CD1 Sept. 30th???? AF surprise anyone else today??


TTC#1 - Praying for a BFP
Sep 29, 2008
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The Evil, Evil :witch: has come early again this month and the hopeful spotting quickly turned into full-fledged Flow, quickly dashing my hopes for the month. I am so deppressed now and I just hope that there are others out there too who are starting off like me. I hope that October will be our month! I am ready for this, so who's with me? Bring on those BFP's!!!:bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::hug:
I'm with you
silly cow showed up last night :cry:
But feeling very positive about this month
we will get our :bfp:

Good luck for this month hun x x
Hi there I got my AF on 29 Sep a week early, but I'd had a mc 3 weeks before so that's probably got something to do with it.

I use the Clearblue Fertility monitor and am still waiting for High to appear - was expecting it to this morning but it didn't so hopefully it will do soon.

Have got a feeling I'm going to have a long cycle this time!

good luck

The Evil, Evil :witch: has come early again this month and the hopeful spotting quickly turned into full-fledged Flow, quickly dashing my hopes for the month. I am so deppressed now and I just hope that there are others out there too who are starting off like me. I hope that October will be our month! I am ready for this, so who's with me? Bring on those BFP's!!!:bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::hug:

me, my cd1 was 30th sept, how are you getting on this month xx

The Evil, Evil :witch: has come early again this month and the hopeful spotting quickly turned into full-fledged Flow, quickly dashing my hopes for the month. I am so deppressed now and I just hope that there are others out there too who are starting off like me. I hope that October will be our month! I am ready for this, so who's with me? Bring on those BFP's!!!:bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::hug:

me, my cd1 was 30th sept, how are you getting on this month xx

Wow, sorry it took me so long to reply ladies, I've been out of the loop for awhile here. Honestly I got really bummed out and discouraged so I took a break from the site. I definitely don't think this is my month as I hav not had even ONE symptom this month and I normally have tons! I don't know what's going on. -- How are you holding out?

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