Hi all!! Hope everyine had a gd weekend! I'm just back from a run- the first for many months, I stopped the gym cos I thought maybe it was making ttc worse! But feel better for the run, although I did nearly die!!
Off for my amh tomo, I have. Found a lovely lovely private fs, not as expensive as the london prices but still good success rates and she reckons ivf is more cost effetive in the long run, so new plan is to go for ivf if no bfp by the time I'm 30!! Which is march!!
Bfn today and no signs of preg, and next month lap is at 7dpo so no point in really ttc, so a month off will be nice!!
Then its christmas so busying myself until jan with other things! Have bought the puppy 10 chrsitmas pressies already!!
I've lost track, when are u all due?? X