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CD1!! anyone want to buddy up :)

It's hard not to get excited isn't it?! Well hopefully next month we'll both have some good news, and if not there is always the next one lol.I promised Dh it wouln't take over, but i've a feeling it will. xxx
I hope we get more good news from you 2 ladies :)
How are them bumps doing? And klemon, hope you are feeling well?
Ha thanks i think shes soooo cute, ive had the odd smile but she likes frowning better lol xx
I'm just tired and grumpy and uncomfortable but still happy to be feeling baby girl inside. A few more weeks and ill be pleading with her to come out!

Cath I hope you get a nice surprise!

My pols usually went from faint to light line to positive I could usually see a progression.
Any news Cath? Have you tested? Still feeling out of sorts? Hoping for a valentines BFP for you! x
Hey Manny :-D Yep tested BFN, im not feeling down though im feeling really happy for some reason? Yep still feeling out of sorts, yesterday felt really nausea in the PM and again today in the AM but i do think its more nerves than anything! how are you hun? xxx
I'm not going to lose hope for this cycle just yet. Your symptoms do sound really promising! And yay for being happy! Thats great!!

All fine this side. I managed to get my pram and car seat back from the UK - it was a mission!!! But at least feeling slightly more prepared now.

Hi everyone else. Hope you're well?
Normally I would give up too hun but i dont feel ready to just yet lol! Just had lunch and im having weird stomach cramps and feel really sick again so i think ill test in a while.

Oohhhh exciting!! Have you got most of the stuff ready yet? xxx
Which stroller did you go with?

Cath ill keep my hopes up for you to!
Definitely don't give up hope Cath. For my second pregnancy I only got my BFP at 16dpo. There is still a great chance!

Kelly - we went for the bugaboo chameleon - not sure if it is just a UK brand or if you get them in Canada too? It is great for multi-terrain and we spend most weekends out in the country so thought it would be a good choice. For car seat we went with maxi-cosi. Have you got everything ready?
fingers crossed for you cath :) I got Izzy weighed today she is 10lbs 15 :) shes smiling lots now too! I want another hehehe xxx
We get that stroller out here its very nice. I have the same car seat as you to. I have the baby jogger city select double stroller it's great on rough terrain as well.

I'm pretty much all set I need one more thing or two but won't get it till I'm in NS. I'm just waiting on a wall decal I ordered for the nursery and the baby's name letters for the wall but those won't come in till after I leave so they'll go up when I get home with baby girl. I've been miserable the last little while though. My joints are very sore in the mornings I can barely move my fingers they're so stiff and sore and walking hurts so much. Really hoping she comes early or that the docs will strip my membranes early to get her out sooner. I haven't slept in months. Fun stuff. Plush hemoglobin is quiet low and my fundal height hasn't grown in a month. I see a specialist back home at 36 weeks.

Kat then have another!
sean said im not allowed haha, I don't think could go through the stress again! bless you its no fun not sleeping, they might induce you, do you have any growth scans x
Fingers crossed for you cath..the symptoms sound good. Am so happy, got a very dark (darker than control) pos opk just now cd14 so thye vitex must have helped a bit as I normaly O on cd 21 yeayyyyy. Hadn't been testing this last few days as they were driving me up the wall, but just got a feeling! Lets hope DH does his bit lol. xxx
I don't know if they'll scan me again, they might since I'm seeing a new doc for my 36 week apt due to being in a different province. I hope they do to be honest. I have a few issues such as low hemoglobin, my already increased risk for bleeding heavily and numbness plus heart palpitations, though I don't want to be induced, just want membranes stripped. The furthest I'd go with an induction is the cervidil but I want a natural labour so don't want pitocin or anything like that. Hopefully I'll know more at my 36 week apt.

I fly out tomorrow and start my 2 day trip back to NS so if I'm not around thats why.
Good luck Kelly. Keep us posted on how you get on. I'm surprised they letting you fly. Most airlines here stop you at 35 weeks which is why I will sadly be missing my SILs wedding end of April. Where will baby be born? In NS?
Here you can't fly past 36 weeks but I'll be 35 weeks exactly the day of my last flights.

I'll keep you guys updated for sure. Next apt is at 36 weeks, hopefully I meet my new OB, the apt is at maternal fetal medicine so I'm not sure if the OB will be there or I'll just see a generic one that works the clinic, every province does it differently. I need to see an OB though because I need my GBS swab done and I'm going to beg for a membrane swab at my 37 week apt.
Kat!! You need to change your title now hun!!! Your no longer cautiously preg!! You have a baby :-D

Kelly and Manny i hope your well!

Mamofthree I hope your've caught that egg!!

well 16dpo AF was due on Sat and BFN - not happy xxx
Cath hooray that AF hasn't shown up yet. Hoping you get that BFP asap. Are you using FMU and FRERs? Keep testing. The wait must be getting very annoying for you but fingers crossed that second line appears in the next couple of days!
Just using IC's and superdrug tests hun, I think we missed Ov though as we only done it on CD13 & 15 thinking i Ov on CD14 and CD23 :-( HMPH Fed up! xxx

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