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CD1 August 31 anyone?

Hi there, Mind if I join too? I'm CD1 on the 2nd. :witch: is finally on her way out (hopefully for a lot longer than a month!).

:dust: to all
Hello Cyclebuddies!:happydance:

Hello Sarah..nice to see you here...

I am CD5 so nothing much to report....AF on her way out! yippeeee!

My poor car had to go to garage so....and it will cost me £110 to get it fixed....arrggghh...there goes my mini-break I had planned for my tww...:cry:
anyway...I need the car everyday...so I am glad it will be fixed...

how is everyone?
hello everyone - welcome Sarah... nothing much to report except :witch: has left the building - hopefully for another 9 months!! Good luck everyone.. roll on O!!!:hug:
yes...let's all get pregnant this month! good luck everybody!
Hello Ladies!!! My CD1 was August 30, so I am just a day ahead, but I would love to join your clan and have buddies for this cycle!! Witch left the building yesterday and I have officially boarded up the room so she has no where to come next month.. :happydance: Left the games begin!!!! :headspin:
right girls - I want to see all of our :bfp:s this month!!! I have put in a special request with the baby fairy:dust::dust:. No more :af:allowed!!!!:hug:
Hello Ladies!!! My CD1 was August 30, so I am just a day ahead, but I would love to join your clan and have buddies for this cycle!! Witch left the building yesterday and I have officially boarded up the room so she has no where to come next month.. :happydance: Left the games begin!!!! :headspin:

Hi Tiffers - welcome!!! This is the good luck :bfp: cycle buddy thread - like I said - we WILL get our :bfp:s we will!!!:hug:
yes!...I so agree!!! :dust::dust::dust: fairydust for all of us!

Hekate - been reading some of your threads and yours is a very interesting story - I really wish you all the success with your :bfp:!! So how do you inseminate - with a syringe?? Just so intrigued.... tell us more :hug:
May be a good idea if we all do a little introduction... since we are all cycle buds now..

I am 33 and DH is 31... we have been TTC since March and no :bfp: yet.. did a home spermie test on DH and came back low concentration so we are taking some steps -

1. DH is coming off antidepressants as they can apparently cause low sperm count.
2. He is now taking Fertilaid natural supplement for spermies
3. we will BD every other day around O day to give spermies more of a chance

I have gynae appointement booked for 28 Oct so if no :bfp: will do proper tests...

So this is the 1st month trying this new method so lets see...

Great idea Tanya!! I hope that all increases your chances and you get your :bfp: You deserve it! I was thinking about booking an appointment also if I did not get my :bfp: soon to see if there was anything happening.. :confused:

My name is Tiffany, I live in California and I am 22 and DH is 23. We have been married for 3 years and we have actually been together since I was 15, so we would love to add another little one to our clan! :happydance: We did get pregnant in January, but sadly we miscarried that same month. This is going to be our 9th cycle :shocked: but I just KNOW this is my month!!! I know this is going to be the lucky month for this clan!! :happydance:
Great idea Tanya!! I hope that all increases your chances and you get your :bfp: You deserve it! I was thinking about booking an appointment also if I did not get my :bfp: soon to see if there was anything happening.. :confused:

My name is Tiffany, I live in California and I am 22 and DH is 23. We have been married for 3 years and we have actually been together since I was 15, so we would love to add another little one to our clan! :happydance: We did get pregnant in January, but sadly we miscarried that same month. This is going to be our 9th cycle :shocked: but I just KNOW this is my month!!! I know this is going to be the lucky month for this clan!! :happydance:

good luck hun!:hug:
I am glad you are feeling positive Tanya and are able to actually do something towards conceiving.....I think it is one of the hardest things about ttc...that you seem to be unable to do much towards it (except for the timing)....
I hope you will be successful this month!:dust:

I am 31 and have been planning to ttc for a long time....I am in a same-sex relationship so had to find "spermies" elsewhere :rofl::rofl::rofl:

There were many decisions to make, like should we or do we want to go through a clinic or have a private donor? do we want the donor to be known or unknown? do we want to co-parent? what criteria should the donor fulfill if anything other then healthy? what are the legal implications?

but the hardest part seemed to be finding a suitable donor....that was before I started ttc:rofl:
this will be my 3rd cycle ttc....
and tanya - yes I am using a syringe - not a turkey baster:rofl::rofl::rofl:
howz my soon to be preggy ladies??? Nothing much to report on my side.. Bdathon will start on Friday night... get ready eggie and spermies!!! Yeehah!!:hug:
CD1 was 31st August for me too so hoping I can join in. I am on 2nd cycle of clomid and due to go for a scan on 13th Sept to see if there are any lovely eggs!!
Really hoping that this month is the month!! You all seem so positive so I wanted to join in with you all. Here's to us and hoping that we all get our :bfp:

:dust: :dust: :dust:
welcome everhopeful...what a nice name! I like it a lot!

I am hugging you all! :hugs:
Hi girls - just wanted to pop in and say hi and hope u are all well and getting ready to catch eggie!!! Welcome everhopeful... let this be your month too! Will try and get a BD session in tonight... let the games begin!!!:hug:
Hi Everyone,

Thank you for welcoming me! Going to start the bd tonight!! how is everyone else doing?

Stay positive - this is our turn!!


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