do this or am i actually mad??