Hi everyone - just caught up with things. Kelly i really hope its nothing to worry about, agree with the other girls it all sounds like it will be ok, but totally understand you freaking out.
manny what dpi are u now? we must be very close. I'm 6 i think although my ticker says otherwise. i've got some tests in ready but not made any plans for testing just gonna wait it out and see when i cave! what about you?
not been on much lately, i know this sounds horrible with what everyones been through but its so difficult to see everyone else get pregnant. i just don't seem to be able to despite everything i try. this is the last month i could be pregnant before my last due date sand its so depressing. and now with the colposcopy, thats probably going to delay things. and because of the time i had off work i had to go to an appraisal meeting yesterday, which was fine but had to go through it all again with strangers, and it means my training for my job is delayed. and i broke down on the way to the meeting and was stuck with no reception. it just feels like everything is going wrong at the moment, its hard to be positive anymore. oh and some friends who drink and smoke loads and are a lot older are just pregnant. gutted.