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CD1!! anyone want to buddy up :)

If it was CD14, there is still a good chance. If it was CD23, you might have to wait a little longer for testing. Although CD23 sounds quite late for OV. Is your cycle length back to normal?
It was - thats the most frustrating thing!! It took 10 months to get back to normal :-( I think the stress of my grandfather dying has delayed it cause he died on Jan 22nd and Ov was scheduled for Feb 1st :-( xxx
Sorry hun. I know stress can throw things out a bit. Still hoping that you might be lucky and just have a shy bfp on board. Keep us posted. x
Thanks hun, i will, gonna try and forget about it but its hard not to wonder every bloody day xxx
I used to Ov as late as that Cath, and didn't test pos until quite late. (Mine was around 21 days) It didn't seem to cause any probs with the four I have. The wait is just agonising isn't it.Fingers crossed for you...I know lots of women who don't have a pos hpt until week 6.I'm dreading the next two weeks. DH had been having a few uhh hrrmm 'problems' due to the stress I'm apparently put him under so lets just hope we've done enough! :( xxx
Problem is though we have only dtd like once after ov :-( Just called the Drs now, got an apt on Friday ,i m going to see if she will refer me to a fertility specialist and i want a HSG done, after an ectopic a HSG works wonders,,,,really feeling down today xxx

Just remember hun, it only takes the once to get that egg so iv got everything x for you hun!! xxx
Hi ladies. Have had a terrible afternoon. I had a massive bleed and have been admitted to hospital. Baby is fine and kicking away, placenta is attached and cervix is closed so they don't know where the blood came from. Going to be here for a few days and then on bed rest for a while. They will start me on steroids at 27 weeks as there is a good chance baby will come early. Just hoping not too early. Will keep you all posted. X
oh hun!! :hugs: !!!! Atleas baby is fine and happily kicking away and your in the best place hun! i bet your sooooo worried but im sure everything will be fine lovely xxxxxx
Many I hope all is well. It could have been a subchorionic bleed and if you bled enough it wouldn't be detectable on a scan as it bled its self dry. Hopefully that's all it was and you'll be in the clear till the end of your pregnancy!

Cath waiting sucks I hope you get an answer soon.
Oh Manny! How stressful for you! i hope you are feeling well in yourself, and it's fantastic there are no probs with placenta&cervix is still closed. Hold on little baby xxx
Hi everyone. Just popping in to say hi. Still in hospital but hoping to go home today. Bleeding has stopped and all seems fine for now. I had my Anti-D shots yesterday and 4 steroids shots today to help develop LO's lungs incase he/she shows up early, so I have two very sore bum cheeks LOL.

Hope you are all well?

Lemon, isn't your appointment this week? Can't wait to hear how it goes.
Cath good luck for friday.
Kelly hope the trip is going well?
Mamaofthree - please remind me where you are in your cycle?
Kat - hope LO is doing good.

How are you feeling tho hun? Do you feel ok to go home? Oohbhh bless ya haha have a nice warm bath later to sooth those cheeks lol xxx
Awwww Manny, fingers crossed you get home soon! Do have support at home so you can take it easy? I am currently at cd 19. I had a LH surge on sat evening(cd 15) but didn't test the day before as was away so figured it would stress me if I got a pos...I have a feeling it was and I caught the peak on sat. Anyhow, DH has been feeling the pressure so we dtd on the wednesday(three days before the peak of surge) then on the sat and sunday...now he's on nights so that'll have to do! On those days he had a few problems (blush) but it was still just about able to happen, do you think it will make a difference if the sperm couldn't get as close to the cervix. I'm so sorry if tmi ladies. Also will us only have dtd twice over the 'surge' time affect our chances do you think? Defo not fertile now though...xxxx
Mamaofthree, all you need is one little strong swimmer from one of those times and you're sorted. I think you have a great chance so stay positive. When are you going to test? I was using pre seed for pregnancy 2 and 3 and think it really helps. If you don't already use it, maybe you should give it a try. It apparently keeps the little sperm alive for longer and helps them swim.

I'm back at home now on bed rest and already bored out of my mind! Going back tomorrow for another scan so we'll know more then. Have sadly cancelled our two pre-baby mini-breaks and all our other plans over the next few weeks so going to be even more bored - but all for a good cause.

Have a great day ladies. X
Glad to hear you are home! I bet you are bored, if your anything like me I can't let other ppl take over either. Hope scan goes well Tomorrow! I may try that next cycle, thanks for the advise. I feel so selfish wanting another baby =( the baby i mc in Sept wasn't planned, and just as i started to get excited as my 12week scan was in a few days...he/she was gone. Having a down day today..think its these pesky hormones! Anyone have breast pain in liteal phase? Xxxxx
Awwww Manny sorry you had to cancel your breaks away hun :-( Glad your home now and resting up, try and do as little as possible!!

Mamofthree, i have been this cycle, just on and off stabbing pains and now my left boob hurts if i poke it around the side lol xxx
I hope so hun! Fed up of waiting now!! CD34 and 20DPO and NOTHING!! Arrghhhhhhhh!! you feeling better at home? xxx
Many glad you are home!

Cath how annoying! I hope you get an answer soon.

I'm home now but don't have Internet all the time. Next apt is 36 weeks so on Tuesday.
Hi all, its all over for me again. HCG is dropping down and sould start bleeding today/tomo.
I could tell on monday, all my symptoms vanished it was just like last time.
So Im back TTC again, wile nursing a major 2 bottle of wine hangover!

Have sent off my detials to ARGC in london- as the best success rates in UK, which obv means its the most expensive. Am selling my car, wedding dress, rings..maybe even the dog:cry:

Best of luck to you all with the bubbas xxx

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