Awwww Manny, fingers crossed you get home soon! Do have support at home so you can take it easy? I am currently at cd 19. I had a LH surge on sat evening(cd 15) but didn't test the day before as was away so figured it would stress me if I got a pos...I have a feeling it was and I caught the peak on sat. Anyhow, DH has been feeling the pressure so we dtd on the wednesday(three days before the peak of surge) then on the sat and he's on nights so that'll have to do! On those days he had a few problems (blush) but it was still just about able to happen, do you think it will make a difference if the sperm couldn't get as close to the cervix. I'm so sorry if tmi ladies. Also will us only have dtd twice over the 'surge' time affect our chances do you think? Defo not fertile now though...xxxx