CD1!! anyone want to buddy up :)

Well we got the crib today :) It has to stay in the box till we move though.

We will be in the new house but may not have our personal items from the movers by then. I'm hoping they'll come pick it up early december so we at least have a shot of having our belongings there for when we arrive. Fingers crossed.
Hi Ladies - all good this side. Just had a busy weekend so haven't been online much. We're off for a mini vacation this week to the beach for 4 days - can't wait!!

Morning sickness seemed to come to an end over the weekend and for the first time in ages I seem to have a little more energy. Its been great. The doppler has been a life-saver because if I didn't have it, I would be queuing at the doctors office as we speak but have been doing regular checks and little heart is beating away. One week tomorrow until my big scan and then we can let the cat out the bag. So excited as I haven't made it this far before. I'm very uncomfortable at night though (I think from the progesterone pills still) and battling to sleep. But the pills stop on thursday so hoping I will feel better then.

Hope you are all well.
Kat - I can't believe your a squash now. Thats huge!
And Kelly, I would love to be in your snow now. I LOOVVVEEE the snow! Good luck with packing up. Moving definitely is one of life's biggest stresses. Where are you off to again?
Lemon, hope you are recovering well from your op. Have they given you any feedback? My best friend here in SA goes for hers today so I'm going to pop by later and see how she is doing.
Cath - whats happening with you?

TGIM- not!!!
are you moving far kelly?
Ah manny am glad things are going well, i hear you with the sleeping,i havent slept for months, have given up trying now haha.. i still have a tiny bump but she feels huge when moving it really hurts :D shes a right wriggler xx
I'm moving to the Northwest territories so quiet north where there is a ton of snow and it gets to -45 degree on a regular basis. Ugh. Good thing is we don't do the packing, the movers do that :) They also help unpack and set up our furniture and such if there is anything to assemble.

Kat post a pic of your bump!

Manny thats so exciting! I was wondering if you'd made it past your other losses, so happy to hear you have and that the doppler is saving your sanity. It's saved mine a few times. My little girl is currently turned inward (I think) I feel her but it's a muffled feeling on the left side and very top of my bump unlike before when it was lower and I could feel every jab. I'm just happy she's moving lots. I also don't have that big of a bump but it is growing everyday so may not be able to say that for long.
Hello ladies!!!! Glad to see everyone is doing really well! am disappointed there is no bump pics, but hoping for tiny baby pics soon!!:happydance:

Ive been popping in, but have been crazy busy with fertility stuff! Manny I see you are 12/40 now!! Are you telling everyone??

So I had the lap- all normal, and actually wasn't too uncomfortable after a few days! Got AF straight after but was nice as we had one token BD thats it so quite pleasant having not to poas!
Saw my private FS 2/7 ago and have decided to put off my exam, and concentrate in this so current plan is to have endometrial scratch next cycle which can improve chances and then start stimming beginning of Jan!!! so excited! They have to take it quite easy with me as apparently I have super ovaries, that make lots of follys and my ovarian reserve test was on the higher side of normal so I'm going to have gentle stimming regime so i don get too sick.
Kelly- really wanted your advice on it all pls hun! Having a massive dilemma re having one or 2 put back in- the clinic recommends one cos of my age and I'm healthy etc, but I kind of feel like 2 will improve met chances, but then twins is pretty risky and i really don't want another loss.what did you have? Also with your FET how may embies did you freeze?
lots of love to you all, will try and come on here more now all my tests are done! xx
Lemon I'm so excited for you! Its really all happening!!! I'm no expert but if I were you, I think I would put two back in. If you are young and healthy, then I'm sure you will cope just fine with twins. Maybe its just because I LOVE the idea of having twins.

I think you're doing the right thing by doing it all now and you can still do your exams - what are you studying again? I have absolutely EVERYTHING crossed for you. Yippeeee!

Kelly if I win the lottery, I will come and visit you in the snow. I'm sure I've said before that DH really wants to go to Canada. He's been before and absolutely loved it. Although as much as I love snow, not sure I could handle it for long periods of time.

Kat - show us your little bump!!!

I feel like I've already got a great big bump although I think its largely bloat still. Today is the last day of progesterone so hopefully the bloat will ease after that. Still feeling quite poorly in the evenings but it is improving. My big scan is on Tuesday morning and it can't come soon enough. We are off on holiday today to the beach for a friends wedding. We are staying with all of our close friends so I might have to spill the beans to them as I don't think I will get away with no wine and no explanation all weekend.

Take care ladies and have a great weekend!
Manny I'll take you in as a visitor anyday :)

Klemon: I did 2 embies for my first ICSI but only at day 3 (slightly weaker embryo) one took, then we lost her, then I did 2 more day 3 embies with my frozen cycle as odds on a frozen cycle are lower, none took, with the second ICSI cycle we went to a day 5 embryo, a blast which is a much stronger embie so we only put 1 back and she took and now I'm 21/40! At first I thought twins would be nice cause I'd be done having kids but now that I am pregnant with just 1 I am very happy and relieved I only put the 1 back. I couldn't imagine carrying twins. It's a personal decision, my clinic highly recommended I put 1 back at day 5 because I am 100% healthy and young at 27 (by the time we did the second cycle) and our only issue is male factor. With my first cycle I ended up getting OHSS very badly and was hospitalized it was no fun (but thats all in regard to the stimming). WIth the first icsi we froze 8 embies at day 3 and with the second ICSI we froze 3 at day 5 but with my second cycle I only got 6 mature follies cause they lowered my stimming dose so I wouldn't get sick again where as with my first cycle where I got sick I got 16 mature follies. My second cycle I did not get sick and recovered pretty fast, health wise it was much better!

Hope that wasn't to confusing for you!
brilliant klemon, am glad you're ok and things are looking positive you sound alot happier :) gosh i wouldnt know where to start with the twin thing! what does hubby think?

manny woohoo 12 weeks :) hope you have fun at the wedding, and hope scan goes well tues, i have my growth scan weds

i hate moving house its good the movers help you though,must make things easier!
i will get a bump pic up haha and ill put one up of the nursery when its done(nearly!) its nothing like what i said at first haha.
this ones a right wriggler and its really painful so i think what bump i have must be all baby, sometimes my whole belly just does like a shake for a few seconds i have noidea what shes doing!!!xxx
Mine does weird things to where my belly goes all over the place. She likes to kick my hips which is super painful!
Oh dear... page 2 again girls. We are slacking!

Just been for my 13 week scan and all is looking good. The NT fold was only 1.5mm and nasal bone was very clear so although I'm still waiting for my blood test results, the gynae said that its very unlikely I will be at risk for downs or chromosomal abnormalities. Were chuffed with the results. Unfortunately the pictures weren't great this time around so I don't think I can get any gender predictions based on the nub theory but hopefully we get some nice pics next scan which will be 20 December. Too excited to do any work!!

yey glad all looks good :)
i went in for monitoring sun cause babys pattern had changed then they wanted me reviewed cause heartrate was abit all over the place but all ok and baby is back being a wrigglebum now :) xx
Kat that must have been a bit scary. Glad it's all back to wriggly normality. Do they know why it happened? Fingers crossed it's plain sailing from now. Only 52 days!!
Glad all is well Kat and Manny!!!!

My bedding finally came in, so to celebrate I"ll post today's 22 week bump pic. Excuse my bed head.


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Kelly - such a neat little bump! I swear mine is bigger than that and I'm 10 weeks behind you...although a lot of mine is still bloat.

Here is the best picture from yesterday - still not that great. Anyone want to hazard a guess on gender?


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ahhhhh cute pics girls :) kelly your so skinny :D i didnt have much of a bump at 20weeks though either, i will try get one on later!! they didnt say anything reallybut had final scan today and she looks fab, head down and weighs about 4lbs15oz hehe.
manny im guessing boy,just a guess :D xx
I'm thinkIng boy too and it completely freaks me out. I'm a real girly girl and from a family of just girls. Don't know what I will do with a boy!! But so long as it's healthy, I will be happy either way.

Glad little one is doing good again. X
I wanted to say boy to! But at the same time how cool would it be to all have girls? I'll say boy but secretly hope it's a girl. And don't worry I'm girly as well and love my son to pieces and am so glad I had him first.

Kat I want to see your belly!

klemon whats going on? Any more news on IVF or do you have an official date yet?
im scared of having a girl!! boys are such mummys boys too :) will you find out??
Ha im just crap at putting pics up and not got proper comp at the moment but will try!!xx
ahhhh Kelly - tiny little bump! i love it!!
and manny- what a picture! I'm going to say boy too, don't know why though, just a feeling!

yep i have a date- i call up next AF and that gets ball rolling, on day 19-25 of that cycle i go in for an endometrial scratch which basically improves chances, then day 1 of the next cycle i start injections (basically 2nd jan).... am VERY excited!! day 13 today so got a double whammy 2ww, counting down the days to call and still hoping every month for a natural bfp -it was this month last yr i got my bfp so who knows!!

my 2 best friends are ttc at the mo so thats really hard for me, and a girl at work is preggars 12/40 with twins from ivf- i want to be her!!!

kelly, how did u feel nearing egg collection? what looks like will be a few days before we have fix to a show in london -am expecting not to go, but will be a shame as dh got if for me for our anniversary... xx

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