Oh no! Our thread dropped onto page 2. Thats a first....
Kelly - so pleased that your last scan revealed that all is ok. I've never really thought about how the whole "odds" thing works with downs. Its all quite scary and DH and I were saying over the weekend that we need to think long and hard about what we would do in each situation if it arose. I'm very anti having an amnio as I have heard some horror stories about people who have miscarried after them.
RE the doppler, I have an angel sounds one which doesn't have a wand that you can easily maneuver. However, I did manage to find the little heartbeat on Saturday morning and was over the moon with excitement. I've put the doppler away now as I am going to try only use it once a week. Got a real scan tomorrow anyway. I've been a bit cramp this morning but hoping thats "normal".
I hope you are all well.
Cath - are you back to TTC again now?
Lemon - any news on the lap yet or any decisions made RE IVF?